14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 21.191
(2) The aircraft is eligible for an air-
worthiness certificate, flight author-
ization, or other similar certification
in its country of manufacture.
[Amdt. 21–85, 69 FR 44862, July 27, 2004]
§ 21.191
Experimental certificates.
Experimental certificates are issued
for the following purposes:
Research and development. Testing
new aircraft design concepts, new air-
craft equipment, new aircraft installa-
tions, new aircraft operating tech-
niques, or new uses for aircraft.
Showing compliance with regula-
tions. Conducting flight tests and other
operations to show compliance with
the airworthiness regulations including
flights to show compliance for issuance
of type and supplemental type certifi-
cates, flights to substantiate major de-
sign changes, and flights to show com-
pliance with the function and reli-
ability requirements of the regula-
Crew training. Training of the ap-
plicant’s flight crews.
Exhibition. Exhibiting the air-
craft’s flight capabilities, performance,
or unusual characteristics at air shows,
motion picture, television, and similar
productions, and the maintenance of
exhibition flight proficiency, including
(for persons exhibiting aircraft) flying
to and from such air shows and produc-
Air racing. Participating in air
races, including (for such participants)
practicing for such air races and flying
to and from racing events.
Market surveys. Use of aircraft for
purposes of conducting market sur-
veys, sales demonstrations, and cus-
tomer crew training only as provided
in § 21.195.
Operating amateur-built aircraft.
Operating an aircraft the major por-
tion of which has been fabricated and
assembled by persons who undertook
the construction project solely for
their own education or recreation.
Operating primary kit-built aircraft.
Operating a primary category aircraft
that meets the criteria of § 21.24(a)(1)
that was assembled by a person from a
kit manufactured by the holder of a
production certificate for that kit,
without the supervision and quality
control of the production certificate
holder under § 21.184(a).
Operating light-sport aircraft. Oper-
ating a light-sport aircraft that—
(1) Has not been issued a U.S. or for-
eign airworthiness certificate and does
not meet the provisions of § 103.1 of this
chapter. An experimental certificate
will not be issued under this paragraph
for these aircraft after January 31,
(2) Has been assembled—
(i) From an aircraft kit for which the
applicant can provide the information
required by § 21.193(e); and
(ii) In accordance with manufactur-
er’s assembly instructions that meet
an applicable consensus standard; or
(3) Has been previously issued a spe-
cial airworthiness certificate in the
light-sport category under § 21.190.
[Amdt. 21–21, 38 FR 6858, May 7, 1968, as
amended by Amdt. 21–57, 49 FR 39651, Oct. 9,
1984; Amdt. 21–70, 57 FR 41369, Sept. 9, 1992;
Amdt. 21–85, 69 FR 44862, July 27, 2004; Amdt.
21–85, 69 FR 53336, Sept. 1, 2004]
§ 21.193
Experimental certificates: gen-
An applicant for an experimental cer-
tificate must submit the following in-
(a) A statement, in a form and man-
ner prescribed by the FAA setting
forth the purpose for which the aircraft
is to be used.
(b) Enough data (such as photo-
graphs) to identify the aircraft.
(c) Upon inspection of the aircraft,
any pertinent information found nec-
essary by the FAA to safeguard the
general public.
(d) In the case of an aircraft to be
used for experimental purposes—
(1) The purpose of the experiment;
(2) The estimated time or number of
flights required for the experiment;
(3) The areas over which the experi-
ment will be conducted; and
(4) Except for aircraft converted from
a previously certificated type without
appreciable change in the external con-
figuration, three-view drawings or
three-view dimensioned photographs of
the aircraft.
(e) In the case of a light-sport air-
craft assembled from a kit to be cer-
tificated in accordance with
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.197
§ 21.191(i)(2), an applicant must provide
the following:
(1) Evidence that an aircraft of the
same make and model was manufac-
tured and assembled by the aircraft kit
manufacturer and issued a special air-
worthiness certificate in the light-
sport category.
(2) The aircraft’s operating instruc-
(3) The aircraft’s maintenance and
inspection procedures.
(4) The manufacturer’s statement of
compliance for the aircraft kit used in
the aircraft assembly that meets
§ 21.190(c), except that instead of meet-
ing § 21.190(c)(7), the statement must
identify assembly instructions for the
aircraft that meet an applicable con-
sensus standard.
(5) The aircraft’s flight training sup-
(6) In addition to paragraphs (e)(1)
through (e)(5) of this section, for an
aircraft kit manufactured outside of
the United States, evidence that the
aircraft kit was manufactured in a
country with which the United States
has a Bilateral Airworthiness Agree-
ment concerning airplanes or a Bilat-
eral Aviation Safety Agreement with
associated Implementation Procedures
for Airworthiness concerning airplanes,
or an equivalent airworthiness agree-
[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14569, Oct. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 21–85, 69 FR 44862, July 27,
§ 21.195
Experimental certificates: Air-
craft to be used for market surveys,
sales demonstrations, and customer
crew training.
(a) A manufacturer of aircraft manu-
factured within the United States may
apply for an experimental certificate
for an aircraft that is to be used for
market surveys, sales demonstrations,
or customer crew training.
(b) A manufacturer of aircraft en-
gines who has altered a type certifi-
cated aircraft by installing different
engines, manufactured by him within
the United States, may apply for an ex-
perimental certificate for that aircraft
to be used for market surveys, sales
demonstrations, or customer crew
training, if the basic aircraft, before al-
teration, was type certificated in the
normal, acrobatic, commuter, or trans-
port category.
(c) A person who has altered the de-
sign of a type certificated aircraft may
apply for an experimental certificate
for the altered aircraft to be used for
market surveys, sales demonstrations,
or customer crew training if the basic
aircraft, before alteration, was type
certificated in the normal, utility, ac-
robatic, or transport category.
(d) An applicant for an experimental
certificate under this section is enti-
tled to that certificate if, in addition
to meeting the requirements of
§ 21.193—
(1) He has established an inspection
and maintenance program for the con-
tinued airworthiness of the aircraft;
(2) The applicant shows that the air-
craft has been flown for at least 50
hours, or for at least 5 hours if it is a
type certificated aircraft which has
been modified. The FAA may reduce
these operational requirements if the
applicant provides adequate justifica-
[Amdt. 21–21, 33 FR 6858, May 7, 1968, as
amended by Amdt. 21–28, 35 FR 2818, Feb. 11,
1970; Amdt. 21–57, 49 FR 39651, Oct. 9, 1984;
Amdt. 21–59, 52 FR 1836, Jan. 15, 1987; Amdt.
21–92, 74 FR 53389, Oct. 16, 2009]
§ 21.197
Special flight permits.
(a) A special flight permit may be
issued for an aircraft that may not cur-
rently meet applicable airworthiness
requirements but is capable of safe
flight, for the following purposes:
(1) Flying the aircraft to a base
where repairs, alterations, or mainte-
nance are to be performed, or to a
point of storage.
(2) Delivering or exporting the air-
(3) Production flight testing new pro-
duction aircraft.
(4) Evacuating aircraft from areas of
impending danger.
(5) Conducting customer demonstra-
tion flights in new production aircraft
that have satisfactorily completed pro-
duction flight tests.
(b) A special flight permit may also
be issued to authorize the operation of
an aircraft at a weight in excess of its
maximum certificated takeoff weight
for flight beyond the normal range over
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