Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.21
a type certificate will not be issued,
within the time limit established under
paragraph (c) of this section, the appli-
cant may—
(1) File a new application for a type
certificate and comply with all the pro-
visions of paragraph (a) of this section
applicable to an original application;
(2) File for an extension of the origi-
nal application and comply with the
applicable airworthiness requirements
of this subchapter that were effective
on a date, to be selected by the appli-
cant, not earlier than the date which
precedes the date of issue of the type
certificate by the time limit estab-
lished under paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion for the original application.
(e) If an applicant elects to comply
with an amendment to this subchapter
that is effective after the filing of the
application for a type certificate, he
must also comply with any other
amendment that the FAA finds is di-
rectly related.
(f) For primary category aircraft, the
requirements are:
(1) The applicable airworthiness re-
quirements contained in parts 23, 27, 31,
33, and 35 of this subchapter, or such
other airworthiness criteria as the
FAA may find appropriate and applica-
ble to the specific design and intended
use and provide a level of safety ac-
ceptable to the FAA.
(2) The noise standards of part 36 ap-
plicable to primary category aircraft.
[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 21–19, 32 FR 17851, Dec. 13,
1967; Amdt. 21–24, 34 FR 364, Jan. 10, 1969;
Amdt. 21–42, 40 FR 1033, Jan. 6, 1975; Amdt.
21–58, 50 FR 46877, Nov. 13, 1985; Amdt. 21–60,
52 FR 8042, Mar. 13, 1987; Amdt. 21–68, 55 FR
32860, Aug. 10, 1990; Amdt. 21–69, 56 FR 41051,
Aug. 16, 1991; Amdt. 21–70, 57 FR 41367, Sept.
9, 1992; Amdt. 21–90, 72 FR 63404, Nov. 8, 2007;
Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 21–100, 81 FR
96688, Dec. 30, 2016]
§ 21.19
Changes requiring a new type
Each person who proposes to change
a product must apply for a new type
certificate if the FAA finds that the
proposed change in design, power,
thrust, or weight is so extensive that a
substantially complete investigation of
compliance with the applicable regula-
tions is required.
[Doc. No. 28903, 65 FR 36265, June 7, 2000]
§ 21.20
Compliance with applicable re-
The applicant for a type certificate,
including an amended or supplemental
type certificate, must—
(a) Show compliance with all applica-
ble requirements and must provide the
FAA the means by which such compli-
ance has been shown; and
(b) Provide a statement certifying
that the applicant has complied with
the applicable requirements.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR
53385, Oct. 16, 2009]
§ 21.21
Issue of type certificate: nor-
mal, utility, acrobatic, commuter,
and transport category aircraft;
manned free balloons; special class-
es of aircraft; aircraft engines; pro-
An applicant is entitled to a type cer-
tificate for an aircraft in the normal,
utility, acrobatic, commuter, or trans-
port category, or for a manned free bal-
loon, special class of aircraft, or an air-
craft engine or propeller, if—
(a) The product qualifies under § 21.27;
(b) The applicant submits the type
design, test reports, and computations
necessary to show that the product to
be certificated meets the applicable
airworthiness, aircraft noise, fuel vent-
ing, and exhaust emission require-
ments of this subchapter and any spe-
cial conditions prescribed by the FAA,
and the FAA finds—
(1) Upon examination of the type de-
sign, and after completing all tests and
inspections, that the type design and
the product meet the applicable noise,
fuel venting, and emissions require-
ments of this subchapter, and further
finds that they meet the applicable air-
worthiness requirements of this sub-
chapter or that any airworthiness pro-
visions not complied with are com-
pensated for by factors that provide an
equivalent level of safety; and
(2) For an aircraft, that no feature or
characteristic makes it unsafe for the
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