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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 21.316 

functional relationship of those respon-
sible for quality to management and 
other organizational components; and 

(3) Identifying an accountable man-


(b) The accountable manager speci-

fied in paragraph (a) of this section 
must be responsible within the appli-
cant’s or production approval holder’s 
organization for, and have authority 
over, all production operations con-
ducted under this part. The account-
able manager must confirm that the 
procedures described in the quality 
manual required by § 21.308 are in place 
and that the production approval hold-
er satisfies the requirements of the ap-
plicable regulations of subchapter C, 
Aircraft. The accountable manager 
must serve as the primary contact with 
the FAA. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR 
59031, Oct. 1, 2015] 

§ 21.307

Quality system. 

Each applicant for or holder of a 

PMA must establish a quality system 
that meets the requirements of § 21.137. 

§ 21.308

Quality manual. 

Each applicant for or holder of a 

PMA must provide a manual describing 
its quality system to the FAA for ap-
proval. The manual must be in the 
English language and retrievable in a 
form acceptable to the FAA. 

§ 21.309

Location of or change to man-

ufacturing facilities. 

(a) An applicant may obtain a PMA 

for manufacturing facilities located 
outside of the United States if the FAA 
finds no undue burden in administering 
the applicable requirements of Title 49 
U.S.C. and this subchapter. 

(b) The PMA holder must obtain FAA 

approval before making any changes to 
the location of any of its manufac-
turing facilities. 

(c) The PMA holder must imme-

diately notify the FAA, in writing, of 
any change to the manufacturing fa-
cilities that may affect the inspection, 
conformity, or airworthiness of its 
PMA article. 

§ 21.310

Inspections and tests. 

(a) Each applicant for or holder of a 

PMA must allow the FAA to inspect its 

quality system, facilities, technical 
data, and any manufactured articles 
and witness any tests, including any 
inspections or tests at a supplier facil-
ity, necessary to determine compliance 
with this subchapter. 

(b) Unless otherwise authorized by 

the FAA, the applicant or holder— 

(1) May not present any article to the 

FAA for an inspection or test unless 
compliance with § 21.303(b)(2) through 
(4) has been shown for that article; and 

(2) May not make any change to an 

article between the time that compli-
ance with § 21.303(b)(2) through (4) is 
shown for that article and the time 
that the article is presented to the 
FAA for the inspection or test. 

§ 21.311


The FAA issues a PMA after finding 

that the applicant complies with the 
requirements of this subpart and the 
design complies with the requirements 
of this chapter applicable to the prod-
uct on which the article is to be in-

§ 21.313


A PMA is effective until surrendered, 

withdrawn, or the FAA otherwise ter-
minates it. 

§ 21.314


The holder of a PMA may not trans-

fer the PMA. 

§ 21.316

Responsibility of holder. 

Each holder of a PMA must— 
(a) Amend the document required by 

§ 21.305 as necessary to reflect changes 
in the organization and provide these 
amendments to the FAA; 

(b) Maintain the quality system in 

compliance with the data and proce-
dures approved for the PMA; 

(c) Ensure that each PMA article 

conforms to its approved design and is 
in a condition for safe operation; 

(d) Mark the PMA article for which 

an approval has been issued. Marking 
must be in accordance with part 45 of 
this chapter, including any critical 

(e) Identify any portion of the PMA 

article (

e.g., sub-assemblies, component 

parts, or replacement articles) that 
leave the manufacturer’s facility as 
FAA approved with the manufacturer’s 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 21.319 

part number and name, trademark, 
symbol, or other FAA approved manu-
facturer’s identification; 

(f) Have access to design data nec-

essary to determine conformity and 
airworthiness for each article produced 
under the PMA; 

(g) Retain each document granting 

PMA and make it available to the FAA 
upon request; and 

(h) Make available to the FAA infor-

mation regarding all delegation of au-
thority to suppliers. 

§ 21.319

Design changes. 


Classification of design changes. (1) 

A ‘‘minor change’’ to the design of an 
article produced under a PMA is one 
that has no appreciable effect on the 
approval basis. 

(2) A ‘‘major change’’ to the design of 

an article produced under a PMA is any 
change that is not minor. 


Approval of design changes. (1) 

Minor changes to the basic design of a 
PMA may be approved using a method 
acceptable to the FAA. 

(2) The PMA holder must obtain FAA 

approval of any major change before 
including it in the design of an article 
produced under a PMA. 

§ 21.320

Changes in quality system. 

After the issuance of a PMA— 
(a) Each change to the quality sys-

tem is subject to review by the FAA; 

(b) The holder of the PMA must im-

mediately notify the FAA, in writing, 
of any change that may affect the in-
spection, conformity, or airworthiness 
of its article. 

Subpart L—Export Airworthiness 




: Docket No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 

21–92, 74 FR 53391, Oct. 16, 2009, unless other-
wise noted. 

§ 21.321


This subpart prescribes— 
(a) Procedural requirements for 

issuing export airworthiness approvals; 

(b) Rules governing the holders of 

those approvals. 

§ 21.325

Export airworthiness approv-


(a) An export airworthiness approval 

for an aircraft is issued in the form of 
an export certificate of airworthiness. 
This certificate does not authorize op-
eration of that aircraft. 

(b) The FAA prescribes the form and 

manner in which an export airworthi-
ness approval for an aircraft engine, 
propeller, or article is issued. 

(c) If the FAA finds no undue burden 

in administering the applicable re-
quirements of Title 49 U.S.C. and this 
subchapter, an export airworthiness 
approval may be issued for a product or 
article located outside of the United 

§ 21.327


Any person may apply for an export 

airworthiness approval. Each applicant 
must apply in a form and manner pre-
scribed by the FAA. 

§ 21.329

Issuance of export certificates 

of airworthiness. 

(a) A person may obtain from the 

FAA an export certificate of airworthi-
ness for an aircraft if— 

(1) A new or used aircraft manufac-

tured under subpart F or G of this part 
meets the airworthiness requirements 
under subpart H of this part for a— 

(i) Standard airworthiness certifi-

cate; or 

(ii) Special airworthiness certificate 

in either the ‘‘primary’’ or the ‘‘re-
stricted’’ category; or 

(2) A new or used aircraft not manu-

factured under subpart F or G of this 
part has a valid— 

(i) Standard airworthiness certifi-

cate; or 

(ii) Special airworthiness certificate 

in either the ‘‘primary’’ or the ‘‘re-
stricted’’ category. 

(b) An aircraft need not meet a re-

quirement specified in paragraph (a) of 
this section, as applicable, if— 

(1) The importing country or jurisdic-

tion accepts, in a form and manner ac-
ceptable to the FAA, a deviation from 
that requirement; and 

(2) The export certificate of air-

worthiness lists as an exception any 
difference between the aircraft to be 
exported and its type design. 

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