14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 21.319
part number and name, trademark,
symbol, or other FAA approved manu-
facturer’s identification;
(f) Have access to design data nec-
essary to determine conformity and
airworthiness for each article produced
under the PMA;
(g) Retain each document granting
PMA and make it available to the FAA
upon request; and
(h) Make available to the FAA infor-
mation regarding all delegation of au-
thority to suppliers.
§ 21.319
Design changes.
Classification of design changes. (1)
A ‘‘minor change’’ to the design of an
article produced under a PMA is one
that has no appreciable effect on the
approval basis.
(2) A ‘‘major change’’ to the design of
an article produced under a PMA is any
change that is not minor.
Approval of design changes. (1)
Minor changes to the basic design of a
PMA may be approved using a method
acceptable to the FAA.
(2) The PMA holder must obtain FAA
approval of any major change before
including it in the design of an article
produced under a PMA.
§ 21.320
Changes in quality system.
After the issuance of a PMA—
(a) Each change to the quality sys-
tem is subject to review by the FAA;
(b) The holder of the PMA must im-
mediately notify the FAA, in writing,
of any change that may affect the in-
spection, conformity, or airworthiness
of its article.
Subpart L—Export Airworthiness
: Docket No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt.
21–92, 74 FR 53391, Oct. 16, 2009, unless other-
wise noted.
§ 21.321
This subpart prescribes—
(a) Procedural requirements for
issuing export airworthiness approvals;
(b) Rules governing the holders of
those approvals.
§ 21.325
Export airworthiness approv-
(a) An export airworthiness approval
for an aircraft is issued in the form of
an export certificate of airworthiness.
This certificate does not authorize op-
eration of that aircraft.
(b) The FAA prescribes the form and
manner in which an export airworthi-
ness approval for an aircraft engine,
propeller, or article is issued.
(c) If the FAA finds no undue burden
in administering the applicable re-
quirements of Title 49 U.S.C. and this
subchapter, an export airworthiness
approval may be issued for a product or
article located outside of the United
§ 21.327
Any person may apply for an export
airworthiness approval. Each applicant
must apply in a form and manner pre-
scribed by the FAA.
§ 21.329
Issuance of export certificates
of airworthiness.
(a) A person may obtain from the
FAA an export certificate of airworthi-
ness for an aircraft if—
(1) A new or used aircraft manufac-
tured under subpart F or G of this part
meets the airworthiness requirements
under subpart H of this part for a—
(i) Standard airworthiness certifi-
cate; or
(ii) Special airworthiness certificate
in either the ‘‘primary’’ or the ‘‘re-
stricted’’ category; or
(2) A new or used aircraft not manu-
factured under subpart F or G of this
part has a valid—
(i) Standard airworthiness certifi-
cate; or
(ii) Special airworthiness certificate
in either the ‘‘primary’’ or the ‘‘re-
stricted’’ category.
(b) An aircraft need not meet a re-
quirement specified in paragraph (a) of
this section, as applicable, if—
(1) The importing country or jurisdic-
tion accepts, in a form and manner ac-
ceptable to the FAA, a deviation from
that requirement; and
(2) The export certificate of air-
worthiness lists as an exception any
difference between the aircraft to be
exported and its type design.
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