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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 21.37 

crew for emergency egress and the use 
of parachutes. 

(e) Except in gliders and manned free 

balloons, an applicant must dis-
continue flight tests under this section 
until he shows that corrective action 
has been taken, whenever— 

(1) The applicant’s test pilot is un-

able or unwilling to make any of the 
required flight tests; or 

(2) Items of noncompliance with re-

quirements are found that may make 
additional test data meaningless or 
that would make further testing un-
duly hazardous. 

(f) The flight tests prescribed in para-

graph (b)(2) of this section must in-

(1) For aircraft incorporating turbine 

engines of a type not previously used in 
a type certificated aircraft, at least 300 
hours of operation with a full com-
plement of engines that conform to a 
type certificate; and 

(2) For all other aircraft, at least 150 

hours of operation. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–40, 39 FR 35459, Oct. 1, 
1974; Amdt. 21–51, 45 FR 60170, Sept. 11, 1980; 
Amdt. 21–70, 57 FR 41368, Sept. 9, 1992; Amdt. 
21–95, 76 FR 64233, Oct. 18, 2011; Doc. No. 
FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 21–100, 81 FR 96689, 
Dec. 30, 2016] 

§ 21.37

Flight test pilot. 

Each applicant for a normal, utility, 

acrobatic, commuter, or transport cat-
egory aircraft type certificate must 
provide a person holding an appro-
priate pilot certificate to make the 
flight tests required by this part. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–59, 52 FR 1835, Jan. 15, 

§ 21.39

Flight test instrument calibra-

tion and correction report. 

(a) Each applicant for a normal, util-

ity, acrobatic, commuter, or transport 
category aircraft type certificate must 
submit a report to the FAA showing 
the computations and tests required in 
connection with the calibration of in-
struments used for test purposes and in 
the correction of test results to stand-
ard atmospheric conditions. 

(b) Each applicant must allow the 

FAA to conduct any flight tests that 
he finds necessary to check the accu-

racy of the report submitted under 
paragraph (a) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–59, 52 FR 1835, Jan. 15, 

§ 21.41

Type certificate. 

Each type certificate is considered to 

include the type design, the operating 
limitations, the certificate data sheet, 
the applicable regulations of this sub-
chapter with which the FAA records 
compliance, and any other conditions 
or limitations prescribed for the prod-
uct in this subchapter. 

§ 21.43

Location of manufacturing fa-


Except as provided in § 21.29, the FAA 

does not issue a type certificate if the 
manufacturing facilities for the prod-
uct are located outside of the United 
States, unless the FAA finds that the 
location of the manufacturer’s facili-
ties places no undue burden on the 
FAA in administering applicable air-
worthiness requirements. 

§ 21.45


The holder or licensee of a type cer-

tificate for a product may— 

(a) In the case of aircraft, upon com-

pliance with §§ 21.173 through 21.189, ob-
tain airworthiness certificates; 

(b) In the case of aircraft engines or 

propellers, obtain approval for installa-
tion on certificated aircraft; 

(c) In the case of any product, upon 

compliance with subpart G of this part, 
obtain a production certificate for the 
type certificated product; 

(d) Obtain approval of replacement 

parts for that product. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 53386, Oct. 16, 

§ 21.47


(a) A holder of a type certificate may 

transfer it or make it available to 
other persons by licensing agreements. 

(b) For a type certificate transfer in 

which the State of Design will remain 
the same, each transferor must, before 
such a transfer, notify the FAA in writ-
ing. This notification must include the 
applicable type certificate number, the 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 21.50 

name and address of the transferee, and 
the anticipated date of the transfer. 

(c) For a type certificate transfer in 

which the State of Design is changing, 
a type certificate may only be trans-
ferred to or from a person subject to 
the authority of another State of De-
sign if the United States has an agree-
ment with that State of Design for the 
acceptance of the affected product for 
export and import. Each transferor 
must notify the FAA before such a 
transfer in a form and manner accept-
able to the FAA. This notification 
must include the applicable type cer-
tificate number; the name, address, and 
country of residence of the transferee; 
and the anticipated date of the trans-

(d) Before executing or terminating a 

licensing agreement that makes a type 
certificate available to another person, 
the type certificate holder must notify 
the FAA in writing. This notification 
must include the type certificate num-
ber addressed by the licensing agree-
ment, the name and address of the li-
censee, the extent of authority granted 
the licensee, and the anticipated date 
of the agreement. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 
53386, Oct. 16, 2009; Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 21–101, 83 FR 9169, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 21.49


The holder of a type certificate must 

make the certificate available for ex-
amination upon the request of the FAA 
or the National Transportation Safety 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14564, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Doc. No. 8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11, 

§ 21.50

Instructions for continued air-

worthiness and manufacturer’s 
maintenance manuals having air-
worthiness limitations sections. 

(a) The holder of a type certificate 

for a rotorcraft for which a Rotorcraft 
Maintenance Manual containing an 
‘‘Airworthiness Limitations’’ section 
has been issued under § 27.1529 (a)(2) or 
§ 29.1529 (a)(2) of this chapter, and who 
obtains approval of changes to any re-
placement time, inspection interval, or 
related procedure in that section of the 
manual, must make those changes 

available upon request to any operator 
of the same type of rotorcraft. 

(b) The holder of a design approval, 

including either a type certificate or 
supplemental type certificate for an 
aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller 
for which application was made after 
January 28, 1981, must furnish at least 
one set of complete Instructions for 
Continued Airworthiness to the owner 
of each type aircraft, aircraft engine, 
or propeller upon its delivery, or upon 
issuance of the first standard air-
worthiness certificate for the affected 
aircraft, whichever occurs later. The 
Instructions for Continued Airworthi-
ness must be prepared in accordance 
with §§ 23.1529, 25.1529, 25.1729, 27.1529, 
29.1529, 31.82, 33.4, 35.4, or part 26 of this 
subchapter, or as specified in the appli-
cable airworthiness criteria for special 
classes of aircraft defined in § 21.17(b), 
as applicable. If the holder of a design 
approval chooses to designate parts as 
commercial, it must include in the In-
structions for Continued Airworthiness 
a list of commercial parts submitted in 
accordance with the provisions of para-
graph (c) of this section. Thereafter, 
the holder of a design approval must 
make those instructions available to 
any other person required by this chap-
ter to comply with any of the terms of 
those instructions. In addition, 
changes to the Instructions for Contin-
ued Airworthiness shall be made avail-
able to any person required by this 
chapter to comply with any of those in-

(c) To designate commercial parts, 

the holder of a design approval, in a 
manner acceptable to the FAA, must 

(1) A Commercial Parts List; 
(2) Data for each part on the List 

showing that: 

(i) The failure of the commercial 

part, as installed in the product, would 
not degrade the level of safety of the 
product; and 

(ii) The part is produced only under 

the commercial part manufacturer’s 
specification and marked only with the 
commercial part manufacturer’s mark-
ings; and 

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