Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.616
(b) The accountable manager speci-
fied in paragraph (a) of this section
must be responsible within the appli-
cant’s or production approval holder’s
organization for, and have authority
over, all production operations con-
ducted under this part. The account-
able manager must confirm that the
procedures described in the quality
manual required by § 21.608 are in place
and that the production approval hold-
er satisfies the requirements of the ap-
plicable regulations of subchapter C,
Aircraft. The accountable manager
must serve as the primary contact with
the FAA.
[Doc. No. FAA–2013–0933, Amdt. 21–98, 80 FR
59032, Oct. 1, 2015]
§ 21.607
Quality system.
Each applicant for or holder of a TSO
authorization must establish a quality
system that meets the requirements of
§ 21.137.
§ 21.608
Quality manual.
Each applicant for or holder of a TSO
authorization must provide a manual
describing its quality system to the
FAA for approval. The manual must be
in the English language and retrievable
in a form acceptable to the FAA.
§ 21.609
Location of or change to man-
ufacturing facilities.
(a) An applicant may obtain a TSO
authorization for manufacturing facili-
ties located outside of the United
States if the FAA finds no undue bur-
den in administering the applicable re-
quirements of Title 49 U.S.C. and this
(b) The TSO authorization holder
must obtain FAA approval before mak-
ing any changes to the location of any
of its manufacturing facilities.
(c) The TSO authorization holder
must immediately notify the FAA, in
writing, of any change to the manufac-
turing facilities that may affect the in-
spection, conformity, or airworthiness
of its product or article.
§ 21.610
Inspections and tests.
Each applicant for or holder of a TSO
authorization must allow the FAA to
inspect its quality system, facilities,
technical data, and any manufactured
articles and witness any tests, includ-
ing any inspections or tests at a sup-
plier facility, necessary to determine
compliance with this subchapter.
§ 21.611
If the FAA finds that the applicant
complies with the requirements of this
subchapter, the FAA issues a TSO au-
thorization to the applicant (including
all TSO deviations granted to the ap-
§ 21.613
(a) A TSO authorization or letter of
TSO design approval is effective until
surrendered, withdrawn, or otherwise
terminated by the FAA.
(b) If a TSO is revised or canceled,
the holder of an affected FAA letter of
acceptance of a statement of conform-
ance, TSO authorization, or letter of
TSO design approval may continue to
manufacture articles that meet the
original TSO without obtaining a new
acceptance, authorization, or approval
but must comply with the require-
ments of this chapter.
§ 21.614
The holder of a TSO authorization or
letter of TSO design approval may not
transfer the TSO authorization or let-
ter of TSO design approval.
§ 21.616
Responsibility of holder.
Each holder of a TSO authorization
(a) Amend the document required by
§ 21.605 as necessary to reflect changes
in the organization and provide these
amendments to the FAA.
(b) Maintain a quality system in
compliance with the data and proce-
dures approved for the TSO authoriza-
(c) Ensure that each manufactured
article conforms to its approved design,
is in a condition for safe operation, and
meets the applicable TSO;
(d) Mark the TSO article for which
an approval has been issued. Marking
must be in accordance with part 45 of
this chapter, including any critical
(e) Identify any portion of the TSO
article (e.g., sub-assemblies, compo-
nent parts, or replacement articles)
that leave the manufacturer’s facility
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