Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 21.93
been designed and constructed in ac-
cordance with the airworthiness re-
quirements applicable to the issue of
the type certificate for the aircraft;
(2) The aircraft substantially com-
plies with the applicable flight char-
acteristic requirements for the type
certificate; and
(3) The aircraft can be operated safe-
ly under the appropriate operating lim-
itations in this subchapter.
(f) The applicant must submit a re-
port showing that the aircraft incor-
porating the modifications involved
has been flown in all maneuvers nec-
essary to show compliance with the
flight requirements applicable to those
modifications and to establish that the
aircraft can be operated safely in ac-
cordance with the limitations specified
in §§ 91.317 and 121.207 of this chapter.
(g) The applicant must establish and
publish, in a provisional aircraft flight
manual or other document and on ap-
propriate placards, all limitations re-
quired for the issue of the type certifi-
cate applied for, including weight,
speed, flight maneuvers, loading, and
operation of controls and equipment,
unless, for each limitation not so es-
tablished, appropriate operating re-
strictions are established for the air-
(h) The applicant must establish an
inspection and maintenance program
for the continued airworthiness of the
(i) The applicant must operate a pro-
totype aircraft modified in accordance
with the corresponding amendment to
the type certificate for the number of
hours found necessary by the FAA.
[Amdt. 21–12, 31 FR 13388, Oct. 15, 1966, as
amended by Amdt. 21–66, 54 FR 34329, Aug. 18,
Subpart D—Changes to Type
: Docket No. 5085, 29 FR 14567, Oct.
24, 1964, unless otherwise noted.
§ 21.91
This subpart prescribes procedural
requirements for the approval of
changes to type certificates.
§ 21.93
Classification of changes in
type design.
(a) In addition to changes in type de-
sign specified in paragraph (b) of this
section, changes in type design are
classified as minor and major. A
‘‘minor change’’ is one that has no ap-
preciable effect on the weight, balance,
structural strength, reliability, oper-
ational characteristics, or other char-
acteristics affecting the airworthiness
of the product. All other changes are
‘‘major changes’’ (except as provided in
paragraph (b) of this section).
(b) For the purpose of complying
with Part 36 of this chapter, and except
as provided in paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3),
and (b)(4) of this section, any voluntary
change in the type design of an aircraft
that may increase the noise levels of
that aircraft is an ‘‘acoustical change’’
(in addition to being a minor or major
change as classified in paragraph (a) of
this section) for the following aircraft:
(1) Transport category large air-
(2) Jet (Turbojet powered) airplanes
(regardless of category). For airplanes
to which this paragraph applies,
‘‘acoustical changes’’ do not include
changes in type design that are limited
to one of the following—
(i) Gear down flight with one or more
retractable landing gear down during
the entire flight, or
(ii) Spare engine and nacelle carriage
external to the skin of the airplane
(and return of the pylon or other exter-
nal mount), or
(iii) Time-limited engine and/or na-
celle changes, where the change in type
design specifies that the airplane may
not be operated for a period of more
than 90 days unless compliance with
the applicable acoustical change provi-
sions of Part 36 of this chapter is shown
for that change in type design.
(3) Propeller driven commuter cat-
egory and small airplanes in the pri-
mary, normal, utility, acrobatic, trans-
port, and restricted categories, except
for airplanes that are:
(i) Designated for ‘‘agricultural air-
craft operations’’ (as defined in § 137.3
of this chapter, effective January 1,
1966) to which § 36.1583 of this chapter
does not apply, or
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 21.95
(ii) Designated for dispensing fire
fighting materials to which § 36.1583 of
this chapter does not apply, or
(iii) U.S. registered, and that had
flight time prior to January 1, 1955 or
(iv) Land configured aircraft recon-
figured with floats or skis. This recon-
figuration does not permit further ex-
ception from the requirements of this
section upon any acoustical change not
enumerated in § 21.93(b).
(4) Helicopters except:
(i) Those helicopters that are des-
ignated exclusively:
(A) For ‘‘agricultural aircraft oper-
ations’’, as defined in § 137.3 of this
chapter, as effective on January 1, 1966;
(B) For dispensing fire fighting mate-
rials; or
(C) For carrying external loads, as
defined in § 133.1(b) of this chapter, as
effective on December 20, 1976.
(ii) Those helicopters modified by in-
stallation or removal of external equip-
ment. For purposes of this paragraph,
‘‘external equipment’’ means any in-
strument, mechanism, part, apparatus,
appurtenance, or accessory that is at-
tached to, or extends from, the heli-
copter exterior but is not used nor is
intended to be used in operating or
controlling a helicopter in flight and is
not part of an airframe or engine. An
‘‘acoustical change’’ does not include:
(A) Addition or removal of external
(B) Changes in the airframe made to
accommodate the addition or removal
of external equipment, to provide for
an external load attaching means, to
facilitate the use of external equip-
ment or external loads, or to facilitate
the safe operation of the helicopter
with external equipment mounted to,
or external loads carried by, the heli-
(C) Reconfiguration of the helicopter
by the addition or removal of floats
and skis;
(D) Flight with one or more doors
and/or windows removed or in an open
position; or
(E) Any changes in the operational
limitations placed on the helicopter as
a consequence of the addition or re-
moval of external equipment, floats,
and skis, or flight operations with
doors and/or windows removed or in an
open position.
(5) Tiltrotors.
(c) For purposes of complying with
part 34 of this chapter, any voluntary
change in the type design of the air-
plane or engine which may increase
fuel venting or exhaust emissions is an
‘‘emissions change.’’
[Amdt. 21–27, 34 FR 18363, Nov. 18, 1969]
: For F
tations affecting § 21.93, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at
§ 21.95
Approval of minor changes in
type design.
Minor changes in a type design may
be approved under a method acceptable
to the FAA before submitting to the
FAA any substantiating or descriptive
§ 21.97
Approval of major changes in
type design.
(a) An applicant for approval of a
major change in type design must—
(1) Provide substantiating data and
necessary descriptive data for inclu-
sion in the type design;
(2) Show that the change and areas
affected by the change comply with the
applicable requirements of this sub-
chapter, and provide the FAA the
means by which such compliance has
been shown; and
(3) Provide a statement certifying
that the applicant has complied with
the applicable requirements.
(b) Approval of a major change in the
type design of an aircraft engine is lim-
ited to the specific engine configura-
tion upon which the change is made
unless the applicant identifies in the
necessary descriptive data for inclu-
sion in the type design the other con-
figurations of the same engine type for
which approval is requested and shows
that the change is compatible with the
other configurations.
[Amdt. 21–40, 39 FR 35459, Oct. 1, 1974, as
amended by Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16,
2009; Amdt. 21–96, 77 FR 71695, Dec. 4, 2012]
§ 21.99
Required design changes.
(a) When an Airworthiness Directive
is issued under Part 39 the holder of
the type certificate for the product
concerned must—
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