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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 21.95 

(ii) Designated for dispensing fire 

fighting materials to which § 36.1583 of 
this chapter does not apply, or 

(iii) U.S. registered, and that had 

flight time prior to January 1, 1955 or 

(iv) Land configured aircraft recon-

figured with floats or skis. This recon-
figuration does not permit further ex-
ception from the requirements of this 
section upon any acoustical change not 
enumerated in § 21.93(b). 

(4) Helicopters except: 
(i) Those helicopters that are des-

ignated exclusively: 

(A) For ‘‘agricultural aircraft oper-

ations’’, as defined in § 137.3 of this 
chapter, as effective on January 1, 1966; 

(B) For dispensing fire fighting mate-

rials; or 

(C) For carrying external loads, as 

defined in § 133.1(b) of this chapter, as 
effective on December 20, 1976. 

(ii) Those helicopters modified by in-

stallation or removal of external equip-
ment. For purposes of this paragraph, 
‘‘external equipment’’ means any in-
strument, mechanism, part, apparatus, 
appurtenance, or accessory that is at-
tached to, or extends from, the heli-
copter exterior but is not used nor is 
intended to be used in operating or 
controlling a helicopter in flight and is 
not part of an airframe or engine. An 
‘‘acoustical change’’ does not include: 

(A) Addition or removal of external 


(B) Changes in the airframe made to 

accommodate the addition or removal 
of external equipment, to provide for 
an external load attaching means, to 
facilitate the use of external equip-
ment or external loads, or to facilitate 
the safe operation of the helicopter 
with external equipment mounted to, 
or external loads carried by, the heli-

(C) Reconfiguration of the helicopter 

by the addition or removal of floats 
and skis; 

(D) Flight with one or more doors 

and/or windows removed or in an open 
position; or 

(E) Any changes in the operational 

limitations placed on the helicopter as 
a consequence of the addition or re-
moval of external equipment, floats, 
and skis, or flight operations with 
doors and/or windows removed or in an 
open position. 

(5) Tiltrotors. 
(c) For purposes of complying with 

part 34 of this chapter, any voluntary 
change in the type design of the air-
plane or engine which may increase 
fuel venting or exhaust emissions is an 
‘‘emissions change.’’ 

[Amdt. 21–27, 34 FR 18363, Nov. 18, 1969] 





: For F





tations affecting § 21.93, see the List of CFR 
Sections Affected, which appears in the 
Finding Aids section of the printed volume 
and at 

§ 21.95

Approval of minor changes in 

type design. 

Minor changes in a type design may 

be approved under a method acceptable 
to the FAA before submitting to the 
FAA any substantiating or descriptive 

§ 21.97

Approval of major changes in 

type design. 

(a) An applicant for approval of a 

major change in type design must— 

(1) Provide substantiating data and 

necessary descriptive data for inclu-
sion in the type design; 

(2) Show that the change and areas 

affected by the change comply with the 
applicable requirements of this sub-
chapter, and provide the FAA the 
means by which such compliance has 
been shown; and 

(3) Provide a statement certifying 

that the applicant has complied with 
the applicable requirements. 

(b) Approval of a major change in the 

type design of an aircraft engine is lim-
ited to the specific engine configura-
tion upon which the change is made 
unless the applicant identifies in the 
necessary descriptive data for inclu-
sion in the type design the other con-
figurations of the same engine type for 
which approval is requested and shows 
that the change is compatible with the 
other configurations. 

[Amdt. 21–40, 39 FR 35459, Oct. 1, 1974, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–92, 74 FR 53387, Oct. 16, 
2009; Amdt. 21–96, 77 FR 71695, Dec. 4, 2012] 

§ 21.99

Required design changes. 

(a) When an Airworthiness Directive 

is issued under Part 39 the holder of 
the type certificate for the product 
concerned must— 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 21.101 

(1) If the FAA finds that design 

changes are necessary to correct the 
unsafe condition of the product, and 
upon his request, submit appropriate 
design changes for approval; and 

(2) Upon approval of the design 

changes, make available the descrip-
tive data covering the changes to all 
operators of products previously cer-
tificated under the type certificate. 

(b) In a case where there are no cur-

rent unsafe conditions, but the FAA or 
the holder of the type certificate finds 
through service experience that 
changes in type design will contribute 
to the safety of the product, the holder 
of the type certificate may submit ap-
propriate design changes for approval. 
Upon approval of the changes, the man-
ufacturer must make information on 
the design changes available to all op-
erators of the same type of product. 

[Doc. No. 5085, 29 FR 14567, Oct. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 21–3, 30 FR 8826, July 24, 

§ 21.101

Designation of applicable reg-


(a) An applicant for a change to a 

type certificate must show that the 
change and areas affected by the 
change comply with the airworthiness 
requirements applicable to the cat-
egory of the product in effect on the 
date of the application for the change 
and with parts 34 and 36 of this chapter. 
Exceptions are detailed in paragraphs 
(b) and (c) of this section. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(g) of this section, if paragraphs (b)(1), 
(2), or (3) of this section apply, an ap-
plicant may show that the change and 
areas affected by the change comply 
with an earlier amendment of a regula-
tion required by paragraph (a) of this 
section, and of any other regulation 
the FAA finds is directly related. How-
ever, the earlier amended regulation 
may not precede either the cor-
responding regulation included by ref-
erence in the type certificate, or any 
regulation in §§ 25.2, 27.2, or 29.2 of this 
chapter that is related to the change. 
The applicant may show compliance 
with an earlier amendment of a regula-
tion for any of the following: 

(1) A change that the FAA finds not 

to be significant. In determining 
whether a specific change is signifi-

cant, the FAA considers the change in 
context with all previous relevant de-
sign changes and all related revisions 
to the applicable regulations incor-
porated in the type certificate for the 
product. Changes that meet one of the 
following criteria are automatically 
considered significant: 

(i) The general configuration or the 

principles of construction are not re-

(ii) The assumptions used for certifi-

cation of the product to be changed do 
not remain valid. 

(2) Each area, system, component, 

equipment, or appliance that the FAA 
finds is not affected by the change. 

(3) Each area, system, component, 

equipment, or appliance that is af-
fected by the change, for which the 
FAA finds that compliance with a reg-
ulation described in paragraph (a) of 
this section would not contribute ma-
terially to the level of safety of the 
product or would be impractical. 

(c) An applicant for a change to an 

aircraft (other than a rotorcraft) of 
6,000 pounds or less maximum weight, 
to a non-turbine rotorcraft of 3,000 
pounds or less maximum weight, to a 
level 1 low-speed airplane, or to a level 
2 low-speed airplane may show that the 
change and areas affected by the 
change comply with the regulations in-
cluded in the type certificate. However, 
if the FAA finds that the change is sig-
nificant in an area, the FAA may des-
ignate compliance with an amendment 
to the regulation incorporated by ref-
erence in the type certificate that ap-
plies to the change and any regulation 
that the FAA finds is directly related, 
unless the FAA also finds that compli-
ance with that amendment or regula-
tion would not contribute materially 
to the level of safety of the product or 
would be impractical. 

(d) If the FAA finds that the regula-

tions in effect on the date of the appli-
cation for the change do not provide 
adequate standards with respect to the 
proposed change because of a novel or 
unusual design feature, the applicant 
must also comply with special condi-
tions, and amendments to those special 
conditions, prescribed under the provi-
sions of § 21.16, to provide a level of 
safety equal to that established by the 

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