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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 23.1529 

flight data recorder without jeopard-
izing service to essential or emergency 

(ii) It remains powered for as long as 

possible without jeopardizing emer-
gency operation of the airplane; 

(4) There is an aural or visual means 

for preflight checking of the recorder 
for proper recording of data in the stor-
age medium; 

(5) Except for recorders powered sole-

ly by the engine-driven electrical gen-
erator system, there is an automatic 
means to simultaneously stop a re-
corder that has a data erasure feature 
and prevent each erasure feature from 
functioning, within 10 minutes after 
crash impact; 

(6) Any single electrical failure exter-

nal to the recorder does not disable 
both the cockpit voice recorder and the 
flight data recorder; and 

(7) It is in a separate container from 

the cockpit voice recorder when both 
are required. If used to comply with 
only the flight data recorder require-
ments, a combination unit may be in-
stalled. If a combination unit is in-
stalled as a cockpit voice recorder to 
comply with § 23.1457(e)(2), a combina-
tion unit must be used to comply with 
this flight data recorder requirement. 

(b) Each non-ejectable record con-

tainer must be located and mounted so 
as to minimize the probability of con-
tainer rupture resulting from crash im-
pact and subsequent damage to the 
record from fire. In meeting this re-
quirement, the record container must 
be located as far aft as practicable, but 
need not be aft of the pressurized com-
partment, and may not be where aft- 
mounted engines may crush the con-
tainer upon impact. 

(c) A correlation must be established 

between the flight recorder readings of 
airspeed, altitude, and heading and the 
corresponding readings (taking into ac-
count correction factors) of the first pi-
lot’s instruments. The correlation 
must cover the airspeed range over 
which the airplane is to be operated, 
the range of altitude to which the air-
plane is limited, and 360 degrees of 
heading. Correlation may be estab-
lished on the ground as appropriate. 

(d) Each recorder container must— 
(1) Be either bright orange or bright 


(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its 

external surface to facilitate its loca-
tion under water; and 

(3) Have an underwater locating de-

vice, when required by the operating 
rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to 
the container, which is secured in such 
a manner that they are not likely to be 
separated during crash impact. 

(e) Any novel or unique design or 

operational characteristics of the air-
craft shall be evaluated to determine if 
any dedicated parameters must be re-
corded on flight recorders in addition 
to or in place of existing requirements. 

§ 23.1529

Instructions for continued 


The applicant must prepare Instruc-

tions for Continued Airworthiness, in 
accordance with appendix A of this 
part, that are acceptable to the Admin-
istrator. The instructions may be in-
complete at type certification if a pro-
gram exists to ensure their completion 
prior to delivery of the first airplane or 
issuance of a standard certificate of 
airworthiness, whichever occurs later. 

Subpart A—General 

§ 23.2000

Applicability and definitions. 

(a) This part prescribes airworthiness 

standards for the issuance of type cer-
tificates, and changes to those certifi-
cates, for airplanes in the normal cat-

(b) For the purposes of this part, the 

following definition applies: 

Continued safe flight and landing 

means an airplane is capable of contin-
ued controlled flight and landing, pos-
sibly using emergency procedures, 
without requiring exceptional pilot 
skill or strength. Upon landing, some 
airplane damage may occur as a result 
of a failure condition. 

§ 23.2005

Certification of normal cat-

egory airplanes. 

(a) Certification in the normal cat-

egory applies to airplanes with a pas-
senger-seating configuration of 19 or 
less and a maximum certificated take-
off weight of 19,000 pounds or less. 

(b) Airplane certification levels are: 
(1) Level 1—for airplanes with a max-

imum seating configuration of 0 to 1 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 23.2115 

(2) Level 2—for airplanes with a max-

imum seating configuration of 2 to 6 

(3) Level 3—for airplanes with a max-

imum seating configuration of 7 to 9 

(4) Level 4—for airplanes with a max-

imum seating configuration of 10 to 19 

(c) Airplane performance levels are: 
(1) Low speed—for airplanes with a 



and V



250 Knots Calibrated 

Airspeed (KCAS) and a M




(2) High speed—for airplanes with a 



or V


> 250 KCAS or a M


> 0.6. 

(d) Airplanes not certified for aero-

batics may be used to perform any ma-
neuver incident to normal flying, in-

(1) Stalls (except whip stalls); and 
(2) Lazy eights, chandelles, and steep 

turns, in which the angle of bank is not 
more than 60 degrees. 

(e) Airplanes certified for aerobatics 

may be used to perform maneuvers 
without limitations, other than those 
limitations established under subpart 
G of this part. 

§ 23.2010

Accepted means of compli-


(a) An applicant must comply with 

this part using a means of compliance, 
which may include consensus stand-
ards, accepted by the Administrator. 

(b) An applicant requesting accept-

ance of a means of compliance must 
provide the means of compliance to the 
FAA in a form and manner acceptable 
to the Administrator. 

Subpart B—Flight 




§ 23.2100

Weight and center of gravity. 

(a) The applicant must determine 

limits for weights and centers of grav-
ity that provide for the safe operation 
of the airplane. 

(b) The applicant must comply with 

each requirement of this subpart at 
critical combinations of weight and 
center of gravity within the airplane’s 
range of loading conditions using toler-
ances acceptable to the Administrator. 

(c) The condition of the airplane at 

the time of determining its empty 

weight and center of gravity must be 
well defined and easily repeatable. 

§ 23.2105

Performance data. 

(a) Unless otherwise prescribed, an 

airplane must meet the performance 
requirements of this subpart in— 

(1) Still air and standard atmospheric 

conditions at sea level for all airplanes; 

(2) Ambient atmospheric conditions 

within the operating envelope for lev-
els 1 and 2 high-speed and levels 3 and 
4 airplanes. 

(b) Unless otherwise prescribed, the 

applicant must develop the perform-
ance data required by this subpart for 
the following conditions: 

(1) Airport altitudes from sea level to 

10,000 feet (3,048 meters); and 

(2) Temperatures above and below 

standard day temperature that are 
within the range of operating limita-
tions, if those temperatures could have 
a negative effect on performance. 

(c) The procedures used for deter-

mining takeoff and landing distances 
must be executable consistently by pi-
lots of average skill in atmospheric 
conditions expected to be encountered 
in service. 

(d) Performance data determined in 

accordance with paragraph (b) of this 
section must account for losses due to 
atmospheric conditions, cooling needs, 
and other demands on power sources. 

§ 23.2110

Stall speed. 

The applicant must determine the 

airplane stall speed or the minimum 
steady flight speed for each flight con-
figuration used in normal operations, 
including takeoff, climb, cruise, de-
scent, approach, and landing. The stall 
speed or minimum steady flight speed 
determination must account for the 
most adverse conditions for each flight 
configuration with power set at— 

(a) Idle or zero thrust for propulsion 

systems that are used primarily for 
thrust; and 

(b) A nominal thrust for propulsion 

systems that are used for thrust, flight 
control, and/or high-lift systems. 

§ 23.2115

Takeoff performance. 

(a) The applicant must determine air-

plane takeoff performance accounting 

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