14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 23.2155
§ 23.2155
Ground and water handling
For airplanes intended for operation
on land or water, the airplane must
have controllable longitudinal and di-
rectional handling characteristics dur-
ing taxi, takeoff, and landing oper-
§ 23.2160
Vibration, buffeting, and
high-speed characteristics.
(a) Vibration and buffeting, for oper-
ations up to V
must not interfere
with the control of the airplane or
cause excessive fatigue to the
flightcrew. Stall warning buffet within
these limits is allowable.
(b) For high-speed airplanes and all
airplanes with a maximum operating
altitude greater than 25,000 feet (7,620
meters) pressure altitude, there must
be no perceptible buffeting in cruise
configuration at 1g and at any speed up
to V
, except stall buffeting.
(c) For high-speed airplanes, the ap-
plicant must determine the positive
maneuvering load factors at which the
onset of perceptible buffet occurs in
the cruise configuration within the
operational envelope. Likely inad-
vertent excursions beyond this bound-
ary must not result in structural dam-
(d) High-speed airplanes must have
recovery characteristics that do not re-
sult in structural damage or loss of
control, beginning at any likely speed
up to V
, following—
(1) An inadvertent speed increase;
(2) A high-speed trim upset for air-
planes where dynamic pressure can im-
pair the longitudinal trim system oper-
§ 23.2165
Performance and flight char-
acteristics requirements for flight
in icing conditions.
(a) An applicant who requests certifi-
cation for flight in icing conditions de-
fined in part 1 of appendix C to part 25
of this chapter, or an applicant who re-
quests certification for flight in these
icing conditions and any additional at-
mospheric icing conditions, must show
the following in the icing conditions
for which certification is requested
under normal operation of the ice pro-
tection system(s):
(1) Compliance with each require-
ment of this subpart, except those ap-
plicable to spins and any that must be
demonstrated at speeds in excess of—
(i) 250 KCAS;
(ii) V
or V
; or
(iii) A speed at which the applicant
demonstrates the airframe will be free
of ice accretion.
(2) The means by which stall warning
is provided to the pilot for flight in
icing conditions and non-icing condi-
tions is the same.
(b) If an applicant requests certifi-
cation for flight in icing conditions,
the applicant must provide a means to
detect any icing conditions for which
certification is not requested and show
the airplane’s ability to avoid or exit
those conditions.
(c) The applicant must develop an op-
erating limitation to prohibit inten-
tional flight, including takeoff and
landing, into icing conditions for which
the airplane is not certified to operate.
[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No.
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec.
9, 2022]
Subpart C—Structures
§ 23.2200
Structural design envelope.
The applicant must determine the
structural design envelope, which de-
scribes the range and limits of airplane
design and operational parameters for
which the applicant will show compli-
ance with the requirements of this sub-
part. The applicant must account for
all airplane design and operational pa-
rameters that affect structural loads,
strength, durability, and
aeroelasticity, including:
(a) Structural design airspeeds, land-
ing descent speeds, and any other air-
speed limitation at which the applicant
must show compliance to the require-
ments of this subpart. The structural
design airspeeds must—
(1) Be sufficiently greater than the
stalling speed of the airplane to safe-
guard against loss of control in turbu-
lent air; and
(2) Provide sufficient margin for the
establishment of practical operational
limiting airspeeds.
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