14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 23.2335
(b) Engines in a designated fire zone
must remain attached to the airplane
in the event of a fire.
(c) In designated fire zones, termi-
nals, equipment, and electrical cables
used during emergency procedures
must be fire-resistant.
§ 23.2335
Lightning protection.
The airplane must be protected
against catastrophic effects from light-
Subpart E—Powerplant
§ 23.2400
Powerplant installation.
(a) For the purpose of this subpart,
the airplane powerplant installation
must include each component nec-
essary for propulsion, which affects
propulsion safety, or provides auxiliary
power to the airplane.
(b) Each airplane engine and pro-
peller must be type certificated, except
for engines and propellers installed on
level 1 low-speed airplanes, which may
be approved under the airplane type
certificate in accordance with a stand-
ard accepted by the Administrator that
contains airworthiness criteria the Ad-
ministrator has found appropriate and
applicable to the specific design and in-
tended use of the engine or propeller
and provides a level of safety accept-
able to the Administrator.
(c) The applicant must construct and
arrange each powerplant installation
to account for—
(1) Likely operating conditions, in-
cluding foreign object threats;
(2) Sufficient clearance of moving
parts to other airplane parts and their
(3) Likely hazards in operation in-
cluding hazards to ground personnel;
(4) Vibration and fatigue.
(d) Hazardous accumulations of
fluids, vapors, or gases must be iso-
lated from the airplane and personnel
compartments, and be safely contained
or discharged.
(e) Powerplant components must
comply with their component limita-
tions and installation instructions or
be shown not to create a hazard.
[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No.
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec.
9, 2022]
§ 23.2405
Automatic power or thrust
control systems.
(a) An automatic power or thrust
control system intended for in-flight
use must be designed so no unsafe con-
dition will result during normal oper-
ation of the system.
(b) Any single failure or likely com-
bination of failures of an automatic
power or thrust control system must
not prevent continued safe flight and
landing of the airplane.
(c) Inadvertent operation of an auto-
matic power or thrust control system
by the flightcrew must be prevented, or
if not prevented, must not result in an
unsafe condition.
(d) Unless the failure of an automatic
power or thrust control system is ex-
tremely remote, the system must—
(1) Provide a means for the flightcrew
to verify the system is in an operating
(2) Provide a means for the flightcrew
to override the automatic function;
(3) Prevent inadvertent deactivation
of the system.
§ 23.2410
Powerplant installation haz-
ard assessment.
The applicant must assess each pow-
erplant separately and in relation to
other airplane systems and installa-
tions to show that any hazard resulting
from the likely failure of any power-
plant system, component, or accessory
will not—
(a) Prevent continued safe flight and
landing or, if continued safe flight and
landing cannot be ensured, the hazard
has been minimized;
(b) Cause serious injury that may be
avoided; and
(c) Require immediate action by any
crewmember for continued operation of
any remaining powerplant system.
§ 23.2415
Powerplant ice protection.
(a) The airplane design, including the
induction and inlet system, must pre-
vent foreseeable accumulation of ice or
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