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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 23.2440 

(b) The exhaust system, including ex-

haust heat exchangers for each power-
plant or auxiliary power unit, must— 

(1) Provide a means to safely dis-

charge potential harmful material; and 

(2) Be designed to prevent likely haz-

ards from heat, corrosion, or blockage. 

§ 23.2440

Powerplant fire protection. 

(a) A powerplant, auxiliary power 

unit, or combustion heater that in-
cludes a flammable fluid and an igni-
tion source for that fluid must be in-
stalled in a designated fire zone. 

(b) Each designated fire zone must 

provide a means to isolate and miti-
gate hazards to the airplane in the 
event of fire or overheat within the 

(c) Each component, line, fitting, and 

control subject to fire conditions 

(1) Be designed and located to pre-

vent hazards resulting from a fire, in-
cluding any located adjacent to a des-
ignated fire zone that may be affected 
by fire within that zone; 

(2) Be fire-resistant if carrying flam-

mable fluid, gas or air, or is required to 
operate in the event of a fire; and 

(3) Be fireproof or enclosed by a fire 

proof shield if storing concentrated 
flammable fluids. 

(d) The applicant must provide a 

means to prevent hazardous quantities 
of flammable fluids from flowing into, 
within or through each designated fire 
zone. This means must— 

(1) Not restrict flow or limit oper-

ation of any remaining powerplant or 
auxiliary power unit, or equipment 
necessary for safety; 

(2) Prevent inadvertent operation; 


(3) Be located outside the fire zone 

unless an equal degree of safety is pro-
vided with a means inside the fire zone. 

(e) A means to ensure the prompt de-

tection of fire must be provided for 
each designated fire zone— 

(1) On a multiengine airplane where 

detection will mitigate likely hazards 
to the airplane; or 

(2) That contains a fire extinguisher. 
(f) A means to extinguish fire within 

a fire zone, except a combustion heater 
fire zone, must be provided for— 

(1) Any fire zone located outside the 

pilot’s view; 

(2) Any fire zone embedded within the 

fuselage, which must also include a re-
dundant means to extinguish fire; and 

(3) Any fire zone on a level 4 airplane. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR 
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No. 
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec. 
9, 2022] 

Subpart F—Equipment 

§ 23.2500

Airplane level systems re-


This section applies generally to in-

stalled equipment and systems unless a 
section of this part imposes require-
ments for a specific piece of equipment, 
system, or systems. 

(a) The equipment and systems re-

quired for an airplane to operate safely 
in the kinds of operations for which 
certification is requested (Day VFR, 
Night VFR, IFR) must be designed and 
installed to— 

(1) Meet the level of safety applicable 

to the certification and performance 
level of the airplane; and 

(2) Perform their intended function 

throughout the operating and environ-
mental limits for which the airplane is 

(b) The systems and equipment not 

covered by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion—considered separately and in re-
lation to other systems—must be de-
signed and installed so their operation 
does not have an adverse effect on the 
airplane or its occupants. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR 
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No. 
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec. 
9, 2022] 

§ 23.2505

Function and installation. 

When installed, each item of equip-

ment must function as intended. 

§ 23.2510

Equipment, systems, and in-


For any airplane system or equip-

ment whose failure or abnormal oper-
ation has not been specifically ad-
dressed by another requirement in this 
part, the applicant must design and in-
stall each system and equipment, such 
that there is a logical and acceptable 
inverse relationship between the aver-
age probability and the severity of fail-
ure conditions to the extent that: 

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