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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 23.2530 

(a) Each catastrophic failure condi-

tion is extremely improbable; 

(b) Each hazardous failure condition 

is extremely remote; and 

(c) Each major failure condition is 


§ 23.2515

Electrical and electronic sys-

tem lightning protection. 

An airplane approved for IFR oper-

ations must meet the following re-
quirements, unless an applicant shows 
that exposure to lightning is unlikely: 

(a) Each electrical or electronic sys-

tem that performs a function, the fail-
ure of which would prevent the contin-
ued safe flight and landing of the air-
plane, must be designed and installed 
such that— 

(1) The function at the airplane level 

is not adversely affected during and 
after the time the airplane is exposed 
to lightning; and 

(2) The system recovers normal oper-

ation of that function in a timely man-
ner after the airplane is exposed to 
lightning unless the system’s recovery 
conflicts with other operational or 
functional requirements of the system. 

(b) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function, the 
failure of which would significantly re-
duce the capability of the airplane or 
the ability of the flightcrew to respond 
to an adverse operating condition, 
must be designed and installed such 
that the system recovers normal oper-
ation of that function in a timely man-
ner after the airplane is exposed to 

§ 23.2520

High-intensity Radiated 

Fields (HIRF) protection. 

(a) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function, the 
failure of which would prevent the con-
tinued safe flight and landing of the 
airplane, must be designed and in-
stalled such that— 

(1) The function at the airplane level 

is not adversely affected during and 
after the time the airplane is exposed 
to the HIRF environment; and 

(2) The system recovers normal oper-

ation of that function in a timely man-
ner after the airplane is exposed to the 
HIRF environment, unless the system’s 
recovery conflicts with other oper-

ational or functional requirements of 
the system. 

(b) For airplanes approved for IFR 

operations, each electrical and elec-
tronic system that performs a func-
tion, the failure of which would signifi-
cantly reduce the capability of the air-
plane or the ability of the flightcrew to 
respond to an adverse operating condi-
tion, must be designed and installed 
such that the system recovers normal 
operation of that function in a timely 
manner after the airplane is exposed to 
the HIRF environment. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR 
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No. 
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec. 
9, 2022] 

§ 23.2525

System power generation, 

storage, and distribution. 

The power generation, storage, and 

distribution for any system must be de-
signed and installed to— 

(a) Supply the power required for op-

eration of connected loads during all 
intended operating conditions; 

(b) Ensure no single failure or mal-

function of any one power supply, dis-
tribution system, or other utilization 
system will prevent the system from 
supplying the essential loads required 
for continued safe flight and landing; 

(c) Have enough capacity, if the pri-

mary source fails, to supply essential 
loads, including non-continuous essen-
tial loads for the time needed to com-
plete the function required for contin-
ued safe flight and landing. 

§ 23.2530

External and cockpit light-


(a) The applicant must design and in-

stall all lights to minimize any adverse 
effects on the performance of 
flightcrew duties. 

(b) Any position and anti-collision 

lights, if required by part 91 of this 
chapter, must have the intensities, 
flash rate, colors, fields of coverage, 
and other characteristics to provide 
sufficient time for another aircraft to 
avoid a collision. 

(c) Any position lights, if required by 

part 91 of this chapter, must include a 
red light on the left side of the air-
plane, a green light on the right side of 
the airplane, spaced laterally as far 

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jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with CFR