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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 23.2535 

apart as practicable, and a white light 
facing aft, located on an aft portion of 
the airplane or on the wing tips. 

(d) Any taxi and landing lights must 

be designed and installed so they pro-
vide sufficient light for night oper-

(e) For seaplanes or amphibian air-

planes, riding lights must provide a 
white light visible in clear atmospheric 

§ 23.2535

Safety equipment. 

Safety and survival equipment, re-

quired by the operating rules of this 
chapter, must be reliable, readily ac-
cessible, easily identifiable, and clearly 
marked to identify its method of oper-

§ 23.2540

Flight in icing conditions. 

An applicant who requests certifi-

cation for flight in icing conditions de-
fined in part 1 of appendix C to part 25 
of this chapter, or an applicant who re-
quests certification for flight in these 
icing conditions and any additional at-
mospheric icing conditions, must show 
the following in the icing conditions 
for which certification is requested: 

(a) The ice protection system pro-

vides for safe operation. 

(b) The airplane design must provide 

protection from stalling when the 
autopilot is operating. 

§ 23.2545

Pressurized systems ele-


Pressurized systems must withstand 

appropriate proof and burst pressures. 

§ 23.2550

Equipment containing high- 

energy rotors. 

Equipment containing high-energy 

rotors must be designed or installed to 
protect the occupants and airplane 
from uncontained fragments. 

Subpart G—Flightcrew Interface 

and Other Information 

§ 23.2600

Flightcrew interface. 

(a) The pilot compartment, its equip-

ment, and its arrangement to include 
pilot view, must allow each pilot to 
perform his or her duties, including 
taxi, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, 
approach, landing, and perform any 
maneuvers within the operating enve-

lope of the airplane, without excessive 
concentration, skill, alertness, or fa-

(b) The applicant must install flight, 

navigation, surveillance, and power-
plant controls and displays so 
flightcrew members can monitor and 
perform defined tasks associated with 
the intended functions of systems and 
equipment. The system and equipment 
design must minimize flightcrew er-
rors, which could result in additional 

(c) For level 4 airplanes, the 

flightcrew interface design must allow 
for continued safe flight and landing 
after the loss of vision through any one 
of the windshield panels. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 23–64, 81 FR 
96689, Dec. 30, 2016, as amended by Doc. No. 
FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 23–65, 87 FR 75710, Dec. 
9, 2022] 

§ 23.2605

Installation and operation. 

(a) Each item of installed equipment 

related to the flightcrew interface 
must be labelled, if applicable, as to it 
identification, function, or operating 
limitations, or any combination of 
these factors. 

(b) There must be a discernible 

means of providing system operating 
parameters required to operate the air-
plane, including warnings, cautions, 
and normal indications to the respon-
sible crewmember. 

(c) Information concerning an unsafe 

system operating condition must be 
provided in a timely manner to the 
crewmember responsible for taking 
corrective action. The information 
must be clear enough to avoid likely 
crewmember errors. 

§ 23.2610

Instrument markings, control 

markings, and placards. 

(a) Each airplane must display in a 

conspicuous manner any placard and 
instrument marking necessary for op-

(b) The design must clearly indicate 

the function of each cockpit control, 
other than primary flight controls. 

(c) The applicant must include in-

strument marking and placard infor-
mation in the Airplane Flight Manual. 

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