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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.111 

system efficiency, if determined, is ap-
propriate for a grooved or porous fric-
tion course wet runway, and the max-

imum tire-to-ground wet runway brak-
ing coefficient of friction is defined as: 


Tire Pressure = maximum airplane operating 

tire pressure (psi); 



= maximum tire-to-ground braking 


V = airplane true ground speed (knots); and 
Linear interpolation may be used for tire 

pressures other than those listed. 

(e) Except as provided in paragraph 

(f)(1) of this section, means other than 
wheel brakes may be used to determine 
the accelerate-stop distance if that 

(1) Is safe and reliable; 
(2) Is used so that consistent results 

can be expected under normal oper-
ating conditions; and 

(3) Is such that exceptional skill is 

not required to control the airplane. 

(f) The effects of available reverse 


(1) Shall not be included as an addi-

tional means of deceleration when de-
termining the accelerate-stop distance 
on a dry runway; and 

(2) May be included as an additional 

means of deceleration using rec-
ommended reverse thrust procedures 
when determining the accelerate-stop 
distance on a wet runway, provided the 
requirements of paragraph (e) of this 
section are met. 

(g) The landing gear must remain ex-

tended throughout the accelerate-stop 

(h) If the accelerate-stop distance in-

cludes a stopway with surface charac-
teristics substantially different from 

those of the runway, the takeoff data 
must include operational correction 
factors for the accelerate-stop dis-
tance. The correction factors must ac-
count for the particular surface charac-
teristics of the stopway and the vari-
ations in these characteristics with 
seasonal weather conditions (such as 
temperature, rain, snow, and ice) with-
in the established operational limits. 

(i) A flight test demonstration of the 

maximum brake kinetic energy accel-
erate-stop distance must be conducted 
with not more than 10 percent of the 
allowable brake wear range remaining 
on each of the airplane wheel brakes. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–42, 43 FR 2321, Jan. 16, 
1978; Amdt. 25–92, 63 FR 8318, Feb. 18, 1998] 

§ 25.111

Takeoff path. 

(a) The takeoff path extends from a 

standing start to a point in the takeoff 
at which the airplane is 1,500 feet above 
the takeoff surface, or at which the 
transition from the takeoff to the en 
route configuration is completed and 


is reached, whichever point is 

higher. In addition— 

(1) The takeoff path must be based on 

the procedures prescribed in § 25.101(f); 

(2) The airplane must be accelerated 

on the ground to 



at which point 

the critical engine must be made inop-
erative and remain inoperative for the 
rest of the takeoff; and 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.113 

(3) After reaching 



the airplane 

must be accelerated to 



(b) During the acceleration to speed 



, the nose gear may be raised off the 

ground at a speed not less than 



However, landing gear retraction may 
not be begun until the airplane is air-

(c) During the takeoff path deter-

mination in accordance with para-
graphs (a) and (b) of this section— 

(1) The slope of the airborne part of 

the takeoff path must be positive at 
each point; 

(2) The airplane must reach 




it is 35 feet above the takeoff surface 
and must continue at a speed as close 
as practical to, but not less than 



until it is 400 feet above the takeoff 

(3) At each point along the takeoff 

path, starting at the point at which the 
airplane reaches 400 feet above the 
takeoff surface, the available gradient 
of climb may not be less than— 

(i) 1.2 percent for two-engine air-


(ii) 1.5 percent for three-engine air-

planes; and 

(iii) 1.7 percent for four-engine air-


(4) The airplane configuration may 

not be changed, except for gear retrac-
tion and automatic propeller feath-
ering, and no change in power or thrust 
that requires action by the pilot may 
be made until the airplane is 400 feet 
above the takeoff surface; and 

(5) If § 25.105(a)(2) requires the takeoff 

path to be determined for flight in 
icing conditions, the airborne part of 
the takeoff must be based on the air-
plane drag: 

(i) With the most critical of the take-

off ice accretion(s) defined in Appen-
dices C and O of this part, as applica-
ble, in accordance with § 25.21(g), from 
a height of 35 feet above the takeoff 
surface up to the point where the air-
plane is 400 feet above the takeoff sur-
face; and 

(ii) With the most critical of the final 

takeoff ice accretion(s) defined in Ap-
pendices C and O of this part, as appli-
cable, in accordance with § 25.21(g), 
from the point where the airplane is 400 
feet above the takeoff surface to the 
end of the takeoff path. 

(d) The takeoff path must be deter-

mined by a continuous demonstrated 
takeoff or by synthesis from segments. 
If the takeoff path is determined by the 
segmental method— 

(1) The segments must be clearly de-

fined and must be related to the dis-
tinct changes in the configuration, 
power or thrust, and speed; 

(2) The weight of the airplane, the 

configuration, and the power or thrust 
must be constant throughout each seg-
ment and must correspond to the most 
critical condition prevailing in the seg-

(3) The flight path must be based on 

the airplane’s performance without 
ground effect; and 

(4) The takeoff path data must be 

checked by continuous demonstrated 
takeoffs up to the point at which the 
airplane is out of ground effect and its 
speed is stabilized, to ensure that the 
path is conservative relative to the 
continous path. 

The airplane is considered to be out of 
the ground effect when it reaches a 
height equal to its wing span. 

(e) For airplanes equipped with 

standby power rocket engines, the 
takeoff path may be determined in ac-
cordance with section II of appendix E. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–6, 30 FR 8468, July 2, 
1965; Amdt. 25–42, 43 FR 2321, Jan. 16, 1978; 
Amdt. 25–54, 45 FR 60172, Sept. 11, 1980; Amdt. 
25–72, 55 FR 29774, July 20, 1990; Amdt. 25–94, 
63 FR 8848, Feb. 23, 1998; Amdt. 25–108, 67 FR 
70826, Nov. 26, 2002; Amdt. 25–115, 69 FR 40527, 
July 2, 2004; Amdt. 25–121, 72 FR 44666; Aug. 
8, 2007; Amdt. 25–140, 79 FR 65525, Nov. 4, 2014] 

§ 25.113

Takeoff distance and takeoff 


(a) Takeoff distance on a dry runway 

is the greater of— 

(1) The horizontal distance along the 

takeoff path from the start of the take-
off to the point at which the airplane is 
35 feet above the takeoff surface, deter-
mined under § 25.111 for a dry runway; 

(2) 115 percent of the horizontal dis-

tance along the takeoff path, with all 
engines operating, from the start of the 
takeoff to the point at which the air-
plane is 35 feet above the takeoff sur-
face, as determined by a procedure con-
sistent with § 25.111. 

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