14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 25.1301
Subpart F—Equipment
§ 25.1301
Function and installation.
(a) Each item of installed equipment
(1) Be of a kind and design appro-
priate to its intended function;
(2) Be labeled as to its identification,
function, or operating limitations, or
any applicable combination of these
(3) Be installed according to limita-
tions specified for that equipment; and
(4) Function properly when installed.
(b) EWIS must meet the require-
ments of subpart H of this part.
[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18333, Dec. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 25–123, 72 FR 63405, Nov. 8,
§ 25.1302
Installed systems and equip-
ment for use by the flightcrew.
This section applies to installed sys-
tems and equipment intended for
flightcrew members’ use in operating
the airplane from their normally seat-
ed positions on the flight deck. The ap-
plicant must show that these systems
and installed equipment, individually
and in combination with other such
systems and equipment, are designed
so that qualified flightcrew members
trained in their use can safely perform
all of the tasks associated with the sys-
tems’ and equipment’s intended func-
tions. Such installed equipment and
systems must meet the following re-
(a) Flight deck controls must be in-
stalled to allow accomplishment of all
the tasks required to safely perform
the equipment’s intended function, and
information must be provided to the
flightcrew that is necessary to accom-
plish the defined tasks.
(b) Flight deck controls and informa-
tion intended for the flightcrew’s use
(1) Be provided in a clear and unam-
biguous manner at a resolution and
precision appropriate to the task;
(2) Be accessible and usable by the
flightcrew in a manner consistent with
the urgency, frequency, and duration of
their tasks; and
(3) Enable flightcrew awareness, if
awareness is required for safe oper-
ation, of the effects on the airplane or
systems resulting from flightcrew ac-
(c) Operationally-relevant behavior
of the installed equipment must be:
(1) Predictable and unambiguous; and
(2) Designed to enable the flightcrew
to intervene in a manner appropriate
to the task.
(d) To the extent practicable, in-
stalled equipment must incorporate
means to enable the flightcrew to man-
age errors resulting from the kinds of
flightcrew interactions with the equip-
ment that can be reasonably expected
in service. This paragraph does not
apply to any of the following:
(1) Skill-related errors associated
with manual control of the airplane;
(2) Errors that result from decisions,
actions, or omissions committed with
malicious intent;
(3) Errors arising from a crew-
member’s reckless decisions, actions,
or omissions reflecting a substantial
disregard for safety; and
(4) Errors resulting from acts or
threats of violence, including actions
taken under duress.
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–1175, 78 FR 25846, May 3,
§ 25.1303
Flight and navigation instru-
(a) The following flight and naviga-
tion instruments must be installed so
that the instrument is visible from
each pilot station:
(1) A free air temperature indicator
or an air-temperature indicator which
provides indications that are convert-
ible to free-air temperature.
(2) A clock displaying hours, min-
utes, and seconds with a sweep-second
pointer or digital presentation.
(3) A direction indicator (non-
stabilized magnetic compass).
(b) The following flight and naviga-
tion instruments must be installed at
each pilot station:
(1) An airspeed indicator. If airspeed
limitations vary with altitude, the in-
dicator must have a maximum allow-
able airspeed indicator showing the
variation of V
with altitude.
(2) An altimeter (sensitive).
(3) A rate-of-climb indicator (vertical
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