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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.1316 

of the crew to cope with adverse oper-
ating conditions is improbable. 

(c) Warning information must be pro-

vided to alert the crew to unsafe sys-
tem operating conditions, and to en-
able them to take appropriate correc-
tive action. Systems, controls, and as-
sociated monitoring and warning 
means must be designed to minimize 
crew errors which could create addi-
tional hazards. 

(d) Compliance with the require-

ments of paragraph (b) of this section 
must be shown by analysis, and where 
necessary, by appropriate ground, 
flight, or simulator tests. The analysis 
must consider— 

(1) Possible modes of failure, includ-

ing malfunctions and damage from ex-
ternal sources. 

(2) The probability of multiple fail-

ures and undetected failures. 

(3) The resulting effects on the air-

plane and occupants, considering the 
stage of flight and operating condi-
tions, and 

(4) The crew warning cues, corrective 

action required, and the capability of 
detecting faults. 

(e) In showing compliance with para-

graphs (a) and (b) of this section with 
regard to the electrical system and 
equipment design and installation, 
critical environmental conditions must 
be considered. For electrical genera-
tion, distribution, and utilization 
equipment required by or used in com-
plying with this chapter, except equip-
ment covered by Technical Standard 
Orders containing environmental test 
procedures, the ability to provide con-
tinuous, safe service under foreseeable 
environmental conditions may be 
shown by environmental tests, design 
analysis, or reference to previous com-
parable service experience on other air-

(f) EWIS must be assessed in accord-

ance with the requirements of § 25.1709. 

[Amdt. 25–23, 35 FR 5679, Apr. 8, 1970, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–38, 41 FR 55467, Dec. 20, 
1976; Amdt. 25–41, 42 FR 36970, July 18, 1977; 
Amdt. 25–123, 72 FR 63405, Nov. 8, 2007] 

§ 25.1310

Power source capacity and 


(a) Each installation whose func-

tioning is required for type certifi-
cation or under operating rules and 

that requires a power supply is an ‘‘es-
sential load’’ on the power supply. The 
power sources and the system must be 
able to supply the following power 
loads in probable operating combina-
tions and for probable durations: 

(1) Loads connected to the system 

with the system functioning normally. 

(2) Essential loads, after failure of 

any one prime mover, power converter, 
or energy storage device. 

(3) Essential loads after failure of— 
(i) Any one engine on two-engine air-

planes; and 

(ii) Any two engines on airplanes 

with three or more engines. 

(4) Essential loads for which an alter-

nate source of power is required, after 
any failure or malfunction in any one 
power supply system, distribution sys-
tem, or other utilization system. 

(b) In determining compliance with 

paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section, 
the power loads may be assumed to be 
reduced under a monitoring procedure 
consistent with safety in the kinds of 
operation authorized. Loads not re-
quired in controlled flight need not be 
considered for the two-engine-inoper-
ative condition on airplanes with three 
or more engines. 

[Amdt. 25–123, 72 FR 63405, Nov. 8, 2007] 

§ 25.1316

Electrical and electronic sys-

tem lightning protection. 

(a) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function, for 
which failure would prevent the contin-
ued safe flight and landing of the air-
plane, must be designed and installed 
so that— 

(1) The function is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
airplane is exposed to lightning; and 

(2) The system automatically recov-

ers normal operation of that function 
in a timely manner after the airplane 
is exposed to lightning. 

(b) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function, for 
which failure would reduce the capa-
bility of the airplane or the ability of 
the flightcrew to respond to an adverse 
operating condition, must be designed 
and installed so that the function re-
covers normal operation in a timely 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.1317 

manner after the airplane is exposed to 

[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0224, Amdt. 25–134, 76 FR 
33135, June 8, 2011] 

§ 25.1317

High-intensity Radiated 

Fields (HIRF) Protection. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(d) of this section, each electrical and 
electronic system that performs a func-
tion whose failure would prevent the 
continued safe flight and landing of the 
airplane must be designed and installed 
so that— 

(1) The function is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
airplane is exposed to HIRF environ-
ment I, as described in appendix L to 
this part; 

(2) The system automatically recov-

ers normal operation of that function, 
in a timely manner, after the airplane 
is exposed to HIRF environment I, as 
described in appendix L to this part, 
unless the system’s recovery conflicts 
with other operational or functional 
requirements of the system; and 

(3) The system is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
airplane is exposed to HIRF environ-
ment II, as described in appendix L to 
this part. 

(b) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function whose 
failure would significantly reduce the 
capability of the airplane or the ability 
of the flightcrew to respond to an ad-
verse operating condition must be de-
signed and installed so the system is 
not adversely affected when the equip-
ment providing these functions is ex-
posed to equipment HIRF test level 1 
or 2, as described in appendix L to this 

(c) Each electrical and electronic sys-

tem that performs a function whose 
failure would reduce the capability of 
the airplane or the ability of the 
flightcrew to respond to an adverse op-
erating condition must be designed and 
installed so the system is not adversely 
affected when the equipment providing 
the function is exposed to equipment 
HIRF test level 3, as described in ap-
pendix L to this part. 

(d) Before December 1, 2012, an elec-

trical or electronic system that per-
forms a function whose failure would 
prevent the continued safe flight and 

landing of an airplane may be designed 
and installed without meeting the pro-
visions of paragraph (a) provided— 

(1) The system has previously been 

shown to comply with special condi-
tions for HIRF, prescribed under § 21.16, 
issued before December 1, 2007; 

(2) The HIRF immunity characteris-

tics of the system have not changed 
since compliance with the special con-
ditions was demonstrated; and 

(3) The data used to demonstrate 

compliance with the special conditions 
is provided. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–23657, 72 FR 44025, Aug. 6, 



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§ 25.1321

Arrangement and visibility. 

(a) Each flight, navigation, and pow-

erplant instrument for use by any pilot 
must be plainly visible to him from his 
station with the minimum practicable 
deviation from his normal position and 
line of vision when he is looking for-
ward along the flight path. 

(b) The flight instruments required 

by § 25.1303 must be grouped on the in-
strument panel and centered as nearly 
as practicable about the vertical plane 
of the pilot’s forward vision. In addi-

(1) The instrument that most effec-

tively indicates attitude must be on 
the panel in the top center position; 

(2) The instrument that most effec-

tively indicates airspeed must be adja-
cent to and directly to the left of the 
instrument in the top center position: 

(3) The instrument that most effec-

tively indicates altitude must be adja-
cent to and directly to the right of the 
instrument in the top center position; 

(4) The instrument that most effec-

tively indicates direction of flight 
must be adjacent to and directly below 
the instrument in the top center posi-

(c) Required powerplant instruments 

must be closely grouped on the instru-
ment panel. In addition— 

(1) The location of identical power-

plant instruments for the engines must 
prevent confusion as to which engine 
each instrument relates; and 

(2) Powerplant instruments vital to 

the safe operation of the airplane must 

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