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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.1420 

the various components of the airplane 
is adequate, taking into account the 
various airplane operational configura-
tions; and 

(b) To verify the ice protection anal-

ysis, to check for icing anomalies, and 
to demonstrate that the ice protection 
system and its components are effec-
tive, the airplane or its components 
must be flight tested in the various 
operational configurations, in meas-
ured natural atmospheric icing condi-
tions and, as found necessary, by one 
or more of the following means: 

(1) Laboratory dry air or simulated 

icing tests, or a combination of both, of 
the components or models of the com-

(2) Flight dry air tests of the ice pro-

tection system as a whole, or of its in-
dividual components. 

(3) Flight tests of the airplane or its 

components in measured simulated 
icing conditions. 

(c) Caution information, such as an 

amber caution light or equivalent, 
must be provided to alert the 
flightcrew when the anti-ice or de-ice 
system is not functioning normally. 

(d) For turbine engine powered air-

planes, the ice protection provisions of 
this section are considered to be appli-
cable primarily to the airframe. For 
the powerplant installation, certain ad-
ditional provisions of subpart E of this 
part may be found applicable. 

(e) One of the following methods of 

icing detection and activation of the 
airframe ice protection system must be 

(1) A primary ice detection system 

that automatically activates or alerts 
the flightcrew to activate the airframe 
ice protection system; 

(2) A definition of visual cues for rec-

ognition of the first sign of ice accre-
tion on a specified surface combined 
with an advisory ice detection system 
that alerts the flightcrew to activate 
the airframe ice protection system; or 

(3) Identification of conditions con-

ducive to airframe icing as defined by 
an appropriate static or total air tem-
perature and visible moisture for use 
by the flightcrew to activate the air-
frame ice protection system. 

(f) Unless the applicant shows that 

the airframe ice protection system 
need not be operated during specific 

phases of flight, the requirements of 
paragraph (e) of this section are appli-
cable to all phases of flight. 

(g) After the initial activation of the 

airframe ice protection system— 

(1) The ice protection system must be 

designed to operate continuously; 

(2) The airplane must be equipped 

with a system that automatically cy-
cles the ice protection system; or 

(3) An ice detection system must be 

provided to alert the flightcrew each 
time the ice protection system must be 

(h) Procedures for operation of the 

ice protection system, including acti-
vation and deactivation, must be estab-
lished and documented in the Airplane 
Flight Manual. 

[Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29785, July 20, 1990, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–121, 72 FR 44669, Aug. 8, 
2007; Amdt. 25–129, 74 FR 38339, Aug. 3, 2009] 

§ 25.1420

Supercooled large drop icing 


(a) If certification for flight in icing 

conditions is sought, in addition to the 
requirements of § 25.1419, an airplane 
with a maximum takeoff weight less 
than 60,000 pounds or with reversible 
flight controls must be capable of oper-
ating in accordance with paragraphs 
(a)(1), (2), or (3), of this section. 

(1) Operating safely after encoun-

tering the icing conditions defined in 
Appendix O of this part: 

(i) The airplane must have a means 

to detect that it is operating in Appen-
dix O icing conditions; and 

(ii) Following detection of Appendix 

O icing conditions, the airplane must 
be capable of operating safely while 
exiting all icing conditions. 

(2) Operating safely in a portion of 

the icing conditions defined in Appen-
dix O of this part as selected by the ap-

(i) The airplane must have a means 

to detect that it is operating in condi-
tions that exceed the selected portion 
of Appendix O icing conditions; and 

(ii) Following detection, the airplane 

must be capable of operating safely 
while exiting all icing conditions. 

(3) Operating safely in the icing con-

ditions defined in Appendix O of this 

(b) To establish that the airplane can 

operate safely as required in paragraph 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.1423 

(a) of this section, an applicant must 
show through analysis that the ice pro-
tection for the various components of 
the airplane is adequate, taking into 
account the various airplane oper-
ational configurations. To verify the 
analysis, one, or more as found nec-
essary, of the following methods must 
be used: 

(1) Laboratory dry air or simulated 

icing tests, or a combination of both, of 
the components or models of the com-

(2) Laboratory dry air or simulated 

icing tests, or a combination of both, of 
models of the airplane. 

(3) Flight tests of the airplane or its 

components in simulated icing condi-
tions, measured as necessary to sup-
port the analysis. 

(4) Flight tests of the airplane with 

simulated ice shapes. 

(5) Flight tests of the airplane in nat-

ural icing conditions, measured as nec-
essary to support the analysis. 

(c) For an airplane certified in ac-

cordance with paragraph (a)(2) or (3) of 
this section, the requirements of 
§ 25.1419(e), (f), (g), and (h) must be met 
for the icing conditions defined in Ap-
pendix O of this part in which the air-
plane is certified to operate. 

(d) For the purposes of this section, 

the following definitions apply: 


Reversible Flight Controls. Flight 

controls in the normal operating con-
figuration that have force or motion 
originating at the airplane’s control 
surface (for example, through aero-
dynamic loads, static imbalance, or 
trim or servo tab inputs) that is trans-
mitted back to flight deck controls. 
This term refers to flight deck controls 
connected to the pitch, roll, or yaw 
control surfaces by direct mechanical 
linkages, cables, or push-pull rods in 
such a way that pilot effort produces 
motion or force about the hinge line. 


Simulated Icing Test. Testing con-

ducted in simulated icing conditions, 
such as in an icing tunnel or behind an 
icing tanker. 


Simulated Ice Shape. Ice shape fab-

ricated from wood, epoxy, or other ma-
terials by any construction technique. 

[Amdt. 25–140, 79 FR 65528, Nov. 4, 2014] 

§ 25.1421


If a megaphone is installed, a re-

straining means must be provided that 
is capable of restraining the mega-
phone when it is subjected to the ulti-
mate inertia forces specified in 
§ 25.561(b)(3). 

[Amdt. 25–41, 42 FR 36970, July 18, 1977] 

§ 25.1423

Public address system. 

A public address system required by 

this chapter must— 

(a) Be powerable when the aircraft is 

in flight or stopped on the ground, 
after the shutdown or failure of all en-
gines and auxiliary power units, or the 
disconnection or failure of all power 
sources dependent on their continued 
operation, for— 

(1) A time duration of at least 10 min-

utes, including an aggregate time dura-
tion of at least 5 minutes of announce-
ments made by flight and cabin crew-
members, considering all other loads 
which may remain powered by the 
same source when all other power 
sources are inoperative; and 

(2) An additional time duration in its 

standby state appropriate or required 
for any other loads that are powered by 
the same source and that are essential 
to safety of flight or required during 
emergency conditions. 

(b) Be capable of operation within 3 

seconds from the time a microphone is 
removed from its stowage. 

(c) Be intelligible at all passenger 

seats, lavatories, and flight attendant 
seats and work stations. 

(d) Be designed so that no unused, 

unstowed microphone will render the 
system inoperative. 

(e) Be capable of functioning inde-

pendently of any required crewmember 
interphone system. 

(f) Be accessible for immediate use 

from each of two flight crewmember 
stations in the pilot compartment. 

(g) For each required floor-level pas-

senger emergency exit which has an ad-
jacent flight attendant seat, have a 
microphone which is readily accessible 
to the seated flight attendant, except 
that one microphone may serve more 
than one exit, provided the proximity 
of the exits allows unassisted verbal 

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