14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 25.1459
as a result of crash impact and con-
sequent heat damage to the recorder
from fire.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, the recorder con-
tainer must be located as far aft as
practicable, but need not be outside of
the pressurized compartment, and may
not be located where aft-mounted en-
gines may crush the container during
(2) If two separate combination dig-
ital flight data recorder and cockpit
voice recorder units are installed in-
stead of one cockpit voice recorder and
one digital flight data recorder, the
combination unit that is installed to
comply with the cockpit voice recorder
requirements may be located near the
(f) If the cockpit voice recorder has a
bulk erasure device, the installation
must be designed to minimize the prob-
ability of inadvertent operation and ac-
tuation of the device during crash im-
(g) Each recorder container must—
(1) Be either bright orange or bright
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its
external surface to facilitate its loca-
tion under water; and
(3) Have an underwater locating de-
vice, when required by the operating
rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to
the container which is secured in such
manner that they are not likely to be
separated during crash impact.
[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 25–2, 30 FR 3932, Mar. 26,
1965; Amdt. 25–16, 32 FR 13914, Oct. 6, 1967;
Amdt. 25–41, 42 FR 36971, July 18, 1977; Amdt.
25–65, 53 FR 26143, July 11, 1988; Amdt. 25–124,
73 FR 12563, Mar. 7, 2008; 74 FR 32800, July 9,
§ 25.1459
Flight data recorders.
(a) Each flight recorder required by
the operating rules of this chapter
must be installed so that—
(1) It is supplied with airspeed, alti-
tude, and directional data obtained
from sources that meet the accuracy
requirements of §§ 25.1323, 25.1325, and
25.1327, as appropriate;
(2) The vertical acceleration sensor is
rigidly attached, and located longitu-
dinally either within the approved cen-
ter of gravity limits of the airplane, or
at a distance forward or aft of these
limits that does not exceed 25 percent
of the airplane’s mean aerodynamic
(3)(i) It receives its electrical power
from the bus that provides the max-
imum reliability for operation of the
flight data recorder without jeopard-
izing service to essential or emergency
(ii) It remains powered for as long as
possible without jeopardizing emer-
gency operation of the airplane.
(4) There is an aural or visual means
for preflight checking of the recorder
for proper recording of data in the stor-
age medium;
(5) Except for recorders powered sole-
ly by the engine-driven electrical gen-
erator system, there is an automatic
means to simultaneously stop a re-
corder that has a data erasure feature
and prevent each erasure feature from
functioning, within 10 minutes after
crash impact;
(6) There is a means to record data
from which the time of each radio
transmission either to or from ATC can
be determined;
(7) Any single electrical failure exter-
nal to the recorder does not disable
both the cockpit voice recorder and the
flight data recorder; and
(8) It is in a separate container from
the cockpit voice recorder when both
are required. If used to comply with
only the flight data recorder require-
ments, a combination unit may be in-
stalled. If a combination unit is in-
stalled as a cockpit voice recorder to
comply with § 25.1457(e)(2), a combina-
tion unit must be used to comply with
this flight data recorder requirement.
(b) Each nonejectable record con-
tainer must be located and mounted so
as to minimize the probability of con-
tainer rupture resulting from crash im-
pact and subsequent damage to the
record from fire. In meeting this re-
quirement the record container must
be located as far aft as practicable, but
need not be aft of the pressurized com-
partment, and may not be where aft-
mounted engines may crush the con-
tainer upon impact.
(c) A correlation must be established
between the flight recorder readings of
airspeed, altitude, and heading and the
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 25.1505
corresponding readings (taking into ac-
count correction factors) of the first pi-
lot’s instruments. The correlation
must cover the airspeed range over
which the airplane is to be operated,
the range of altitude to which the air-
plane is limited, and 360 degrees of
heading. Correlation may be estab-
lished on the ground as appropriate.
(d) Each recorder container must—
(1) Be either bright orange or bright
(2) Have reflective tape affixed to its
external surface to facilitate its loca-
tion under water; and
(3) Have an underwater locating de-
vice, when required by the operating
rules of this chapter, on or adjacent to
the container which is secured in such
a manner that they are not likely to be
separated during crash impact.
(e) Any novel or unique design or
operational characteristics of the air-
craft shall be evaluated to determine if
any dedicated parameters must be re-
corded on flight recorders in addition
to or in place of existing requirements.
[Amdt. 25–8, 31 FR 127, Jan. 6, 1966, as amend-
ed by Amdt. 25–25, 35 FR 13192, Aug. 19, 1970;
Amdt. 25–37, 40 FR 2577, Jan. 14, 1975; Amdt.
25–41, 42 FR 36971, July 18, 1977; Amdt. 25–65,
53 FR 26144, July 11, 1988; Amdt. 25–124, 73 FR
12563, Mar. 7, 2008; 74 FR 32800, July 9, 2009]
§ 25.1461
Equipment containing high
energy rotors.
(a) Equipment containing high en-
ergy rotors must meet paragraph (b),
(c), or (d) of this section.
(b) High energy rotors contained in
equipment must be able to withstand
damage caused by malfunctions, vibra-
tion, abnormal speeds, and abnormal
temperatures. In addition—
(1) Auxiliary rotor cases must be able
to contain damage caused by the fail-
ure of high energy rotor blades; and
(2) Equipment control devices, sys-
tems, and instrumentation must rea-
sonably ensure that no operating limi-
tations affecting the integrity of high
energy rotors will be exceeded in serv-
(c) It must be shown by test that
equipment containing high energy ro-
tors can contain any failure of a high
energy rotor that occurs at the highest
speed obtainable with the normal speed
control devices inoperative.
(d) Equipment containing high en-
ergy rotors must be located where
rotor failure will neither endanger the
occupants nor adversely affect contin-
ued safe flight.
[Amdt. 25–41, 42 FR 36971, July 18, 1977]
Subpart G—Operating Limitations
and Information
§ 25.1501
(a) Each operating limitation speci-
fied in §§ 25.1503 through 25.1533 and
other limitations and information nec-
essary for safe operation must be es-
(b) The operating limitations and
other information necessary for safe
operation must be made available to
the crewmembers as prescribed in
§§ 25.1541 through 25.1587.
[Amdt. 25–42, 43 FR 2323, Jan. 16, 1978]
§ 25.1503
Airspeed limitations: general.
When airspeed limitations are a func-
tion of weight, weight distribution, al-
titude, or Mach number, limitations
corresponding to each critical com-
bination of these factors must be estab-
§ 25.1505
Maximum operating limit
The maximum operating limit speed
airspeed or Mach Number,
whichever is critical at a particular al-
titude) is a speed that may not be de-
liberately exceeded in any regime of
flight (climb, cruise, or descent), unless
a higher speed is authorized for flight
test or pilot training operations.
must be established so that it is
not greater than the design cruising
and so that it is sufficiently
to make it
highly improbable that the latter
speeds will be inadvertently exceeded
in operations. The speed margin be-
may not be less than that determined
under § 25.335(b) or found necessary dur-
ing the flight tests conducted under
§ 25.253.
[Amdt. 25–23, 35 FR 5680, Apr. 8, 1970]
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