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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.1535 

which compliance is shown with the 
applicable provisions of this part (in-
cluding the landing and approach climb 
provisions of §§ 25.119 and 25.121(d) for 
altitudes and ambient temperatures). 

(3) The minimum takeoff distances 

must be established as the distances at 
which compliance is shown with the 
applicable provisions of this part (in-
cluding the provisions of §§ 25.109 and 
25.113, for weights, altitudes, tempera-
tures, wind components, runway sur-
face conditions (dry and wet), and run-
way gradients) for smooth, hard-sur-
faced runways. Additionally, at the op-
tion of the applicant, wet runway take-
off distances may be established for 
runway surfaces that have been 
grooved or treated with a porous fric-
tion course, and may be approved for 
use on runways where such surfaces 
have been designed constructed, and 
maintained in a manner acceptable to 
the Administrator. 

(b) The extremes for variable factors 

(such as altitude, temperature, wind, 
and runway gradients) are those at 
which compliance with the applicable 
provisions of this part is shown. 

(c) For airplanes certified in accord-

ance with § 25.1420(a)(1) or (2), an oper-
ating limitation must be established 

(1) Prohibit intentional flight, in-

cluding takeoff and landing, into icing 
conditions defined in Appendix O of 
this part for which the airplane has not 
been certified to safely operate; and 

(2) Require exiting all icing condi-

tions if icing conditions defined in Ap-
pendix O of this part are encountered 
for which the airplane has not been 
certified to safely operate. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–38, 41 FR 55468, Dec. 20, 
1976; Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29786, July 20, 1990; 
Amdt. 25–92, 63 FR 8321, Feb. 18, 1998; Amdt. 
25–140, 79 FR 65528, Nov. 4, 2014] 

§ 25.1535

ETOPS approval. 

Except as provided in § 25.3, each ap-

plicant seeking ETOPS type design ap-
proval must comply with the provi-
sions of Appendix K of this part. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2002–6717, 72 FR 1873, Jan. 16, 






§ 25.1541


(a) The airplane must contain— 
(1) The specified markings and plac-

ards; and 

(2) Any additional information, in-

strument markings, and placards re-
quired for the safe operation if there 
are unusual design, operating, or han-
dling characteristics. 

(b) Each marking and placard pre-

scribed in paragraph (a) of this sec-

(1) Must be displayed in a con-

spicuous place; and 

(2) May not be easily erased, dis-

figured, or obscured. 

§ 25.1543

Instrument markings: gen-


For each instrument— 
(a) When markings are on the cover 

glass of the instrument, there must be 
means to maintain the correct align-
ment of the glass cover with the face of 
the dial; and 

(b) Each instrument marking must 

be clearly visible to the appropriate 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29786, July 20, 

§ 25.1545

Airspeed limitation informa-


The airspeed limitations required by 

§ 25.1583 (a) must be easily read and un-
derstood by the flight crew. 

§ 25.1547

Magnetic direction indicator. 

(a) A placard meeting the require-

ments of this section must be installed 
on, or near, the magnetic direction in-

(b) The placard must show the cali-

bration of the instrument in level 
flight with the engines operating. 

(c) The placard must state whether 

the calibration was made with radio re-
ceivers on or off. 

(d) Each calibration reading must be 

in terms of magnetic heading in not 
more than 45 degree increments. 

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