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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.1587 

§ 25.1587

Performance information. 

(a) Each Airplane Flight Manual 

must contain information to permit 
conversion of the indicated tempera-
ture to free air temperature if other 
than a free air temperature indicator is 
used to comply with the requirements 
of § 25.1303(a)(1). 

(b) Each Airplane Flight Manual 

must contain the performance informa-
tion computed under the applicable 
provisions of this part (including 
§§ 25.115, 25.123, and 25.125 for the 
weights, altitudes, temperatures, wind 
components, and runway gradients, as 
applicable) within the operational lim-
its of the airplane, and must contain 
the following: 

(1) In each case, the conditions of 

power, configuration, and speeds, and 
the procedures for handling the air-
plane and any system having a signifi-
cant effect on the performance infor-

(2) V


determined in accordance 

with § 25.103. 

(3) The following performance infor-

mation (determined by extrapolation 
and computed for the range of weights 
between the maximum landing weight 
and the maximum takeoff weight): 

(i) Climb in the landing configura-


(ii) Climb in the approach configura-


(iii) Landing distance. 
(4) Procedures established under 

§ 25.101(f) and (g) that are related to the 
limitations and information required 
by § 25.1533 and by this paragraph (b) in 
the form of guidance material, includ-
ing any relevant limitations or infor-

(5) An explanation of significant or 

unusual flight or ground handling char-
acteristics of the airplane. 

(6) Corrections to indicated values of 

airspeed, altitude, and outside air tem-

(7) An explanation of operational 

landing runway length factors included 
in the presentation of the landing dis-
tance, if appropriate. 

[Doc. No. 2000–8511, 66 FR 34024, June 26, 2001, 
as amended by Amdt. 25–108, 67 FR 70828, 
Nov. 26, 2002] 

Subpart H—Electrical Wiring 

Interconnection Systems (EWIS) 



: Docket No. FAA–2004–18379, 72 FR 

63406, Nov. 8, 2007, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 25.1701


(a) As used in this chapter, electrical 

wiring interconnection system (EWIS) 
means any wire, wiring device, or com-
bination of these, including termi-
nation devices, installed in any area of 
the airplane for the purpose of trans-
mitting electrical energy, including 
data and signals, between two or more 
intended termination points. This in-

(1) Wires and cables. 
(2) Bus bars. 
(3) The termination point on elec-

trical devices, including those on re-
lays, interrupters, switches, 
contactors, terminal blocks and circuit 
breakers, and other circuit protection 

(4) Connectors, including feed- 

through connectors. 

(5) Connector accessories. 
(6) Electrical grounding and bonding 

devices and their associated connec-

(7) Electrical splices. 
(8) Materials used to provide addi-

tional protection for wires, including 
wire insulation, wire sleeving, and con-
duits that have electrical termination 
for the purpose of bonding. 

(9) Shields or braids. 
(10) Clamps and other devices used to 

route and support the wire bundle. 

(11) Cable tie devices. 
(12) Labels or other means of identi-


(13) Pressure seals. 
(14) EWIS components inside shelves, 

panels, racks, junction boxes, distribu-
tion panels, and back-planes of equip-
ment racks, including, but not limited 
to, circuit board back-planes, wire in-
tegration units, and external wiring of 

(b) Except for the equipment indi-

cated in paragraph (a)(14) of this sec-
tion, EWIS components inside the fol-
lowing equipment, and the external 
connectors that are part of that equip-
ment, are excluded from the definition 
in paragraph (a) of this section: 

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