Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 25.1707
(1) Electrical equipment or avionics
that are qualified to environmental
conditions and testing procedures when
those conditions and procedures are—
(i) Appropriate for the intended func-
tion and operating environment, and
(ii) Acceptable to the FAA.
(2) Portable electrical devices that
are not part of the type design of the
airplane. This includes personal enter-
tainment devices and laptop com-
(3) Fiber optics.
§ 25.1703
Function and installation:
(a) Each EWIS component installed
in any area of the aircraft must:
(1) Be of a kind and design appro-
priate to its intended function.
(2) Be installed according to limita-
tions specified for the EWIS compo-
(3) Perform the function for which it
was intended without degrading the
airworthiness of the airplane.
(4) Be designed and installed in a way
that will minimize mechanical strain.
(b) Selection of wires must take into
account known characteristics of the
wire in relation to each installation
and application to minimize the risk of
wire damage, including any arc track-
ing phenomena.
(c) The design and installation of the
main power cables (including generator
cables) in the fuselage must allow for a
reasonable degree of deformation and
stretching without failure.
(d) EWIS components located in
areas of known moisture accumulation
must be protected to minimize any
hazardous effects due to moisture.
§ 25.1705
Systems and functions: EWIS.
(a) EWIS associated with any system
required for type certification or by op-
erating rules must be considered an in-
tegral part of that system and must be
considered in showing compliance with
the applicable requirements for that
(b) For systems to which the fol-
lowing rules apply, the components of
EWIS associated with those systems
must be considered an integral part of
that system or systems and must be
considered in showing compliance with
the applicable requirements for that
(1) § 25.773(b)(2)
Pilot compartment
(2) § 25.981
Fuel tank ignition pre-
(3) § 25.1165
Engine ignition systems.
(4) § 25.1310
Power source capacity
and distribution.
(5) § 25.1316
System lightning protec-
(6) § 25.1331(a)(2)
Instruments using a
power supply.
(7) § 25.1351
(8) § 25.1355
Distribution system.
(9) § 25.1360
Precautions against in-
(10) § 25.1362
Electrical supplies for
emergency conditions.
(11) § 25.1365
Electrical appliances,
motors, and transformers.
(12) § 25.1431(c) and (d)
§ 25.1707
System separation: EWIS.
(a) Each EWIS must be designed and
installed with adequate physical sepa-
ration from other EWIS and airplane
systems so that an EWIS component
failure will not create a hazardous con-
dition. Unless otherwise stated, for the
purposes of this section, adequate
physical separation must be achieved
by separation distance or by a barrier
that provides protection equivalent to
that separation distance.
(b) Each EWIS must be designed and
installed so that any electrical inter-
ference likely to be present in the air-
plane will not result in hazardous ef-
fects upon the airplane or its systems.
(c) Wires and cables carrying heavy
current, and their associated EWIS
components, must be designed and in-
stalled to ensure adequate physical
separation and electrical isolation so
that damage to circuits associated
with essential functions will be mini-
mized under fault conditions.
(d) Each EWIS associated with inde-
pendent airplane power sources or
power sources connected in combina-
tion must be designed and installed to
ensure adequate physical separation
and electrical isolation so that a fault
in any one airplane power source EWIS
will not adversely affect any other
independent power sources. In addition:
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