Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 25.1725
operating rules, or as a result of the as-
sessment required by § 25.1709, EWIS
components associated with those sys-
tems must be specifically identified
with component part number, function,
and separation requirement for bun-
(1) The identification must be placed
along the wire, cable, or wire bundle at
appropriate intervals and in areas of
the airplane where it is readily visible
to maintenance, repair, or alteration
(2) If an EWIS component cannot be
marked physically, then other means
of identification must be provided.
(c) The identifying markings re-
quired by paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
section must remain legible through-
out the expected service life of the
EWIS component.
(d) The means used for identifying
each EWIS component as required by
this section must not have an adverse
effect on the performance of that com-
ponent throughout its expected service
(e) Identification for EWIS modifica-
tions to the type design must be con-
sistent with the identification scheme
of the original type design.
§ 25.1713
Fire protection: EWIS.
(a) All EWIS components must meet
the applicable fire and smoke protec-
tion requirements of § 25.831(c) of this
(b) EWIS components that are lo-
cated in designated fire zones and are
used during emergency procedures
must be fire resistant.
(c) Insulation on electrical wire and
electrical cable, and materials used to
provide additional protection for the
wire and cable, installed in any area of
the airplane, must be self-extin-
guishing when tested in accordance
with the applicable portions of Appen-
dix F, part I, of 14 CFR part 25.
§ 25.1715
Electrical bonding and pro-
tection against static electricity:
(a) EWIS components used for elec-
trical bonding and protection against
static electricity must meet the re-
quirements of § 25.899.
(b) On airplanes having grounded
electrical systems, electrical bonding
provided by EWIS components must
provide an electrical return path capa-
ble of carrying both normal and fault
currents without creating a shock haz-
ard or damage to the EWIS compo-
nents, other airplane system compo-
nents, or airplane structure.
§ 25.1717
Circuit protective devices:
Electrical wires and cables must be
designed and installed so they are com-
patible with the circuit protection de-
vices required by § 25.1357, so that a fire
or smoke hazard cannot be created
under temporary or continuous fault
§ 25.1719
Accessibility provisions:
Access must be provided to allow in-
spection and replacement of any EWIS
component as necessary for continued
§ 25.1721
Protection of EWIS.
(a) No cargo or baggage compartment
may contain any EWIS whose damage
or failure may affect safe operation,
unless the EWIS is protected so that:
(1) It cannot be damaged by move-
ment of cargo or baggage in the com-
(2) Its breakage or failure will not
create a fire hazard.
(b) EWIS must be designed and in-
stalled to minimize damage and risk of
damage to EWIS by movement of peo-
ple in the airplane during all phases of
flight, maintenance, and servicing.
(c) EWIS must be designed and in-
stalled to minimize damage and risk of
damage to EWIS by items carried onto
the aircraft by passengers or cabin
§ 25.1723
Flammable fluid fire protec-
tion: EWIS.
EWIS components located in each
area where flammable fluid or vapors
might escape by leakage of a fluid sys-
tem must be considered a potential ig-
nition source and must meet the re-
quirements of § 25.863.
§ 25.1725
Powerplants: EWIS.
(a) EWIS associated with any power-
plant must be designed and installed so
that the failure of an EWIS component
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