14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 25.1727
will not prevent the continued safe op-
eration of the remaining powerplants
or require immediate action by any
crewmember for continued safe oper-
ation, in accordance with the require-
ments of § 25.903(b).
(b) Design precautions must be taken
to minimize hazards to the airplane
due to EWIS damage in the event of a
powerplant rotor failure or a fire origi-
nating within the powerplant that
burns through the powerplant case, in
accordance with the requirements of
§ 25.903(d)(1).
§ 25.1727
Flammable fluid shutoff
means: EWIS.
EWIS associated with each flam-
mable fluid shutoff means and control
must be fireproof or must be located
and protected so that any fire in a fire
zone will not affect operation of the
flammable fluid shutoff means, in ac-
cordance with the requirements of
§ 25.1189.
§ 25.1729
Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness: EWIS.
The applicant must prepare Instruc-
tions for Continued Airworthiness ap-
plicable to EWIS in accordance with
Appendix H sections H25.4 and H25.5 to
this part that are approved by the
§ 25.1731
Powerplant and APU fire de-
tector system: EWIS.
(a) EWIS that are part of each fire or
overheat detector system in a fire zone
must be fire-resistant.
(b) No EWIS component of any fire or
overheat detector system for any fire
zone may pass through another fire
zone, unless:
(1) It is protected against the possi-
bility of false warnings resulting from
fires in zones through which it passes;
(2) Each zone involved is simulta-
neously protected by the same detector
and extinguishing system.
(c) EWIS that are part of each fire or
overheat detector system in a fire zone
must meet the requirements of
§ 25.1203.
§ 25.1733
Fire detector systems, gen-
eral: EWIS.
EWIS associated with any installed
fire protection system, including those
required by §§ 25.854 and 25.858, must be
considered an integral part of the sys-
tem in showing compliance with the
applicable requirements for that sys-
Subpart I—Special Federal
Aviation Regulations
: Docket No. FAA–2011–0186, Amdt.
25–133, 76 FR 12555, Mar. 8, 2011, unless other-
wise noted.
§ 25.1801
SFAR No. 111—Lavatory Oxy-
gen Systems.
The requirements of § 121.1500 of this
chapter also apply to this part.
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