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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.5 

§ 25.2

Special retroactive require-


The following special retroactive re-

quirements are applicable to an air-
plane for which the regulations ref-
erenced in the type certificate predate 
the sections specified below— 

(a) Irrespective of the date of applica-

tion, each applicant for a supplemental 
type certificate (or an amendment to a 
type certificate) involving an increase 
in passenger seating capacity to a total 
greater than that for which the air-
plane has been type certificated must 
show that the airplane concerned 
meets the requirements of: 

(1) Sections 25.721(d), 25.783(g), 

25.785(c), 25.803(c)(2) through (9), 25.803 
(d) and (e), 25.807 (a), (c), and (d), 25.809 
(f) and (h), 25.811, 25.812, 25.813 (a), (b), 
and (c), 25.815, 25.817, 25.853 (a) and (b), 
25.855(a), 25.993(f), and 25.1359(c) in ef-
fect on October 24, 1967, and 

(2) Sections 25.803(b) and 25.803(c)(1) 

in effect on April 23, 1969. 

(b) Irrespective of the date of applica-

tion, each applicant for a supplemental 
type certificate (or an amendment to a 
type certificate) for an airplane manu-
factured after October 16, 1987, must 
show that the airplane meets the re-
quirements of § 25.807(c)(7) in effect on 
July 24, 1989. 

(c) Compliance with subsequent revi-

sions to the sections specified in para-
graph (a) or (b) of this section may be 
elected or may be required in accord-
ance with § 21.101(a) of this chapter. 

[Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29773, July 20, 1990, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–99, 65 FR 36266, June 7, 

§ 25.3

Special provisions for ETOPS 

type design approvals. 


Applicability.  This section applies 

to an applicant for ETOPS type design 
approval of an airplane: 

(1) That has an existing type certifi-

cate on February 15, 2007; or 

(2) For which an application for an 

original type certificate was submitted 
before February 15, 2007. 


Airplanes with two engines. (1) For 

ETOPS type design approval of an air-
plane up to and including 180 minutes, 
an applicant must comply with 
§ 25.1535, except that it need not comply 
with the following provisions of Appen-
dix K, K25.1.4, of this part: 

(i) K25.1.4(a), fuel system pressure 

and flow requirements; 

(ii) K25.1.4(a)(3), low fuel alerting; 


(iii) K25.1.4(c), engine oil tank design. 
(2) For ETOPS type design approval 

of an airplane beyond 180 minutes an 
applicant must comply with § 25.1535. 


Airplanes with more than two en-

gines. An applicant for ETOPS type de-
sign approval must comply with 
§ 25.1535 for an airplane manufactured 
on or after February 17, 2015, except 
that, for an airplane configured for a 
three person flight crew, the applicant 
need not comply with Appendix K, 
K25.1.4(a)(3), of this part, low fuel alert-

[Doc. No. FAA–2002–6717, 72 FR 1873, Jan. 16, 

§ 25.5

Incorporations by reference. 

(a) The materials listed in this sec-

tion are incorporated by reference in 
the corresponding sections noted. 
These incorporations by reference were 
approved by the Director of the Federal 
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. These mate-
rials are incorporated as they exist on 
the date of the approval, and notice of 
any change in these materials will be 
published in the F




The materials are available for pur-
chase at the corresponding addresses 
noted below, and all are available for 
inspection at the National Archives 
and Records Administration (NARA). 
For information on the availability of 
this material at NARA, call 202–741– 
6030, or go to: 


(b) The following materials are avail-

able for purchase from the following 
address: The National Technical Infor-
mation Services (NTIS), Springfield, 
Virginia 22166. 

(1) Fuel Tank Flammability Assess-

ment Method User’s Manual, dated 
May 2008, document number DOT/FAA/ 
AR–05/8, IBR approved for § 25.981 and 
Appendix N. It can also be obtained at 
the following Web site: 


(2) [Reserved] 

[73 FR 42494, July 21, 2008, as amended by 
Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 21–101, 83 FR 
9169, Mar. 5, 2018] 

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