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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.445 

empennage arising from effects such as 
slipstream and aerodynamic inter-
ference with the wing, vertical fin and 
other aerodynamic surfaces. 

(b) The horizontal tail must be as-

sumed to be subjected to unsymmet-
rical loading conditions determined as 

(1) 100 percent of the maximum load-

ing from the symmetrical maneuver 
conditions of § 25.331 and the vertical 
gust conditions of § 25.341(a) acting sep-
arately on the surface on one side of 
the plane of symmetry; and 

(2) 80 percent of these loadings acting 

on the other side. 

(c) For empennage arrangements 

where the horizontal tail surfaces have 
dihedral angles greater than plus or 
minus 10 degrees, or are supported by 
the vertical tail surfaces, the surfaces 
and the supporting structure must be 
designed for gust velocities specified in 
§ 25.341(a) acting in any orientation at 
right angles to the flight path. 

(d) Unsymmetrical loading on the 

empennage arising from buffet condi-
tions of § 25.305(e) must be taken into 

[Doc. No. 27902, 61 FR 5222, Feb. 9, 1996] 

§ 25.445

Auxiliary aerodynamic sur-


(a) When significant, the aero-

dynamic influence between auxiliary 
aerodynamic surfaces, such as out-
board fins and winglets, and their sup-
porting aerodynamic surfaces, must be 
taken into account for all loading con-
ditions including pitch, roll, and yaw 
maneuvers, and gusts as specified in 
§ 25.341(a) acting at any orientation at 
right angles to the flight path. 

(b) To provide for unsymmetrical 

loading when outboard fins extend 
above and below the horizontal surface, 
the critical vertical surface loading 
(load per unit area) determined under 
§ 25.391 must also be applied as follows: 

(1) 100 percent to the area of the 

vertical surfaces above (or below) the 
horizontal surface. 

(2) 80 percent to the area below (or 

above) the horizontal surface. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–86, 61 FR 5222, Feb. 9, 

§ 25.457

Wing flaps. 

Wing flaps, their operating mecha-

nisms, and their supporting structures 
must be designed for critical loads oc-
curring in the conditions prescribed in 
§ 25.345, accounting for the loads occur-
ring during transition from one flap po-
sition and airspeed to another. 

§ 25.459

Special devices. 

The loading for special devices using 

aerodynamic surfaces (such as slots, 
slats and spoilers) must be determined 
from test data. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29776, July 20, 






§ 25.471



Loads and equilibrium. For limit 

ground loads— 

(1) Limit ground loads obtained 

under this subpart are considered to be 
external forces applied to the airplane 
structure; and 

(2) In each specified ground load con-

dition, the external loads must be 
placed in equilibrium with the linear 
and angular inertia loads in a rational 
or conservative manner. 


Critical centers of gravity. The crit-

ical centers of gravity within the range 
for which certification is requested 
must be selected so that the maximum 
design loads are obtained in each land-
ing gear element. Fore and aft, 
vertical, and lateral airplane centers of 
gravity must be considered. Lateral 
displacements of the c.g. from the air-
plane centerline which would result in 
main gear loads not greater than 103 
percent of the critical design load for 
symmetrical loading conditions may be 
selected without considering the ef-
fects of these lateral c.g. displacements 
on the loading of the main gear ele-
ments, or on the airplane structure 

(1) The lateral displacement of the 

c.g. results from random passenger or 
cargo disposition within the fuselage or 
from random unsymmetrical fuel load-
ing or fuel usage; and 

(2) Appropriate loading instructions 

for random disposable loads are in-
cluded under the provisions of 
§ 25.1583(c)(2) to ensure that the lateral 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.479 

displacement of the center of gravity is 
maintained within these limits. 


Landing gear dimension data. Fig-

ure 1 of appendix A contains the basic 
landing gear dimension data. 

[Amdt. 25–23, 35 FR 5673, Apr. 8, 1970, as 
amended by Doc. No. FAA–2022–1355, Amdt. 
25–148, 87 FR 75710, Dec. 9, 2022; 88 FR 2813, 
Jan. 18, 2023] 

§ 25.473

Landing load conditions and 


(a) For the landing conditions speci-

fied in § 25.479 to § 25.485 the airplane is 
assumed to contact the ground— 

(1) In the attitudes defined in § 25.479 

and § 25.481; 

(2) With a limit descent velocity of 10 

fps at the design landing weight (the 
maximum weight for landing condi-
tions at maximum descent velocity); 

(3) With a limit descent velocity of 6 

fps at the design take-off weight (the 
maximum weight for landing condi-
tions at a reduced descent velocity). 

(4) The prescribed descent velocities 

may be modified if it is shown that the 
airplane has design features that make 
it impossible to develop these veloci-

(b) Airplane lift, not exceeding air-

plane weight, may be assumed unless 
the presence of systems or procedures 
significantly affects the lift. 

(c) The method of analysis of air-

plane and landing gear loads must take 
into account at least the following ele-

(1) Landing gear dynamic character-


(2) Spin-up and springback. 
(3) Rigid body response. 
(4) Structural dynamic response of 

the airframe, if significant. 

(d) The landing gear dynamic charac-

teristics must be validated by tests as 
defined in § 25.723(a). 

(e) The coefficient of friction between 

the tires and the ground may be estab-
lished by considering the effects of 
skidding velocity and tire pressure. 
However, this coefficient of friction 
need not be more than 0.8. 

[Amdt. 25–91, 62 FR 40705, July 29, 1997; Amdt. 
25–91, 62 FR 45481, Aug. 27, 1997; Amdt. 25–103, 
66 FR 27394, May 16, 2001] 

§ 25.477

Landing gear arrangement. 

Sections 25.479 through 25.485 apply 

to airplanes with conventional ar-
rangements of main and nose gears, or 
main and tail gears, when normal oper-
ating techniques are used. 

§ 25.479

Level landing conditions. 

(a) In the level attitude, the airplane 

is assumed to contact the ground at 
forward velocity components, ranging 
from V


to 1.25 V


parallel to the 

ground under the conditions prescribed 
in § 25.473 with— 

(1) V


equal to V


(TAS) at the ap-

propriate landing weight and in stand-
ard sea level conditions; and 

(2) V


equal to V


(TAS) at the ap-

propriate landing weight and altitudes 
in a hot day temperature of 41 degrees 
F. above standard. 

(3) The effects of increased contact 

speed must be investigated if approval 
of downwind landings exceeding 10 
knots is requested. 

(b) For the level landing attitude for 

airplanes with tail wheels, the condi-
tions specified in this section must be 
investigated with the airplane hori-
zontal reference line horizontal in ac-
cordance with Figure 2 of Appendix A 
of this part. 

(c) For the level landing attitude for 

airplanes with nose wheels, shown in 
Figure 2 of Appendix A of this part, the 
conditions specified in this section 
must be investigated assuming the fol-
lowing attitudes: 

(1) An attitude in which the main 

wheels are assumed to contact the 
ground with the nose wheel just clear 
of the ground; and 

(2) If reasonably attainable at the 

specified descent and forward veloci-
ties, an attitude in which the nose and 
main wheels are assumed to contact 
the ground simultaneously. 

(d) In addition to the loading condi-

tions prescribed in paragraph (a) of this 
section, but with maximum vertical 
ground reactions calculated from para-
graph (a), the following apply: 

(1) The landing gear and directly af-

fected attaching structure must be de-
signed for the maximum vertical 
ground reaction combined with an aft 
acting drag component of not less than 
25% of this maximum vertical ground 

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