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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.619 

structural failures due to material var-
iability. Except as provided in para-
graphs (e) and (f) of this section, com-
pliance must be shown by selecting ma-
terial design values which assure mate-
rial strength with the following prob-

(1) Where applied loads are eventu-

ally distributed through a single mem-
ber within an assembly, the failure of 
which would result in loss of structural 
integrity of the component, 99 percent 
probability with 95 percent confidence. 

(2) For redundant structure, in which 

the failure of individual elements 
would result in applied loads being 
safely distributed to other load car-
rying members, 90 percent probability 
with 95 percent confidence. 

(c) The effects of environmental con-

ditions, such as temperature and mois-
ture, on material design values used in 
an essential component or structure 
must be considered where these effects 
are significant within the airplane op-
erating envelope. 

(d) [Reserved] 
(e) Greater material design values 

may be used if a ‘‘premium selection’’ 
of the material is made in which a 
specimen of each individual item is 
tested before use to determine that the 
actual strength properties of that par-
ticular item will equal or exceed those 
used in design. 

(f) Other material design values may 

be used if approved by the Adminis-

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–46, 43 FR 50595, Oct. 30, 
1978; Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29776, July 20, 1990; 
Amdt. 25–112, 68 FR 46431, Aug. 5, 2003] 

§ 25.619

Special factors. 

The factor of safety prescribed in 

§ 25.303 must be multiplied by the high-
est pertinent special factor of safety 
prescribed in §§ 25.621 through 25.625 for 
each part of the structure whose 
strength is— 

(a) Uncertain; 
(b) Likely to deteriorate in service 

before normal replacement; or 

(c) Subject to appreciable variability 

because of uncertainties in manufac-
turing processes or inspection methods. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–23, 35 FR 5674, Apr. 8, 

§ 25.621

Casting factors. 


General.  For castings used in 

structural applications, the factors, 
tests, and inspections specified in para-
graphs (b) through (d) of this section 
must be applied in addition to those 
necessary to establish foundry quality 
control. The inspections must meet ap-
proved specifications. Paragraphs (c) 
and (d) of this section apply to any 
structural castings, except castings 
that are pressure tested as parts of hy-
draulic or other fluid systems and do 
not support structural loads. 


Bearing stresses and surfaces. The 

casting factors specified in paragraphs 
(c) and (d) of this section— 

(1) Need not exceed 1.25 with respect 

to bearing stresses regardless of the 
method of inspection used; and 

(2) Need not be used with respect to 

the bearing surfaces of a part whose 
bearing factor is larger than the appli-
cable casting factor. 


Critical castings. Each casting 

whose failure could preclude continued 
safe flight and landing of the airplane 
or could result in serious injury to oc-
cupants is a critical casting. Each crit-
ical casting must have a factor associ-
ated with it for showing compliance 
with strength and deformation require-
ments of § 25.305, and must comply with 
the following criteria associated with 
that factor: 

(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater 

may be used, provided that— 

(i) It is demonstrated, in the form of 

process qualification, proof of product, 
and process monitoring that, for each 
casting design and part number, the 
castings produced by each foundry and 
process combination have coefficients 
of variation of the material properties 
that are equivalent to those of wrought 
alloy products of similar composition. 
Process monitoring must include test-
ing of coupons cut from the prolonga-
tions of each casting (or each set of 
castings, if produced from a single pour 
into a single mold in a runner system) 
and, on a sampling basis, coupons cut 
from critical areas of production cast-
ings. The acceptance criteria for the 
process monitoring inspections and 
tests must be established and included 
in the process specifications to ensure 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.621 

the properties of the production cast-
ings are controlled to within levels 
used in design. 

(ii) Each casting receives: 
(A) Inspection of 100 percent of its 

surface, using visual inspection and liq-
uid penetrant or equivalent inspection 
methods; and 

(B) Inspection of structurally signifi-

cant internal areas and areas where de-
fects are likely to occur, using radio-
graphic or equivalent inspection meth-

(iii) One casting undergoes a static 

test and is shown to meet the strength 
and deformation requirements of 
§ 25.305(a) and (b). 

(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater 

may be used, provided that— 

(i) Each casting receives: 
(A) Inspection of 100 percent of its 

surface, using visual inspection and liq-
uid penetrant or equivalent inspection 
methods; and 

(B) Inspection of structurally signifi-

cant internal areas and areas where de-
fects are likely to occur, using radio-
graphic or equivalent inspection meth-

(ii) Three castings undergo static 

tests and are shown to meet: 

(A) The strength requirements of 

§ 25.305(b) at an ultimate load cor-
responding to a casting factor of 1.25; 

(B) The deformation requirements of 

§ 25.305(a) at a load of 1.15 times the 
limit load. 

(3) A casting factor of 1.50 or greater 

may be used, provided that— 

(i) Each casting receives: 
(A) Inspection of 100 percent of its 

surface, using visual inspection and liq-
uid penetrant or equivalent inspection 
methods; and 

(B) Inspection of structurally signifi-

cant internal areas and areas where de-
fects are likely to occur, using radio-
graphic or equivalent inspection meth-

(ii) One casting undergoes a static 

test and is shown to meet: 

(A) The strength requirements of 

§ 25.305(b) at an ultimate load cor-
responding to a casting factor of 1.50; 

(B) The deformation requirements of 

§ 25.305(a) at a load of 1.15 times the 
limit load. 


Non-critical castings. For each 

casting other than critical castings, as 
specified in paragraph (c) of this sec-
tion, the following apply: 

(1) A casting factor of 1.0 or greater 

may be used, provided that the require-
ments of (c)(1) of this section are met, 
or all of the following conditions are 

(i) Castings are manufactured to ap-

proved specifications that specify the 
minimum mechanical properties of the 
material in the casting and provides 
for demonstration of these properties 
by testing of coupons cut from the 
castings on a sampling basis. 

(ii) Each casting receives: 
(A) Inspection of 100 percent of its 

surface, using visual inspection and liq-
uid penetrant or equivalent inspection 
methods; and 

(B) Inspection of structurally signifi-

cant internal areas and areas where de-
fects are likely to occur, using radio-
graphic or equivalent inspection meth-

(iii) Three sample castings undergo 

static tests and are shown to meet the 
strength and deformation requirements 
of § 25.305(a) and (b). 

(2) A casting factor of 1.25 or greater 

may be used, provided that each cast-
ing receives: 

(i) Inspection of 100 percent of its sur-

face, using visual inspection and liquid 
penetrant or equivalent inspection 
methods; and 

(ii) Inspection of structurally signifi-

cant internal areas and areas where de-
fects are likely to occur, using radio-
graphic or equivalent inspection meth-

(3) A casting factor of 1.5 or greater 

may be used, provided that each cast-
ing receives inspection of 100 percent of 
its surface using visual inspection and 
liquid penetrant or equivalent inspec-
tion methods. 

(4) A casting factor of 2.0 or greater 

may be used, provided that each cast-
ing receives inspection of 100 percent of 
its surface using visual inspection 

(5) The number of castings per pro-

duction batch to be inspected by non- 
visual methods in accordance with 
paragraphs (d)(2) and (3) of this section 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.623 

may be reduced when an approved qual-
ity control procedure is established. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–139, 79 FR 59429, Oct. 2, 

§ 25.623

Bearing factors. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, each part that has 
clearance (free fit), and that is subject 
to pounding or vibration, must have a 
bearing factor large enough to provide 
for the effects of normal relative mo-

(b) No bearing factor need be used for 

a part for which any larger special fac-
tor is prescribed. 

§ 25.625

Fitting factors. 

For each fitting (a part or terminal 

used to join one structural member to 
another), the following apply: 

(a) For each fitting whose strength is 

not proven by limit and ultimate load 
tests in which actual stress conditions 
are simulated in the fitting and sur-
rounding structures, a fitting factor of 
at least 1.15 must be applied to each 
part of— 

(1) The fitting; 
(2) The means of attachment; and 
(3) The bearing on the joined mem-


(b) No fitting factor need be used— 
(1) For joints made under approved 

practices and based on comprehensive 
test data (such as continuous joints in 
metal plating, welded joints, and scarf 
joints in wood); or 

(2) With respect to any bearing sur-

face for which a larger special factor is 

(c) For each integral fitting, the part 

must be treated as a fitting up to the 
point at which the section properties 
become typical of the member. 

(d) For each seat, berth, safety belt, 

and harness, the fitting factor specified 
in § 25.785(f)(3) applies. 

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–23, 35 FR 5674, Apr. 8, 
1970; Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29776, July 20, 1990] 

§ 25.629

Aeroelastic stability require-



General.  The aeroelastic stability 

evaluations required under this section 
include flutter, divergence, control re-
versal and any undue loss of stability 

and control as a result of structural de-
formation. The aeroelastic evaluation 
must include whirl modes associated 
with any propeller or rotating device 
that contributes significant dynamic 
forces. Compliance with this section 
must be shown by analyses, wind tun-
nel tests, ground vibration tests, flight 
tests, or other means found necessary 
by the Administrator. 


Aeroelastic stability envelopes. The 

airplane must be designed to be free 
from aeroelastic instability for all con-
figurations and design conditions with-
in the aeroelastic stability envelopes 
as follows: 

(1) For normal conditions without 

failures, malfunctions, or adverse con-
ditions, all combinations of altitudes 
and speeds encompassed by the V





versus altitude envelope enlarged at all 
points by an increase of 15 percent in 
equivalent airspeed at both constant 
Mach number and constant altitude. In 
addition, a proper margin of stability 
must exist at all speeds up to V





and, there must be no large and rapid 
reduction in stability as V




is ap-

proached. The enlarged envelope may 
be limited to Mach 1.0 when M


is less 

than 1.0 at all design altitudes, and 

(2) For the conditions described in 

§ 25.629(d) below, for all approved alti-
tudes, any airspeed up to the greater 
airspeed defined by; 

(i) The V




envelope determined by 

§ 25.335(b); or, 

(ii) An altitude-airspeed envelope de-

fined by a 15 percent increase in equiv-
alent airspeed above V


at constant al-

titude, from sea level to the altitude of 
the intersection of 1.15 V


with the ex-

tension of the constant cruise Mach 
number line, M


, then a linear vari-

ation in equivalent airspeed to M


+ .05 

at the altitude of the lowest V





intersection; then, at higher altitudes, 
up to the maximum flight altitude, the 
boundary defined by a .05 Mach in-
crease in M


at constant altitude. 


Balance weights. If concentrated 

balance weights are used, their effec-
tiveness and strength, including sup-
porting structure, must be substan-


Failures, malfunctions, and adverse 

conditions.  The failures, malfunctions, 
and adverse conditions which must be 

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