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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.789 

§ 25.789

Retention of items of mass in 

passenger and crew compartments 
and galleys. 

(a) Means must be provided to pre-

vent each item of mass (that is part of 
the airplane type design) in a passenger 
or crew compartment or galley from 
becoming a hazard by shifting under 
the appropriate maximum load factors 
corresponding to the specified flight 
and ground load conditions, and to the 
emergency landing conditions of 
§ 25.561(b). 

(b) Each interphone restraint system 

must be designed so that when sub-
jected to the load factors specified in 
§ 25.561(b)(3), the interphone will re-
main in its stowed position. 

[Amdt. 25–32, 37 FR 3969, Feb. 24, 1972, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–46, 43 FR 50596, Oct. 30, 

§ 25.791

Passenger information signs 

and placards. 

(a) If smoking is to be prohibited, 

there must be at least one placard so 
stating that is legible to each person 
seated in the cabin. If smoking is to be 
allowed, and if the crew compartment 
is separated from the passenger com-
partment, there must be at least one 
sign notifying when smoking is prohib-
ited. Signs which notify when smoking 
is prohibited must be operable by a 
member of the flightcrew and, when il-
luminated, must be legible under all 
probable conditions of cabin illumina-
tion to each person seated in the cabin. 

(b) Signs that notify when seat belts 

should be fastened and that are in-
stalled to comply with the operating 
rules of this chapter must be operable 
by a member of the flightcrew and, 
when illuminated, must be legible 
under all probable conditions of cabin 
illumination to each person seated in 
the cabin. 

(c) A placard must be located on or 

adjacent to the door of each receptacle 
used for the disposal of flammable 
waste materials to indicate that use of 
the receptacle for disposal of ciga-
rettes, etc., is prohibited. 

(d) Lavatories must have ‘‘No Smok-

ing’’ or ‘‘No Smoking in Lavatory’’ 
placards conspicuously located on or 
adjacent to each side of the entry door. 

(e) Symbols that clearly express the 

intent of the sign or placard may be 
used in lieu of letters. 

[Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29780, July 20, 1990] 

§ 25.793

Floor surfaces. 

The floor surface of all areas which 

are likely to become wet in service 
must have slip resistant properties. 

[Amdt. 25–51, 45 FR 7755, Feb. 4, 1980] 

§ 25.795

Security considerations. 


Protection of flightcrew compart-

ment. If a flightdeck door is required by 
operating rules: 

(1) The bulkhead, door, and any other 

accessible boundary separating the 
flightcrew compartment from occupied 
areas must be designed to resist forc-
ible intrusion by unauthorized persons 
and be capable of withstanding impacts 
of 300 joules (221.3 foot pounds). 

(2) The bulkhead, door, and any other 

accessible boundary separating the 
flightcrew compartment from occupied 
areas must be designed to resist a con-
stant 250 pound (1,113 Newtons) tensile 
load on accessible handholds, including 
the doorknob or handle. 

(3) The bulkhead, door, and any other 

boundary separating the flightcrew 
compartment from any occupied areas 
must be designed to resist penetration 
by small arms fire and fragmentation 
devices to a level equivalent to level 
IIIa of the National Institute of Justice 
(NIJ) Standard 0101.04. 

(4) If required by the operating rules 

of this chapter, an installed physical 
secondary barrier (IPSB) must be in-
stalled to resist intrusion into the 
flightdeck whenever the flightdeck 
door is opened. When deployed, the 
IPSB must: 

(i) Resist a 250 pound (1113 Newtons) 

static load in the direction of the pas-
senger cabin applied at the most crit-
ical locations on the IPSB; 

(ii) Resist a 600 pound (2669 Newtons) 

static load in the direction of the 
flightdeck applied at the most critical 
locations on the IPSB; 

(iii) Delay a person attempting to ac-

cess the flightdeck by at least the time 
required for a crewmember to open and 
reclose the flightdeck door, but no less 
than 5 seconds; 

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