Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 25.855
area occupied by the crew or pas-
sengers, an adequate number of self-
contained, removable ashtrays must be
provided in designated smoking sec-
tions for all seated occupants.
(g) Regardless of whether smoking is
allowed in any other part of the air-
plane, lavatories must have self-con-
tained, removable ashtrays located
conspicuously on or near the entry side
of each lavatory door, except that one
ashtray may serve more than one lava-
tory door if the ashtray can be seen
readily from the cabin side of each lav-
atory served.
(h) Each receptacle used for the dis-
posal of flammable waste material
must be fully enclosed, constructed of
at least fire resistant materials, and
must contain fires likely to occur in it
under normal use. The capability of the
receptacle to contain those fires under
all probable conditions of wear, mis-
alignment, and ventilation expected in
service must be demonstrated by test.
[Amdt. 25–83, 60 FR 6623, Feb. 2, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 25–116, 69 FR 62788, Oct.
27, 2004]
§ 25.854
Lavatory fire protection.
For airplanes with a passenger capac-
ity of 20 or more:
(a) Each lavatory must be equipped
with a smoke detector system or equiv-
alent that provides a warning light in
the cockpit, or provides a warning
light or audible warning in the pas-
senger cabin that would be readily de-
tected by a flight attendant; and
(b) Each lavatory must be equipped
with a built-in fire extinguisher for
each disposal receptacle for towels,
paper, or waste, located within the lav-
atory. The extinguisher must be de-
signed to discharge automatically into
each disposal receptacle upon occur-
rence of a fire in that receptacle.
[Amdt. 25–74, 56 FR 15456, Apr. 16, 1991]
§ 25.855
Cargo or baggage compart-
For each cargo or baggage compart-
ment, the following apply:
(a) The compartment must meet one
of the class requirements of § 25.857.
(b) Each of the following cargo or
baggage compartments, as defined in
§ 25.857, must have a liner that is sepa-
rate from, but may be attached to, the
airplane structure:
(1) Any Class B through Class E cargo
or baggage compartment, and
(2) Any Class F cargo or baggage
compartment, unless other means of
containing a fire and protecting crit-
ical systems and structure are pro-
(c) Ceiling and sidewall liner panels
of Class C cargo or baggage compart-
ments, and ceiling and sidewall liner
panels in Class F cargo or baggage
compartments, if installed to meet the
requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, must meet the test require-
ments of part III of appendix F of this
part or other approved equivalent
(d) All other materials used in the
construction of the cargo or baggage
compartment must meet the applicable
test criteria prescribed in part I of ap-
pendix F of this part or other approved
equivalent methods.
(e) No compartment may contain any
controls, lines, equipment, or acces-
sories whose damage or failure would
affect safe operation, unless those
items are protected so that—
(1) They cannot be damaged by the
movement of cargo in the compart-
ment, and
(2) Their breakage or failure will not
create a fire hazard.
(f) There must be means to prevent
cargo or baggage from interfering with
the functioning of the fire protective
features of the compartment.
(g) Sources of heat within the com-
partment must be shielded and insu-
lated to prevent igniting the cargo or
(h) Flight tests must be conducted to
show compliance with the provisions of
§ 25.857 concerning—
(1) Compartment accessibility,
(2) The entries of hazardous quan-
tities of smoke or extinguishing agent
into compartments occupied by the
crew or passengers, and
(3) The dissipation of the extin-
guishing agent in all Class C compart-
ments and, if applicable, in any Class F
(i) During the above tests, it must be
shown that no inadvertent operation of
smoke or fire detectors in any com-
partment would occur as a result of
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 25.856
fire contained in any other compart-
ment, either during or after extin-
guishment, unless the extinguishing
system floods each such compartment
(j) Cargo or baggage compartment
electrical wiring interconnection sys-
tem components must meet the re-
quirements of § 25.1721.
[Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29784, July 20, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 25–93, 63 FR 8048, Feb. 17,
1998; Amdt. 25–116, 69 FR 62788, Oct. 27, 2004;
Amdt. 25–123, 72 FR 63405, Nov. 8, 2007; Doc.
No. Docket FAA–2014–0001, Amdt. 25–142, 81
FR 7704, Feb. 16, 2016]
§ 25.856
Thermal/Acoustic insulation
(a) Thermal/acoustic insulation ma-
terial installed in the fuselage must
meet the flame propagation test re-
quirements of part VI of Appendix F to
this part, or other approved equivalent
test requirements. This requirement
does not apply to ‘‘small parts,’’ as de-
fined in part I of Appendix F of this
(b) For airplanes with a passenger ca-
pacity of 20 or greater, thermal/acous-
tic insulation materials (including the
means of fastening the materials to the
fuselage) installed in the lower half of
the airplane fuselage must meet the
flame penetration resistance test re-
quirements of part VII of Appendix F
to this part, or other approved equiva-
lent test requirements. This require-
ment does not apply to thermal/acous-
tic insulation installations that the
FAA finds would not contribute to fire
penetration resistance.
[Amdt. 25–111, 68 FR 45059, July 31, 2003]
§ 25.857
Cargo compartment classifica-
Class A; A Class A cargo or bag-
gage compartment is one in which—
(1) The presence of a fire would be
easily discovered by a crewmember
while at his station; and
(2) Each part of the compartment is
easily accessible in flight.
Class B. A Class B cargo or bag-
gage compartment is one in which—
(1) There is sufficient access in flight
to enable a crewmember, standing at
any one access point and without step-
ping into the compartment, to extin-
guish a fire occurring in any part of
the compartment using a hand fire ex-
(2) When the access provisions are
being used, no hazardous quantity of
smoke, flames, or extinguishing agent,
will enter any compartment occupied
by the crew or passengers;
(3) There is a separate approved
smoke detector or fire detector system
to give warning at the pilot or flight
engineer station.
Class C. A Class C cargo or bag-
gage compartment is one not meeting
the requirements for either a Class A
or B compartment but in which—
(1) There is a separate approved
smoke detector or fire detector system
to give warning at the pilot or flight
engineer station;
(2) There is an approved built-in fire
extinguishing or suppression system
controllable from the cockpit.
(3) There are means to exclude haz-
ardous quantities of smoke, flames, or
extinguishing agent, from any com-
partment occupied by the crew or pas-
(4) There are means to control ven-
tilation and drafts within the compart-
ment so that the extinguishing agent
used can control any fire that may
start within the compartment.
(d) [Reserved]
Class E. A Class E cargo compart-
ment is one on airplanes used only for
the carriage of cargo and in which—
(1) [Reserved]
(2) There is a separate approved
smoke or fire detector system to give
warning at the pilot or flight engineer
(3) There are means to shut off the
ventilating airflow to, or within, the
compartment, and the controls for
these means are accessible to the flight
crew in the crew compartment;
(4) There are means to exclude haz-
ardous quantities of smoke, flames, or
noxious gases, from the flight crew
compartment; and
(5) The required crew emergency
exits are accessible under any cargo
loading condition.
(f) Class F. A Class F cargo or bag-
gage compartment must be located on
the main deck and is one in which—
(1) There is a separate approved
smoke detector or fire detector system
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