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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 25.856 

fire contained in any other compart-
ment, either during or after extin-
guishment, unless the extinguishing 
system floods each such compartment 

(j) Cargo or baggage compartment 

electrical wiring interconnection sys-
tem components must meet the re-
quirements of § 25.1721. 

[Amdt. 25–72, 55 FR 29784, July 20, 1990, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–93, 63 FR 8048, Feb. 17, 
1998; Amdt. 25–116, 69 FR 62788, Oct. 27, 2004; 
Amdt. 25–123, 72 FR 63405, Nov. 8, 2007; Doc. 
No. Docket FAA–2014–0001, Amdt. 25–142, 81 
FR 7704, Feb. 16, 2016] 

§ 25.856

Thermal/Acoustic insulation 


(a) Thermal/acoustic insulation ma-

terial installed in the fuselage must 
meet the flame propagation test re-
quirements of part VI of Appendix F to 
this part, or other approved equivalent 
test requirements. This requirement 
does not apply to ‘‘small parts,’’ as de-
fined in part I of Appendix F of this 

(b) For airplanes with a passenger ca-

pacity of 20 or greater, thermal/acous-
tic insulation materials (including the 
means of fastening the materials to the 
fuselage) installed in the lower half of 
the airplane fuselage must meet the 
flame penetration resistance test re-
quirements of part VII of Appendix F 
to this part, or other approved equiva-
lent test requirements. This require-
ment does not apply to thermal/acous-
tic insulation installations that the 
FAA finds would not contribute to fire 
penetration resistance. 

[Amdt. 25–111, 68 FR 45059, July 31, 2003] 

§ 25.857

Cargo compartment classifica-



Class A; A Class A cargo or bag-

gage compartment is one in which— 

(1) The presence of a fire would be 

easily discovered by a crewmember 
while at his station; and 

(2) Each part of the compartment is 

easily accessible in flight. 


Class B. A Class B cargo or bag-

gage compartment is one in which— 

(1) There is sufficient access in flight 

to enable a crewmember, standing at 
any one access point and without step-
ping into the compartment, to extin-
guish a fire occurring in any part of 

the compartment using a hand fire ex-

(2) When the access provisions are 

being used, no hazardous quantity of 
smoke, flames, or extinguishing agent, 
will enter any compartment occupied 
by the crew or passengers; 

(3) There is a separate approved 

smoke detector or fire detector system 
to give warning at the pilot or flight 
engineer station. 


Class C. A Class C cargo or bag-

gage compartment is one not meeting 
the requirements for either a Class A 
or B compartment but in which— 

(1) There is a separate approved 

smoke detector or fire detector system 
to give warning at the pilot or flight 
engineer station; 

(2) There is an approved built-in fire 

extinguishing or suppression system 
controllable from the cockpit. 

(3) There are means to exclude haz-

ardous quantities of smoke, flames, or 
extinguishing agent, from any com-
partment occupied by the crew or pas-

(4) There are means to control ven-

tilation and drafts within the compart-
ment so that the extinguishing agent 
used can control any fire that may 
start within the compartment. 

(d) [Reserved] 

Class E. A Class E cargo compart-

ment is one on airplanes used only for 
the carriage of cargo and in which— 

(1) [Reserved] 
(2) There is a separate approved 

smoke or fire detector system to give 
warning at the pilot or flight engineer 

(3) There are means to shut off the 

ventilating airflow to, or within, the 
compartment, and the controls for 
these means are accessible to the flight 
crew in the crew compartment; 

(4) There are means to exclude haz-

ardous quantities of smoke, flames, or 
noxious gases, from the flight crew 
compartment; and 

(5) The required crew emergency 

exits are accessible under any cargo 
loading condition. 

(f) Class F. A Class F cargo or bag-

gage compartment must be located on 
the main deck and is one in which— 

(1) There is a separate approved 

smoke detector or fire detector system 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 25.859 

to give warning at the pilot or flight 
engineer station; 

(2) There are means to extinguish or 

control a fire without requiring a crew-
member to enter the compartment; and 

(3) There are means to exclude haz-

ardous quantities of smoke, flames, or 
extinguishing agent from any compart-
ment occupied by the crew or pas-

[Doc. No. 5066, 29 FR 18291, Dec. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–32, 37 FR 3972, Feb. 24, 
1972; Amdt. 25–60, 51 FR 18243, May 16, 1986; 
Amdt. 25–93, 63 FR 8048, Feb. 17, 1998; Doc. 
No. Docket FAA–2014–0001, Amdt. 25–142, 81 
FR 7704, Feb. 16, 2016] 

§ 25.858

Cargo or baggage compart-

ment smoke or fire detection sys-

If certification with cargo or baggage 

compartment smoke or fire detection 
provisions is requested, the following 
must be met for each cargo or baggage 
compartment with those provisions: 

(a) The detection system must pro-

vide a visual indication to the flight 
crew within one minute after the start 
of a fire. 

(b) The system must be capable of de-

tecting a fire at a temperature signifi-
cantly below that at which the struc-
tural integrity of the airplane is sub-
stantially decreased. 

(c) There must be means to allow the 

crew to check in flight, the functioning 
of each fire detector circuit. 

(d) The effectiveness of the detection 

system must be shown for all approved 
operating configurations and condi-

[Amdt. 25–54, 45 FR 60173, Sept. 11, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 25–93, 63 FR 8048, Feb. 17, 

§ 25.859

Combustion heater fire pro-



Combustion heater fire zones. The 

following combustion heater fire zones 
must be protected from fire in accord-
ance with the applicable provisions of 
§§ 25.1181 through 25.1191 and §§ 25.1195 
through 25.1203; 

(1) The region surrounding the heat-

er, if this region contains any flam-
mable fluid system components (ex-
cluding the heater fuel system), that 

(i) Be damaged by heater malfunc-

tioning; or 

(ii) Allow flammable fluids or vapors 

to reach the heater in case of leakage. 

(2) The region surrounding the heat-

er, if the heater fuel system has fit-
tings that, if they leaked, would allow 
fuel or vapors to enter this region. 

(3) The part of the ventilating air 

passage that surrounds the combustion 
chamber. However, no fire extinguish-
ment is required in cabin ventilating 
air passages. 


Ventilating air ducts. Each ven-

tilating air duct passing through any 
fire zone must be fireproof. In addi-

(1) Unless isolation is provided by 

fireproof valves or by equally effective 
means, the ventilating air duct down-
stream of each heater must be fireproof 
for a distance great enough to ensure 
that any fire originating in the heater 
can be contained in the duct; and 

(2) Each part of any ventilating duct 

passing through any region having a 
flammable fluid system must be con-
structed or isolated from that system 
so that the malfunctioning of any com-
ponent of that system cannot intro-
duce flammable fluids or vapors into 
the ventilating airstream. 


Combustion air ducts. Each com-

bustion air duct must be fireproof for a 
distance great enough to prevent dam-
age from backfiring or reverse flame 
propagation. In addition— 

(1) No combustion air duct may have 

a common opening with the ventilating 
airstream unless flames from backfires 
or reverse burning cannot enter the 
ventilating airstream under any oper-
ating condition, including reverse flow 
or malfunctioning of the heater or its 
associated components; and 

(2) No combustion air duct may re-

strict the prompt relief of any backfire 
that, if so restricted, could cause heat-
er failure. 


Heater controls; general. Provision 

must be made to prevent the hazardous 
accumulation of water or ice on or in 
any heater control component, control 
system tubing, or safety control. 


Heater safety controls. For each 

combustion heater there must be the 
following safety control means: 

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