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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 26.41 

any necessary modification parts will 
be made available to affected persons. 










Flammability exposure anal-

ysis plan 

Impact assessment plan 

Design changes and service 

instructions plan 

STC and Field Approval Hold-


March 26, 2009 ......................

February 26, 2011 ..................

August 26, 2011. 

(g) Each person subject to this sec-

tion must implement the compliance 
plans, or later revisions, as approved 
under paragraph (f) of this section. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2005–22997, 73 FR 42499, July 
21, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 26–3, 74 FR 
31619, July 2, 2009; Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 26–7, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 26.37

Pending type certification 

projects: Fuel tank flammability. 


Applicability.  This section applies 

to any new type certificate for a trans-
port category airplane, if the applica-
tion was made before December 26, 
2008, and if the certificate was not 
issued before December 26, 2008. This 
section applies only if the airplane 
would have— 

(1) A maximum type-certificated pas-

senger capacity of 30 or more, or 

(2) A maximum payload capacity of 

7,500 pounds or more. 

(b) If the application was made on or 

after June 6, 2001, the requirements of 
14 CFR 25.981 in effect on December 26, 
2008, apply. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2005–22997, 73 FR 42499, July 
21, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 26–3, 74 FR 
31619, July 2, 2009] 

§ 26.39

Newly produced airplanes: Fuel 

tank flammability. 


Applicability:  This section applies 

to Boeing model airplanes specified in 
Table 1 of this section, including pas-
senger and cargo versions of each 
model, when application is made for 
original certificates of airworthiness or 
export airworthiness approvals after 
December 27, 2010. 




747 Series 
737 Series 
777 Series 
767 Series 

(b) Any fuel tank meeting all of the 

criteria stated in paragraphs (b)(1), 
(b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section must 
have flammability reduction means 
(FRM) or ignition mitigation means 
(IMM) that meet the requirements of 14 
CFR 25.981 in effect on December 26, 

(1) The fuel tank is Normally 


(2) Any portion of the fuel tank is lo-

cated within the fuselage contour. 

(3) The fuel tank exceeds a Fleet Av-

erage Flammability Exposure of 7 per-

(c) All other fuel tanks that exceed 

an Fleet Average Flammability Expo-
sure of 7 percent must have an IMM 
that meets 14 CFR 25.981(d) in effect on 
December 26, 2008, or an FRM that 
meets all of the requirements of Appen-
dix M to this part, except instead of 
complying with paragraph M25.1 of 
that appendix, the Fleet Average Flam-
mability Exposure may not exceed 7 

[Doc. No. FAA–2005–22997, 73 FR 42499, July 
21, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 26–3, 74 FR 
31619, July 2, 2009] 

Subpart E—Aging Airplane Safe-

ty—Damage Tolerance Data 
for Repairs and Alterations 



: Docket No. FAA–2005–21693, 72 FR 

70505, Dec. 12, 2007, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 26.41


Affects (or Affected) means structure 

has been physically repaired, altered, 
or modified, or the structural loads 
acting on the structure have been in-
creased or redistributed. 

Baseline structure means structure 

that is designed under the original type 
certificate or amended type certificate 
for that airplane model. 

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jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with CFR