14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 26.45
(10) VFW-Vereinigte Flugtechnische
Werk VFW–614, TCDS No. A39EU.
(11) Illyushin Aviation IL 96T, TCDS
No. A54NM.
(12) Bristol Aircraft Britannia 305,
TCDS No. 7A2.
(13) Handley Page Herald Type 300,
TCDS No. A21N.
(14) Avions Marcel Dassault—Breguet
Aviation Mercure 100C, TCDS No.
(15) Airbus Caravelle, TCDS No. 7A6.
(16) Lockheed L–300, TCDS No. A2S0.
(17) Boeing 707–100/–200, TCDS No.
(18) Boeing 707–300/–400, TCDS No.
(19) Boeing 720, TCDS No. 4A28.
[Doc. No. FAA–2005–21693, 72 FR 70505, Dec.
12, 2007, as amended by Amdt. 26–4, 75 FR
11734, Mar. 12, 2010; Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119,
Amdt. 26–7, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 26.45
Holders of type certificates—Al-
terations and repairs to alterations.
Applicability. This section applies
to transport category airplanes subject
to § 26.43.
Fatigue critical alteration structure.
For existing and future alteration data
developed by the holder of a type cer-
tificate, the holder must—
(1) Review alteration data and iden-
tify all alterations that affect fatigue
critical baseline structure identified
under § 26.43(b)(1);
(2) For each alteration identified
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section,
identify any fatigue critical alteration
(3) Develop and submit to the respon-
sible Aircraft Certification Service of-
fice for review and approval a list of
the structure identified under para-
graph (b)(2) of this section; and
(4) Upon approval, make the list re-
quired in paragraph (b)(3) of this sec-
tion available to persons required to
comply with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of
this chapter.
DT Data. For existing and future
alteration data developed by the holder
of a type certificate that affect fatigue
critical baseline structure identified
under § 26.43(b)(1), unless previously ac-
complished, the holder must—
(1) Perform a DTE and develop the
DTI for the alteration and fatigue crit-
ical baseline structure that is affected
by the alteration;
(2) Submit the DT data developed in
accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) of
this section to the responsible Aircraft
Certification Service office or its prop-
erly authorized designees for review
and approval; and
(3) Upon approval, make the DTI
available to persons required to comply
with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of this chap-
DT Data for Repairs Made to Alter-
ations. For existing and future repair
data developed by a holder of a type
certificate, the type certificate holder
(1) Review the repair data, and iden-
tify each repair that affects any fa-
tigue critical alteration structure iden-
tified under paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
(2) For each repair identified under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, unless
previously accomplished, perform a
DTE and develop DTI;
(3) Submit the DT data developed in
accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of
this section to the responsible Aircraft
Certification Service office or its prop-
erly authorized designees for review
and approval; and
(4) Upon approval, make the DTI
available to persons required to comply
with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of this chap-
Compliance times. Holders of type
certificates must submit the following
to the responsible Aircraft Certifi-
cation Service office or its properly au-
thorized designees for review and ap-
proval by the specified compliance
(1) The list of fatigue critical alter-
ation structure identified under para-
graph (b)(3) of this section must be sub-
(i) No later than 360 days after Janu-
ary 11, 2008, for alteration data ap-
proved before January 11, 2008.
(ii) No later than 30 days after March
12, 2010 or before initial approval of the
alteration data, whichever occurs
later, for alteration data approved on
or after January 11, 2008.
(2) For alteration data developed and
approved before January 11, 2008, the
DT data required by paragraph (c)(2) of
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 26.47
this section must be submitted by June
30, 2009.
(3) For alteration data approved on
or after January 11, 2008, DT data re-
quired by paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
tion must be submitted before initial
approval of the alteration data.
(4) For repair data developed and ap-
proved before January 11, 2008, the DT
data required by paragraph (d)(2) of
this section must be submitted by June
30, 2009.
(5) For repair data developed and ap-
proved after January 11, 2008, the DT
data required by paragraph (d)(2) of
this section must be submitted within
12 months after initial approval of the
repair data and before making the DT
data available to persons required to
comply with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of
this chapter.
[Doc. No. FAA–2005–21693, 72 FR 70505, Dec.
12, 2007, as amended by Amdt. 26–4, 75 FR
11734, Mar. 12, 2010; Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119,
Amdt. 26–7, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 26.47
Holders of and applicants for a
supplemental type certificate—Al-
terations and repairs to alterations.
Applicability. This section applies
to transport category airplanes subject
to § 26.43.
Fatigue critical alteration structure.
For existing structural alteration data
approved under a supplemental certifi-
cate, the holder of the supplemental
certificate must—
(1) Review the alteration data and
identify all alterations that affect fa-
tigue critical baseline structure identi-
fied under § 26.43(b)(1);
(2) For each alteration identified
under paragraph (b)(1) of this section,
identify any fatigue critical alteration
(3) Develop and submit to the respon-
sible Aircraft Certification Service of-
fice for review and approval a list of
the structure identified under para-
graph (b)(2) of this section; and
(4) Upon approval, make the list re-
quired in paragraph (b)(3) of this sec-
tion available to persons required to
comply with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of
this chapter.
DT Data. For existing and future
alteration data developed by the holder
of a supplemental type certificate that
affect fatigue critical baseline struc-
ture identified under § 26.43(b)(1), unless
previously accomplished, the holder of
a supplemental type certificate must—
(1) Perform a DTE and develop the
DTI for the alteration and fatigue crit-
ical baseline structure that is affected
by the alteration;
(2) Submit the DT data developed in
accordance with paragraphs (c)(1) of
this section to the responsible Aircraft
Certification Service office or its prop-
erly authorized designees for review
and approval; and
(3) Upon approval, make the DTI
available to persons required to comply
with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of this chap-
DT Data for Repairs Made to Alter-
ations. For existing and future repair
data developed by the holder of a sup-
plemental holder of a supplemental
type certificate, the holder of a supple-
mental type certificate must—
(1) Review the repair data, and iden-
tify each repair that affects any fa-
tigue critical alteration structure iden-
tified under paragraph (b)(2) of this sec-
(2) For each repair identified under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, unless
previously accomplished, perform a
DTE and develop DTI;
(3) Submit the DT data developed in
accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of
this section to the responsible Aircraft
Certification Service office or its prop-
erly authorized designees for review
and approval; and
(4) Upon approval, make the DTI
available to persons required to comply
with §§ 121.1109 and 129.109 of this chap-
Compliance times. Holders of sup-
plemental type certificates must sub-
mit the following to the responsible
Aircraft Certification Service office or
its properly authorized designees for
review and approval by the specified
compliance time:
(1) The list of fatigue critical alter-
ation structure required by paragraph
(b)(3) of this section must be submitted
no later than 360 days after January 11,
(2) For alteration data developed and
approved before January 11, 2008, the
DT data required by paragraph (c)(2) of
this section must be submitted by June
30, 2009.
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