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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 27.1145 

§ 27.1145

Ignition switches. 

(a) There must be means to quickly 

shut off all ignition by the grouping of 
switches or by a master ignition con-

(b) Each group of ignition switches, 

except ignition switches for turbine en-
gines for which continuous ignition is 
not required, and each master ignition 
control must have a means to prevent 
its inadvertent operation. 

(Secs. 313(a), 601, and 603, 72 Stat. 752, 775, 49 
U.S.C. 1354(a), 1421, and 1423; sec. 6(c), 49 
U.S.C. 1655(c)) 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–12, 42 FR 15045, Mar. 17, 

§ 27.1147

Mixture controls. 

If there are mixture controls, each 

engine must have a separate control 
and the controls must be arranged to 

(a) Separate control of each engine; 


(b) Simultaneous control of all en-


§ 27.1151

Rotor brake controls. 

(a) It must be impossible to apply the 

rotor brake inadvertently in flight. 

(b) There must be means to warn the 

crew if the rotor brake has not been 
completely released before takeoff. 

[Doc. No. 28008, 61 FR 21907, May 10, 1996] 

§ 27.1163

Powerplant accessories. 

(a) Each engine-mounted accessory 


(1) Be approved for mounting on the 

engine involved; 

(2) Use the provisions on the engine 

for mounting; and 

(3) Be sealed in such a way as to pre-

vent contamination of the engine oil 
system and the accessory system. 

(b) Unless other means are provided, 

torque limiting means must be pro-
vided for accessory drives located on 
any component of the transmission and 
rotor drive system to prevent damage 
to these components from excessive ac-
cessory load. 

[Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 964, Jan. 26, 1968, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–20, 49 FR 6849, Feb. 23, 
1984; Amdt. 27–23, 53 FR 34214, Sept. 2, 1988] 








§ 27.1183

Lines, fittings, and compo-


(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, each line, fitting, 
and other component carrying flam-
mable fluid in any area subject to en-
gine fire conditions must be fire resist-
ant, except that flammable fluid tanks 
and supports which are part of and at-
tached to the engine must be fireproof 
or be enclosed by a fireproof shield un-
less damage by fire to any non-fire-
proof part will not cause leakage or 
spillage of flammable fluid. Compo-
nents must be shielded or located so as 
to safeguard against the ignition of 
leaking flammable fluid. An integral 
oil sump of less than 25-quart capacity 
on a reciprocating engine need not be 
fireproof nor be enclosed by a fireproof 

(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to— 
(1) Lines, fittings, and components 

which are already approved as part of a 
type certificated engine; and 

(2) Vent and drain lines, and their fit-

tings, whose failure will not result in, 
or add to, a fire hazard. 

(c) Each flammable fluid drain and 

vent must discharge clear of the induc-
tion system air inlet. 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–1, 32 FR 6914, May 5, 
1967; Amdt. 27–9, 39 FR 35462, Oct. 1, 1974; 
Amdt. 27–20, 49 FR 6849, Feb. 23, 1984] 

§ 27.1185

Flammable fluids. 

(a) Each fuel tank must be isolated 

from the engines by a firewall or 

(b) Each tank or reservoir, other 

than a fuel tank, that is part of a sys-
tem containing flammable fluids or 
gases must be isolated from the engine 
by a firewall or shroud, unless the de-
sign of the system, the materials used 
in the tank and its supports, the shut-
off means, and the connections, lines 
and controls provide a degree of safety 
equal to that which would exist if the 
tank or reservoir were isolated from 
the engines. 

(c) There must be at least one-half 

inch of clear airspace between each 
tank and each firewall or shroud iso-
lating that tank, unless equivalent 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 27.1193 

means are used to prevent heat trans-
fer from each engine compartment to 
the flammable fluid. 

(d) Absorbent materials close to 

flammable fluid system components 
that might leak must be covered or 
treated to prevent the absorption of 
hazardous quantities of fluids. 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 964, Jan. 26, 
1968; Amdt. 27–11, 41 FR 55470, Dec. 20, 1976; 
Amdt. 27–37, 64 FR 45095, Aug. 18, 1999] 

§ 27.1187

Ventilation and drainage. 

Each compartment containing any 

part of the powerplant installation 
must have provision for ventilation 
and drainage of flammable fluids. The 
drainage means must be— 

(a) Effective under conditions ex-

pected to prevail when drainage is 
needed, and 

(b) Arranged so that no discharged 

fluid will cause an additional fire haz-

[Doc. No. 29247, 64 FR 45095, Aug. 18, 1999] 

§ 27.1189

Shutoff means. 

(a) There must be means to shut off 

each line carrying flammable fluids 
into the engine compartment, except— 

(1) Lines, fittings, and components 

forming an intergral part of an engine; 

(2) For oil systems for which all com-

ponents of the system, including oil 
tanks, are fireproof or located in areas 
not subject to engine fire conditions; 

(3) For reciprocating engine installa-

tions only, engine oil system lines in 
installation using engines of less than 
500 cu. in. displacement. 

(b) There must be means to guard 

against inadvertent operation of each 
shutoff, and to make it possible for the 
crew to reopen it in flight after it has 
been closed. 

(c) Each shutoff valve and its control 

must be designed, located, and pro-
tected to function properly under any 
condition likely to result from an en-
gine fire. 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 964, Jan. 26, 
1968; Amdt. 27–20, 49 FR 6850, Feb. 23, 1984; 
Amdt. 27–23, 53 FR 34214, Sept. 2, 1988] 

§ 27.1191


(a) Each engine, including the com-

bustor, turbine, and tailpipe sections of 
turbine engines must be isolated by a 
firewall, shroud, or equivalent means, 
from personnel compartments, struc-
tures, controls, rotor mechanisms, and 
other parts that are— 

(1) Essential to a controlled landing: 


(2) Not protected under § 27.861. 
(b) Each auxiliary power unit and 

combustion heater, and any other com-
bustion equipment to be used in flight, 
must be isolated from the rest of the 
rotorcraft by firewalls, shrouds, or 
equivalent means. 

(c) In meeting paragraphs (a) and (b) 

of this section, account must be taken 
of the probable path of a fire as af-
fected by the airflow in normal flight 
and in autorotation. 

(d) Each firewall and shroud must be 

constructed so that no hazardous quan-
tity of air, fluids, or flame can pass 
from any engine compartment to other 
parts of the rotorcraft. 

(e) Each opening in the firewall or 

shroud must be sealed with close-fit-
ting, fireproof grommets, bushings, or 
firewall fittings. 

(f) Each firewall and shroud must be 

fireproof and protected against corro-

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 22 FR 964, Jan. 26, 

§ 27.1193

Cowling and engine compart-

ment covering. 

(a) Each cowling and engine compart-

ment covering must be constructed and 
supported so that it can resist the vi-
bration, inertia, and air loads to which 
it may be subjected in operation. 

(b) There must be means for rapid 

and complete drainage of each part of 
the cowling or engine compartment in 
the normal ground and flight attitudes. 

(c) No drain may discharge where it 

might cause a fire hazard. 

(d) Each cowling and engine compart-

ment covering must be at least fire re-

(e) Each part of the cowling or engine 

compartment covering subject to high 
temperatures due to its nearness to ex-
haust system parts or exhaust gas im-
pingement must be fireproof. 

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