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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 27.1309 

(1) Provide a warning to the 

flightcrew when approximately 10 min-
utes of usable fuel remains in the tank; 

(2) Be independent of the normal fuel 

quantity indicating system. 

(m) Means to indicate to the 

flightcrew the failure of any fuel pump 
installed to show compliance with 
§ 27.955. 

(n) A means to indicate the gas tem-

perature for each turbine engine. 

(o) A means to enable the pilot to de-

termine the torque of each turbine en-
gine, if a torque limitation is estab-
lished for that engine under § 27.1521(e). 

(p) For each turbine engine, an indi-

cator to indicate the functioning of the 
powerplant ice protection system. 

(q) An indicator for the fuel filter re-

quired by § 27.997 to indicate the occur-
rence of contamination of the filter at 
the degree established by the applicant 
in compliance with § 27.955. 

(r) For each turbine engine, a warn-

ing means for the oil strainer or filter 
required by § 27.1019, if it has no bypass, 
to warn the pilot of the occurrence of 
contamination of the strainer or filter 
before it reaches the capacity estab-
lished in accordance with § 27.1019(a)(2). 

(s) An indicator to indicate the func-

tioning of any selectable or control-
lable heater used to prevent ice clog-
ging of fuel system components. 

(t) For rotorcraft for which a 30-sec-

ond/2-minute OEI power rating is re-
quested, a means must be provided to 
alert the pilot when the engine is at 
the 30-second and the 2-minute OEI 
power levels, when the event begins, 
and when the time interval expires. 

(u) For each turbine engine utilizing 

30-second/2-minute OEI power, a device 
or system must be provided for use by 
ground personnel which— 

(1) Automatically records each usage 

and duration of power at the 30-second 
and 2-minute OEI levels; 

(2) Permits retrieval of the recorded 


(3) Can be reset only by ground main-

tenance personnel; and 

(4) Has a means to verify proper oper-

ation of the system or device. 

(v) Warning or caution devices to sig-

nal to the flight crew when ferromag-

netic particles are detected by the chip 
detector required by § 27.1337(e). 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–9, 39 FR 35462, Oct. 1, 
1974; Amdt. 27–23, 53 FR 34214, Sept. 2, 1988; 
Amdt. 27–29, 59 FR 47767, Sept. 16, 1994; Amdt. 
27–37, 64 FR 45095, Aug. 18, 1999; 64 FR 47563, 
Aug. 31, 1999; Amdt. 27–51, 88 FR 8737, Feb. 10, 

§ 27.1307

Miscellaneous equipment. 

The following is the required mis-

cellaneous equipment: 

(a) An approved seat for each occu-


(b) An approved safety belt for each 


(c) A master switch arrangement. 
(d) An adequate source of electrical 

energy, where electrical energy is nec-
essary for operation of the rotorcraft. 

(e) Electrical protective devices. 

§ 27.1309

Equipment, systems, and in-


The equipment, systems, and instal-

lations whose functioning is required 
by this subchapter must be designed 
and installed to ensure that they per-
form their intended functions under 
any foreseeable operating condition. 
For any item of equipment or system 
whose failure has not been specifically 
addressed by another requirement in 
this chapter, the following require-
ments also apply: 

(a) The design of each item of equip-

ment, system, and installation must be 
analyzed separately and in relation to 
other rotorcraft systems and installa-
tions to determine and identify any 
failure that would affect the capability 
of the rotorcraft or the ability of the 
crew to perform their duties in all op-
erating conditions. 

(b) Each item of equipment, system, 

and installation must be designed and 
installed so that: 

(1) The occurrence of any cata-

strophic failure condition is extremely 

(2) The occurrence of any major fail-

ure condition is no more than improb-
able; and 

(3) For the occurrence of any other 

failure condition between major and 
catastrophic, the probability of the 
failure condition must be inversely 
proportional to its consequences. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 27.1316 

(c) A means to alert the crew in the 

event of a failure must be provided 
when an unsafe system operating con-
dition exists and to enable them to 
take corrective action. Systems, con-
trols, and associated monitoring and 
crew alerting means must be designed 
to minimize crew errors that could cre-
ate additional hazards. 

(d) Compliance with the require-

ments of this section must be shown by 
analysis and, where necessary, by 
ground, flight, or simulator tests. The 
analysis must account for: 

(1) Possible modes of failure, includ-

ing malfunctions and misleading data 
and input from external sources; 

(2) The effect of multiple failures and 

latent failures; 

(3) The resulting effects on the rotor-

craft and occupants, considering the 
stage of flight and operating condi-
tions; and 

(4) The crew alerting cues and the 

corrective action required. 

[Amdt. 27–51, 88 FR 8737, Feb. 10, 2023] 

§ 27.1316

Electrical and electronic sys-

tem lightning protection. 

(a) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function, for 
which failure would prevent the contin-
ued safe flight and landing of the rotor-
craft, must be designed and installed so 

(1) The function is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
rotorcraft is exposed to lightning; and 

(2) The system automatically recov-

ers normal operation of that function 
in a timely manner after the rotorcraft 
is exposed to lightning. 

(b) For rotorcraft approved for in-

strument flight rules operation, each 
electrical and electronic system that 
performs a function, for which failure 
would reduce the capability of the 
rotorcraft or the ability of the 
flightcrew to respond to an adverse op-
erating condition, must be designed 
and installed so that the function re-
covers normal operation in a timely 
manner after the rotorcraft is exposed 
to lightning. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0224, Amdt. 27–46, 76 FR 
33135, June 8, 2011] 

§ 27.1317

High-intensity Radiated 

Fields (HIRF) Protection. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(d) of this section, each electrical and 
electronic system that performs a func-
tion whose failure would prevent the 
continued safe flight and landing of the 
rotorcraft must be designed and in-
stalled so that— 

(1) The function is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
rotorcraft is exposed to HIRF environ-
ment I, as described in appendix D to 
this part; 

(2) The system automatically recov-

ers normal operation of that function, 
in a timely manner, after the rotor-
craft is exposed to HIRF environment 
I, as described in appendix D to this 
part, unless this conflicts with other 
operational or functional requirements 
of that system; 

(3) The system is not adversely af-

fected during and after the time the 
rotorcraft is exposed to HIRF environ-
ment II, as described in appendix D to 
this part; and 

(4) Each function required during op-

eration under visual flight rules is not 
adversely affected during and after the 
time the rotorcraft is exposed to HIRF 
environment III, as described in appen-
dix D to this part. 

(b) Each electrical and electronic 

system that performs a function whose 
failure would significantly reduce the 
capability of the rotorcraft or the abil-
ity of the flightcrew to respond to an 
adverse operating condition must be 
designed and installed so the system is 
not adversely affected when the equip-
ment providing these functions is ex-
posed to equipment HIRF test level 1 
or 2, as described in appendix D to this 

(c) Each electrical and electronic sys-

tem that performs a function whose 
failure would reduce the capability of 
the rotorcraft or the ability of the 
flightcrew to respond to an adverse op-
erating condition, must be designed 
and installed so the system is not ad-
versely affected when the equipment 
providing these functions is exposed to 
equipment HIRF test level 3, as de-
scribed in appendix D to this part. 

(d) Before December 1, 2012, an elec-

trical or electronic system that per-
forms a function whose failure would 

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