Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 27.143
§ 27.87
Height-velocity envelope.
(a) If there is any combination of
height and forward velocity (including
hover) under which a safe landing can-
not be made under the applicable power
failure condition in paragraph (b) of
this section, a limiting height-velocity
envelope must be established (includ-
ing all pertinent information) for that
condition, throughout the ranges of—
(1) Altitude, from standard sea level
conditions to the maximum altitude
capability of the rotorcraft, or 7000 feet
density altitude, whichever is less; and
(2) Weight, from the maximum
weight at sea level to the weight se-
lected by the applicant for each alti-
tude covered by paragraph (a)(1) of this
section. For helicopters, the weight at
altitudes above sea level may not be
less than the maximum weight or the
highest weight allowing hovering out-
of-ground effect, whichever is lower.
(b) The applicable power failure con-
ditions are—
(1) For single-engine helicopters, full
(2) For multiengine helicopters, OEI
(where engine isolation features ensure
continued operation of the remaining
engines), and the remaining engine(s)
within approved limits and at the min-
imum installed specification power
available for the most critical com-
bination of approved ambient tempera-
ture and pressure altitude resulting in
7000 feet density altitude or the max-
imum altitude capability of the heli-
copter, whichever is less, and
(3) For other rotorcraft, conditions
appropriate to the type.
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, Federal Aviation
Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a), 1421, 1423, 1424),
sec. 6(c), Dept. of Transportation Act (49
U.S.C. 1655(c)))
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2324, Jan. 16,
1978; Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44433, Nov. 6, 1984;
Amdt. 27–44, 73 FR 10999, Feb. 29, 2008; Amdt.
27–51, 88 FR 8737, Feb. 10, 2023]
§ 27.141
The rotorcraft must—
(a) Except as specifically required in
the applicable section, meet the flight
characteristics requirements of this
(1) At the altitudes and temperatures
expected in operation;
(2) Under any critical loading condi-
tion within the range of weights and
centers of gravity for which certifi-
cation is requested;
(3) For power-on operations, under
any condition of speed, power, and
rotor r.p.m. for which certification is
requested; and
(4) For power-off operations, under
any condition of speed and rotor r.p.m.
for which certification is requested
that is attainable with the controls
rigged in accordance with the approved
rigging instructions and tolerances;
(b) Be able to maintain any required
flight condition and make a smooth
transition from any flight condition to
any other flight condition without ex-
ceptional piloting skill, alertness, or
strength, and without danger of ex-
ceeding the limit load factor under any
operating condition probable for the
type, including—
(1) Sudden failure of one engine, for
multiengine rotorcraft meeting Trans-
port Category A engine isolation re-
quirements of Part 29 of this chapter;
(2) Sudden, complete power failure
for other rotorcraft; and
(3) Sudden, complete control system
failures specified in § 27.695 of this part;
(c) Have any additional char-
acteristic required for night or instru-
ment operation, if certification for
those kinds of operation is requested.
Requirements for helicopter instru-
ment flight are contained in appendix
B of this part.
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 962, Jan. 26,
1968; Amdt. 27–11, 41 FR 55468, Dec. 20, 1976;
Amdt. 27–19, 48 FR 4389, Jan. 31, 1983; Amdt.
27–21, 49 FR 44433, Nov. 6, 1984]
§ 27.143
Controllability and maneuver-
(a) The rotorcraft must be safely con-
trollable and maneuverable—
(1) During steady flight; and
(2) During any maneuver appropriate
to the type, including—
(i) Takeoff;
(ii) Climb;
(iii) Level flight;
(iv) Turning flight;
(v) Autorotation;
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