14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 27.151
(vi) Landing (power on and power
off); and
(vii) Recovery to power-on flight
from a balked autorotative approach.
(b) The margin of cyclic control must
allow satisfactory roll and pitch con-
trol at V
(1) Critical weight;
(2) Critical center of gravity;
(3) Critical rotor r.p.m.; and
(4) Power off (except for helicopters
demonstrating compliance with para-
graph (f) of this section) and power on.
(c) Wind velocities from zero to at
least 17 knots, from all azimuths, must
be established in which the rotorcraft
can be operated without loss of control
on or near the ground in any maneuver
appropriate to the type (such as cross-
wind takeoffs, sideward flight, and
rearward flight)—
(1) With altitude, from standard sea
level conditions to the maximum take-
off and landing altitude capability of
the rotorcraft or 7000 feet density alti-
tude, whichever is less; with—
(i) Critical Weight;
(ii) Critical center of gravity;
(iii) Critical rotor r.p.m.;
(2) For takeoff and landing altitudes
above 7000 feet density altitude with—
(i) Weight selected by the applicant;
(ii) Critical center of gravity; and
(iii) Critical rotor r.p.m.
(d) Wind velocities from zero to at
least 17 knots, from all azimuths, must
be established in which the rotorcraft
can be operated without loss of control
out-of-ground-effect, with—
(1) Weight selected by the applicant;
(2) Critical center of gravity;
(3) Rotor r.p.m. selected by the appli-
cant; and
(4) Altitude, from standard sea level
conditions to the maximum takeoff
and landing altitude capability of the
(e) The rotorcraft, after (1) failure of
one engine in the case of multiengine
rotorcraft that meet Transport Cat-
egory A engine isolation requirements,
or (2) complete engine failure in the
case of other rotorcraft, must be con-
trollable over the range of speeds and
altitudes for which certification is re-
quested when such power failure occurs
with maximum continuous power and
critical weight. No corrective action
time delay for any condition following
power failure may be less than—
(i) For the cruise condition, one sec-
ond, or normal pilot reaction time
(whichever is greater); and
(ii) For any other condition, normal
pilot reaction time.
(f) For helicopters for which a V
(power-off) is established under
§ 27.1505(c), compliance must be dem-
onstrated with the following require-
ments with critical weight, critical
center of gravity, and critical rotor
(1) The helicopter must be safely
slowed to V
(power-off), without ex-
ceptional pilot skill, after the last op-
erating engine is made inoperative at
power-on V
(2) At a speed of 1.1 V
the margin of cyclic control must
allow satisfactory roll and pitch con-
trol with power off.
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, and 605 of the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a),
1421, 1423, 1424, and 1425); and sec. 6(c) of the
Dept. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 963, Jan. 26,
1968; Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2325, Jan. 16, 1978;
Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44433, Nov. 6, 1984; Amdt.
27–44, 73 FR 10999, Feb. 29, 2008]
§ 27.151
Flight controls.
(a) Longitudinal, lateral, directional,
and collective controls may not exhibit
excessive breakout force, friction, or
(b) Control system forces and free
play may not inhibit a smooth, direct
rotorcraft response to control system
[Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44433, Nov. 6, 1984]
§ 27.161
Trim control.
The trim control—
(a) Must trim any steady longitu-
dinal, lateral, and collective control
forces to zero in level flight at any ap-
propriate speed; and
(b) May not introduce any undesir-
able discontinuities in control force
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44433, Nov. 6,
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