14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 27.1523
to multiengine, turbine-powered rotor-
craft for not longer than 30 minutes
after failure of an engine. The use of 30-
minute OEI power must also be limited
(1) The maximum rotational speed,
which may not be greater than—
(i) The maximum value determined
by the rotor design; or
(ii) The maximum value dem-
onstrated during the type tests;
(2) The maximum allowable gas tem-
perature; and
(3) The maximum allowable torque.
Continuous OEI power operation.
Unless otherwise authorized, the use of
continuous OEI power must be limited
to multiengine, turbine-powered rotor-
craft for continued flight after failure
of an engine. The use of continuous
OEI power must also be limited by—
(1) The maximum rotational speed,
which may not be greater than—
(i) The maximum value determined
by the rotor design; or
(ii) The maximum value dem-
onstrated during the type tests;
(2) The maximum allowable gas tem-
perature; and
(3) The maximum allowable torque.
Rated 30-second OEI power oper-
ation. Rated 30-second OEI power is
permitted only on multiengine, tur-
bine-powered rotorcraft, also certifi-
cated for the use of rated 2-minute OEI
power, and can only be used for contin-
ued operation of the remaining en-
gine(s) after a failure or precautionary
shutdown of an engine. It must be
shown that following application of 30-
second OEI power, any damage will be
readily detectable by the applicable in-
spections and other related procedures
furnished in accordance with Section
A27.4 of appendix A of this part and
Section A33.4 of appendix A of part 33.
The use of 30-second OEI power must be
limited to not more than 30 seconds for
any period in which that power is used,
and by—
(1) The maximum rotational speed,
which may not be greater than—
(i) The maximum value determined
by the rotor design; or
(ii) The maximum value dem-
onstrated during the type tests;
(2) The maximum allowable gas tem-
perature; and
(3) The maximum allowable torque.
Rated 2-minute OEI power oper-
ation. Rated 2-minute OEI power is per-
mitted only on multiengine, turbine-
powered rotorcraft, also certificated
for the use of rated 30-second OEI
power, and can only be used for contin-
ued operation of the remaining en-
gine(s) after a failure or precautionary
shutdown of an engine. It must be
shown that following application of 2-
minute OEI power, any damage will be
readily detectable by the applicable in-
spections and other related procedures
furnished in accordance with Section
A27.4 of appendix A of this part and
Section A33.4 of appendix A of part 33.
The use of 2-minute OEI power must be
limited to not more than 2 minutes for
any period in which that power is used,
and by—
(1) The maximum rotational speed,
which may not be greater than—
(i) The maximum value determined
by the rotor design; or
(ii) The maximum value dem-
onstrated during the type tests;
(2) The maximum allowable gas tem-
perature; and
(3) The maximum allowable torque.
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, and 605 of the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a),
1421, 1423, 1424, and 1425); and sec. 6(c) of the
Dept. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2325, Jan. 16,
1978; Amdt. 27–23, 53 FR 34214, Sept. 2, 1988;
Amdt. 27–29, 59 FR 47767, Sept. 16, 1994]
§ 27.1523
Minimum flight crew.
The minimum flight crew must be es-
tablished so that it is sufficient for safe
operation, considering—
(a) The workload on individual crew-
(b) The accessibility and ease of oper-
ation of necessary controls by the ap-
propriate crewmember; and
(c) The kinds of operation authorized
under § 27.1525.
§ 27.1525
Kinds of operations.
The kinds of operations (such as
VFR, IFR, day, night, or icing) for
which the rotorcraft is approved are es-
tablished by demonstrated compliance
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