Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 27.1583
§ 27.1557
Miscellaneous markings and
Baggage and cargo compartments,
and ballast location. Each baggage and
cargo compartment, and each ballast
location must have a placard stating
any limitations on contents, including
weight, that are necessary under the
loading requirements.
Seats. If the maximum allowable
weight to be carried in a seat is less
than 170 pounds, a placard stating the
lesser weight must be permanently at-
tached to the seat structure.
Fuel and oil filler openings. The fol-
lowing apply:
(1) Fuel filler openings must be
marked at or near the filler cover
(i) The word ‘‘fuel’’;
(ii) For reciprocating engine powered
rotorcraft, the minimum fuel grade;
(iii) For turbine engine powered
rotorcraft, the permissible fuel des-
ignations; and
(iv) For pressure fueling systems, the
maximum permissible fueling supply
pressure and the maximum permissible
defueling pressure.
(2) Oil filler openings must be
marked at or near the filler cover with
the word ‘‘oil’’.
Emergency exit placards. Each
placard and operating control for each
emergency exit must be red. A placard
must be near each emergency exit con-
trol and must clearly indicate the loca-
tion of that exit and its method of op-
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–11, 41 FR 55471, Dec. 20,
§ 27.1559
Limitations placard.
There must be a placard in clear view
of the pilot that specifies the kinds of
operations (such as VFR, IFR, day,
night, or icing) for which the rotorcraft
is approved.
[Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44435, Nov. 6, 1984]
§ 27.1561
Safety equipment.
(a) Each safety equipment control to
be operated by the crew in emergency,
such as controls for automatic liferaft
releases, must be plainly marked as to
its method of operation.
(b) Each location, such as a locker or
compartment, that carries any fire ex-
tinguishing, signaling, or other life
saving equipment, must be so marked.
§ 27.1565
Tail rotor.
Each tail rotor must be marked so
that its disc is conspicuous under nor-
mal daylight ground conditions.
[Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 965, Jan. 26, 1968]
§ 27.1581
Furnishing information. A Rotor-
craft Flight Manual must be furnished
with each rotorcraft, and it must con-
tain the following:
(1) Information required by §§ 27.1583
through 27.1589.
(2) Other information that is nec-
essary for safe operation because of de-
sign, operating, or handling character-
Approved information. Each part of
the manual listed in §§ 27.1583 through
27.1589, that is appropriate to the rotor-
craft, must be furnished, verified, and
approved, and must be segregated,
identified, and clearly distinguished
from each unapproved part of that
(c) [Reserved]
Table of contents. Each Rotorcraft
Flight Manual must include a table of
contents if the complexity of the man-
ual indicates a need for it.
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, and 605 of the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a),
1421, 1423, 1424, and 1425); and sec. 6(c) of the
Dept. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
[Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2325, Jan. 16, 1978]
§ 27.1583
Operating limitations.
Airspeed and rotor limitations. In-
formation necessary for the marking of
airspeed and rotor limitations on, or
near, their respective indicators must
be furnished. The significance of each
limitation and of the color coding must
be explained.
Powerplant limitations. The fol-
lowing information must be furnished:
(1) Limitations required by § 27.1521.
(2) Explanation of the limitations,
when appropriate.
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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 27.1585
(3) Information necessary for mark-
ing the instruments required by
§§ 27.1549 through 27.1553.
Weight and loading distribution.
The weight and center of gravity limits
required by §§ 27.25 and 27.27, respec-
tively, must be furnished. If the vari-
ety of possible loading conditions war-
rants, instructions must be included to
allow ready observance of the limita-
Flight crew. When a flight crew of
more than one is required, the number
and functions of the minimum flight
crew determined under § 27.1523 must be
Kinds of operation. Each kind of
operation for which the rotorcraft and
its equipment installations are ap-
proved must be listed.
(f) [Reserved]
Altitude. The altitude established
under § 27.1527 and an explanation of
the limiting factors must be furnished.
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, and 605 of the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a),
1421, 1423, 1424, and 1425); and sec. 6(c) of the
Dept. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 27–2, 33 FR 965, Jan. 26,
1968; Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2325, Jan. 16, 1978;
Amdt. 27–16, 43 FR 50599, Oct. 30, 1978]
§ 27.1585
Operating procedures.
(a) Parts of the manual containing
operating procedures must have infor-
mation concerning any normal and
emergency procedures and other infor-
mation necessary for safe operation,
including takeoff and landing proce-
dures and associated airspeeds. The
manual must contain any pertinent in-
formation including—
(1) The kind of takeoff surface used
in the tests and each appropriate
climbout speed; and
(2) The kind of landing surface used
in the tests and appropriate approach
and glide airspeeds.
(b) For multiengine rotorcraft, infor-
mation identifying each operating con-
dition in which the fuel system inde-
pendence prescribed in § 27.953 is nec-
essary for safety must be furnished, to-
gether with instructions for placing
the fuel system in a configuration used
to show compliance with that section.
(c) For helicopters for which a V
(power-off) is established under
§ 27.1505(c), information must be fur-
nished to explain the V
and the procedures for reducing air-
speed to not more than the V
off) following failure of all engines.
(d) For each rotorcraft showing com-
pliance with § 27.1353 (g)(2) or (g)(3), the
operating procedures for disconnecting
the battery from its charging source
must be furnished.
(e) If the unusable fuel supply in any
tank exceeds five percent of the tank
capacity, or one gallon, whichever is
greater, information must be furnished
which indicates that when the fuel
quantity indicator reads ‘‘zero’’ in
level flight, any fuel remaining in the
fuel tank cannot be used safely in
(f) Information on the total quantity
of usable fuel for each fuel tank must
be furnished.
(g) The airspeeds and rotor speeds for
minimum rate of descent and best glide
angle as prescribed in § 27.71 must be
(Secs. 313(a), 601, 603, 604, and 605 of the Fed-
eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1354(a),
1421, 1423, 1424, and 1425); and sec. 6(c) of the
Dept. of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C.
[Amdt. 27–1, 32 FR 6914, May 5, 1967, as
amended by Amdt. 27–14, 43 FR 2326, Jan. 16,
1978; Amdt. 27–16, 43 FR 50599, Oct. 30, 1978;
Amdt. 27–21, 49 FR 44435, Nov. 6, 1984]
§ 27.1587
Performance information.
(a) The Rotorcraft Flight Manual
must contain the following informa-
tion, determined in accordance with
§§ 27.49 through 27.87 and 27.143(c) and
(1) Enough information to determine
the limiting height-velocity envelope.
(2) Information relative to—
(i) The steady rates of climb and de-
scent, in-ground effect and out-of-
ground effect hovering ceilings, to-
gether with the corresponding air-
speeds and other pertinent information
including the calculated effects of alti-
tude and temperatures;
(ii) The maximum weight for each al-
titude and temperature condition at
which the rotorcraft can safely hover
in-ground effect and out-of-ground ef-
fect in winds of not less than 17 knots
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