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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 27.725 

Metallic Materials and Elements for 
Flight Vehicle Structures, (Sept. 15, 
1976, as amended through December 15, 
1978). This incorporation by reference 
was approved by the Director of the 
Federal Register in accordance with 5 
U.S.C. section 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. 
Copies may be obtained from the Naval 
Publications and Forms Center, 5801 
Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania, 19120. Copies may be inspected 
at the National Archives and Records 
Administration (NARA). For informa-
tion on the availability of this mate-
rial at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go 


(5) Pulleys must have close fitting 

guards to prevent the cables from being 
displaced or fouled. 

(6) Pulleys must lie close enough to 

the plane passing through the cable to 
prevent the cable from rubbing against 
the pulley flange. 

(7) No fairlead may cause a change in 

cable direction of more than 3


(8) No clevis pin subject to load or 

motion and retained only by cotter 
pins may be used in the control sys-

(9) Turnbuckles attached to parts 

having angular motion must be in-
stalled to prevent binding throughout 
the range of travel. 

(10) There must be means for visual 

inspection at each fairlead, pulley, ter-
minal, and turnbuckle. 

(e) Control system joints subject to 

angular motion must incorporate the 
following special factors with respect 
to the ultimate bearing strength of the 
softest material used as a bearing: 

(1) 3.33 for push-pull systems other 

than ball and roller bearing systems. 

(2) 2.0 for cable systems. 
(f) For control system joints, the 

manufacturer’s static, non-Brinell rat-
ing of ball and roller bearings must not 
be exceeded. 

[Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 27–11, 41 FR 55469, Dec. 20, 
1976; Amdt. 27–26, 55 FR 8001, Mar. 6, 1990; 69 
FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004; Doc. No. FAA–2018– 
0119, Amdt. 27–49, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 27.687

Spring devices. 

(a) Each control system spring device 

whose failure could cause flutter or 

other unsafe characteristics must be 

(b) Compliance with paragraph (a) of 

this section must be shown by tests 
simulating service conditions. 

§ 27.691

Autorotation control mecha-


Each main rotor blade pitch control 

mechanism must allow rapid entry into 
autorotation after power failure. 

§ 27.695

Power boost and power-oper-

ated control system. 

(a) If a power boost or power-oper-

ated control system is used, an alter-
nate system must be immediately 
available that allows continued safe 
flight and landing in the event of— 

(1) Any single failure in the power 

portion of the system; or 

(2) The failure of all engines. 
(b) Each alternate system may be a 

duplicate power portion or a manually 
operated mechanical system. The 
power portion includes the power 
source (such as hydraulic pumps), and 
such items as valves, lines, and actu-

(c) The failure of mechanical parts 

(such as piston rods and links), and the 
jamming of power cylinders, must be 
considered unless they are extremely 






§ 27.723

Shock absorption tests. 

The landing inertia load factor and 

the reserve energy absorption capacity 
of the landing gear must be substan-
tiated by the tests prescribed in 
§§ 27.725 and 27.727, respectively. These 
tests must be conducted on the com-
plete rotorcraft or on units consisting 
of wheel, tire, and shock absorber in 
their proper relation. 

§ 27.725

Limit drop test. 

The limit drop test must be con-

ducted as follows: 

(a) The drop height must be— 
(1) 13 inches from the lowest point of 

the landing gear to the ground; or 

(2) Any lesser height, not less than 

eight inches, resulting in a drop con-
tact velocity equal to the greatest 
probable sinking speed likely to occur 

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