Code of Federal Regulations

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space
Volume: 1Date: 2024-01-01Original Date: 2024-01-01Title: Section 27.751 - Main float buoyancy.Context: Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space. CHAPTER I - FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. SUBCHAPTER C - AIRCRAFT. PART 27 - AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT. Subpart D - Design and Construction. - Floats and Hulls.
§ 27.751 Main float buoyancy. (a) For main floats, the buoyancy necessary to support the maximum weight of the rotorcraft in fresh water must be exceeded by— (1) 50 percent, for single floats; and (2) 60 percent, for multiple floats. (b) Each main float must have enough water-tight compartments so that, with any single main float compartment flooded, the main floats will provide a margin of positive stability great enough to minimize the probability of capsizing. [Doc. No. 5074, 29 FR 15695, Nov. 24, 1964, as amended by Amdt. 27-2, 33 FR 963, Jan. 26, 1968]