Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 27.807
must meet the requirements of this
section and §§ 27.807(d), 27.1411 and
(b) Each practicable design measure,
compatible with the general character-
istics of the rotorcraft, must be taken
to minimize the probability that in an
emergency landing on water, the be-
havior of the rotorcraft would cause
immediate injury to the occupants or
would make it impossible for them to
(c) The probable behavior of the
rotorcraft in a water landing must be
investigated by model tests or by com-
parison with rotorcraft of similar con-
figuration for which the ditching char-
acteristics are known. Scoops, flaps,
projections, and any other factor likely
to affect the hydrodynamic character-
istics of the rotorcraft must be consid-
(d) It must be shown that, under rea-
sonably probable water conditions, the
flotation time and trim of the rotor-
craft will allow the occupants to leave
the rotorcraft and enter the life rafts
required by § 27.1415. If compliance with
this provision is shown by buoyancy
and trim computations, appropriate al-
lowances must be made for probable
structural damage and leakage. If the
rotorcraft has fuel tanks (with fuel jet-
tisoning provisions) that can reason-
ably be expected to withstand a ditch-
ing without leakage, the jettisonable
volume of fuel may be considered as
buoyancy volume.
(e) Unless the effects of the collapse
of external doors and windows are ac-
counted for in the investigation of the
probable behavior of the rotorcraft in a
water landing (as prescribed in para-
graphs (c) and (d) of this section), the
external doors and windows must be
designed to withstand the probable
maximum local pressures.
[Amdt. 27–11, 41 FR 55469, Dec. 20, 1976]
§ 27.805
Flight crew emergency exits.
(a) For rotorcraft with passenger
emergency exits that are not conven-
ient to the flight crew, there must be
flight crew emergency exits, on both
sides of the rotorcraft or as a top hatch
in the flight crew area.
(b) Each flight crew emergency exit
must be of sufficient size and must be
located so as to allow rapid evacuation
of the flight crew. This must be shown
by test.
(c) Each flight crew emergency exit
must not be obstructed by water or flo-
tation devices after an emergency
landing on water. This must be shown
by test, demonstration, or analysis.
[Doc. No. 29247, 64 FR 45094, Aug. 18, 1999]
§ 27.807
Emergency exits.
Number and location. (1) There
must be at least one emergency exit on
each side of the cabin readily acces-
sible to each passenger. One of these
exits must be usable in any probable
attitude that may result from a crash;
(2) Doors intended for normal use
may also serve as emergency exits, pro-
vided that they meet the requirements
of this section; and
(3) If emergency flotation devices are
installed, there must be an emergency
exit accessible to each passenger on
each side of the cabin that is shown by
test, demonstration, or analysis to;
(i) Be above the waterline; and
(ii) Open without interference from
flotation devices, whether stowed or
Type and operation. Each emer-
gency exit prescribed by paragraph (a)
of this section must—
(1) Consist of a movable window or
panel, or additional external door, pro-
viding an unobstructed opening that
will admit a 19-by 26-inch ellipse;
(2) Have simple and obvious methods
of opening, from the inside and from
the outside, which do not require ex-
ceptional effort;
(3) Be arranged and marked so as to
be readily located and opened even in
darkness; and
(4) Be reasonably protected from
jamming by fuselage deformation.
Tests. The proper functioning of
each emergency exit must be shown by
Ditching emergency exits for pas-
sengers. If certification with ditching
provisions is requested, the markings
required by paragraph (b)(3) of this sec-
tion must be designed to remain visible
if the rotorcraft is capsized and the
cabin is submerged.
[Doc. No. 29247, 64 FR 45094, Aug. 18, 1999]
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