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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 31.43 

§ 31.43

Fitting factor. 

(a) A fitting factor of at least 1.15 

must be used in the analysis of each 
fitting the strength of which is not 
proven by limit and ultimate load tests 
in which the actual stress conditions 
are simulated in the fitting and sur-
rounding structure. This factor applies 
to all parts of the fitting, the means of 
attachment, and the bearing on the 
members joined. 

(b) Each part with an integral fitting 

must be treated as a fitting up to the 
point where the section properties be-
come typical of the member. 

(c) The fitting factor need not be 

used if the joint design is made in ac-
cordance with approved practices and 
is based on comprehensive test data. 

§ 31.45

Fuel cells. 

If fuel cells are used, the fuel cells, 

their attachments, and related sup-
porting structure must be shown by 
tests to be capable of withstanding, 
without detrimental distortion or fail-
ure, any inertia loads to which the in-
stallation may be subjected, including 
the drop tests prescribed in § 31.27(c). In 
the tests, the fuel cells must be loaded 
to the weight and pressure equivalent 
to the full fuel quantity condition. 

[Amdt. 31–3, 41 FR 55474, Dec. 20, 1976] 

§ 31.46

Pressurized fuel systems. 

For pressurized fuel systems, each 

element and its connecting fittings and 
lines must be tested to an ultimate 
pressure of at least twice the maximum 
pressure to which the system will be 
subjected in normal operation. No part 
of the system may fail or malfunction 
during the test. The test configuration 
must be representative of the normal 
fuel system installation and balloon 

[Amdt. 31–3, 41 FR 55474, Dec. 20, 1976] 

§ 31.47


(a) If a burner is used to provide the 

lifting means, the system must be de-
signed and installed so as not to create 
a fire hazard. 

(b) There must be shielding to pro-

tect parts adjacent to the burner 
flame, and the occupants, from heat ef-

(c) There must be controls, instru-

ments, or other equipment essential to 
the safe control and operation of the 
heater. They must be shown to be able 
to perform their intended functions 
during normal and emergency oper-

(d) The burner system (including the 

burner unit, controls, fuel lines, fuel 
cells, regulators, control valves, and 
other related elements) must be sub-
stantiated by an endurance test of at 
least 40 hours. Each element of the sys-
tem must be installed and tested to 
simulate actual balloon installation 
and use. 

(1) The test program for the main 

blast valve operation of the burner 
must include: 

(i) Five hours at the maximum fuel 

pressure for which approval is sought, 
with a burn time for each one minute 
cycle of three to ten seconds. The burn 
time must be established so that each 
burner is subjected to the maximum 
thermal shock for temperature affected 

(ii) Seven and one-half hours at an 

intermediate fuel pressure, with a burn 
time for each one minute cycle of three 
to ten seconds. An intermediate fuel 
pressure is 40 to 60 percent of the range 
between the maximum fuel pressure 
referenced in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this 
section and minimum fuel pressure ref-
erenced in paragraph (d)(1)(iii); 

(iii) Six hours and fifteen minutes at 

the minimum fuel pressure for which 
approval is sought, with a burn time 
for each one minute cycle of three to 
ten seconds; 

(iv) Fifteen minutes of operation on 

vapor, with a burn time for each one 
minute cycle of at least 30 seconds; and 

(v) Fifteen hours of normal flight op-


(2) The test program for the sec-

ondary or backup operation of the 
burner must include six hours of oper-
ation with a burn time for each five 
minute cycle of one minute at an inter-
mediate fuel pressure. 

(e) The test must also include at 

least three flameouts and restarts. 

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