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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 33.51 

runs at other power must be made at 
8,000 feet altitude pressure; 

(iii) The entire run specified in para-

graph (d)(4) of this section must be 
made at 8,000 feet altitude pressure; 

(iv) The portion of the runs specified 

in paragraph (d)(5) of this section at 80 
percent of rated maximum continuous 
power must be made at 8,000 feet alti-
tude pressure and the portions of the 
runs at other power must be made at 
critical altitude pressure; 

(v) The entire run specified in para-

graph (d)(6) of this section must be 
made at critical altitude pressure; and 

(vi) The turbosupercharger used dur-

ing the endurance test must be run on 
the bench for 50 hours at the limiting 
turbine wheel inlet gas temperature 
and rotational speed for rated max-
imum continuous power operation un-
less the limiting temperature and 
speed are maintained during 50 hours of 
the rated maximum continuous power 

[Amdt. 33–3, 32 FR 3736, Mar. 4, 1967, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35465, Oct. 1, 
1974; Amdt. 33–10, 49 FR 6851, Feb. 23, 1984] 

§ 33.51

Operation test. 

The operation test must include the 

testing found necessary by the Admin-
istrator to demonstrate backfire char-
acteristics, starting, idling, accelera-
tion, overspeeding, functioning of pro-
peller and ignition, and any other oper-
ational characteristic of the engine. If 
the engine incorporates a multispeed 
supercharger drive, the design and con-
struction must allow the supercharger 
to be shifted from operation at the 
lower speed ratio to the higher and the 
power appropriate to the manifold 
pressure and speed settings for rated 
maximum continuous power at the 
higher supercharger speed ratio must 
be obtainable within five seconds. 

[Doc. No. 3025, 29 FR 7453, June 10, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–3, 32 FR 3737, Mar. 4, 

§ 33.53

Engine system and component 


(a) For those systems and compo-

nents that cannot be adequately sub-
stantiated in accordance with endur-
ance testing of § 33.49, the applicant 
must conduct additional tests to dem-
onstrate that systems or components 

are able to perform the intended func-
tions in all declared environmental and 
operating conditions. 

(b) Temperature limits must be es-

tablished for each component that re-
quires temperature controlling provi-
sions in the aircraft installation to as-
sure satisfactory functioning, reli-
ability, and durability. 

[Doc. No. 3025, 29 FR 7453, June 10, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–26, 73 FR 48285, Aug. 19, 

§ 33.55

Teardown inspection. 

After completing the endurance 


(a) Each engine must be completely 


(b) Each component having an ad-

justment setting and a functioning 
characteristic that can be established 
independent of installation on the en-
gine must retain each setting and func-
tioning characteristic within the limits 
that were established and recorded at 
the beginning of the test; and 

(c) Each engine component must con-

form to the type design and be eligible 
for incorporation into an engine for 
continued operation, in accordance 
with information submitted in compli-
ance with § 33.4. 

[Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35466, Oct. 1, 1974, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–9, 45 FR 60181, Sept. 11, 

§ 33.57

General conduct of block tests. 

(a) The applicant may, in conducting 

the block tests, use separate engines of 
identical design and construction in 
the vibration, calibration, detonation, 
endurance, and operation tests, except 
that, if a separate engine is used for 
the endurance test it must be subjected 
to a calibration check before starting 
the endurance test. 

(b) The applicant may service and 

make minor repairs to the engine dur-
ing the block tests in accordance with 
the service and maintenance instruc-
tions submitted in compliance with 
§ 33.4. If the frequency of the service is 
excessive, or the number of stops due 
to engine malfunction is excessive, or a 
major repair, or replacement of a part 
is found necessary during the block 
tests or as the result of findings from 
the teardown inspection, the engine or 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 33.67 

its parts may be subjected to any addi-
tional test the Administrator finds 

(c) Each applicant must furnish all 

testing facilities, including equipment 
and competent personnel, to conduct 
the block tests. 

[Doc. No. 3025, 29 FR 7453, June 10, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35466, Oct. 1, 
1974; Amdt. 33–9, 45 FR 60181, Sept. 11, 1980] 

Subpart E—Design and Construc-

tion; Turbine Aircraft Engines 

§ 33.61


This subpart prescribes additional de-

sign and construction requirements for 
turbine aircraft engines. 

§ 33.62

Stress analysis. 

A stress analysis must be performed 

on each turbine engine showing the de-
sign safety margin of each turbine en-
gine rotor, spacer, and rotor shaft. 

[Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35466, Oct. 1, 1974] 

§ 33.63


Each engine must be designed and 

constructed to function throughout its 
declared flight envelope and operating 
range of rotational speeds and power/ 
thrust, without inducing excessive 
stress in any engine part because of vi-
bration and without imparting exces-
sive vibration forces to the aircraft 

[Doc. No. 28107, 61 FR 28433, June 4, 1996] 

§ 33.64

Pressurized engine static parts. 

(a) Strength. The applicant must es-

tablish by test, validated analysis, or a 
combination of both, that all static 
parts subject to significant gas or liq-
uid pressure loads for a stabilized pe-
riod of one minute will not: 

(1) Exhibit permanent distortion be-

yond serviceable limits or exhibit leak-
age that could create a hazardous con-
dition when subjected to the greater of 
the following pressures: 

(i) 1.1 times the maximum working 


(ii) 1.33 times the normal working 

pressure; or 

(iii) 35 kPa (5 p.s.i.) above the normal 

working pressure. 

(2) Exhibit fracture or burst when 

subjected to the greater of the fol-
lowing pressures: 

(i) 1.15 times the maximum possible 


(ii) 1.5 times the maximum working 

pressure; or 

(iii) 35 kPa (5 p.s.i.) above the max-

imum possible pressure. 

(b) Compliance with this section 

must take into account: 

(1) The operating temperature of the 


(2) Any other significant static loads 

in addition to pressure loads; 

(3) Minimum properties representa-

tive of both the material and the proc-
esses used in the construction of the 
part; and 

(4) Any adverse geometry conditions 

allowed by the type design. 

[Amdt. 33–27; 73 FR 55437, Sept. 25, 2008; 
Amdt. 33–27, 73 FR 57235, Oct. 2, 2008] 

§ 33.65

Surge and stall characteristics. 

When the engine is operated in ac-

cordance with operating instructions 
required by § 33.5(b), starting, a change 
of power or thrust, power or thrust 
augmentation, limiting inlet air dis-
tortion, or inlet air temperature may 
not cause surge or stall to the extent 
that flameout, structural failure, over-
temperature, or failure of the engine to 
recover power or thrust will occur at 
any point in the operating envelope. 

[Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35466, Oct. 1, 1974] 

§ 33.66

Bleed air system. 

The engine must supply bleed air 

without adverse effect on the engine, 
excluding reduced thrust or power out-
put, at all conditions up to the dis-
charge flow conditions established as a 
limitation under § 33.7(c)(11). If bleed 
air used for engine anti-icing can be 
controlled, provision must be made for 
a means to indicate the functioning of 
the engine ice protection system. 

[Amdt. 33–10, 49 FR 6851, Feb. 23, 1984] 

§ 33.67

Fuel system. 

(a) With fuel supplied to the engine 

at the flow and pressure specified by 
the applicant, the engine must func-
tion properly under each operating 
condition required by this part. Each 
fuel control adjusting means that may 

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