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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 33.92 

testing of § 33.87, the applicant must 
conduct additional tests to dem-
onstrate that the systems or compo-
nents are able to perform the intended 
functions in all declared environmental 
and operating conditions. 

(b) Temperature limits must be es-

tablished for those components that re-
quire temperature controlling provi-
sions in the aircraft installation to as-
sure satisfactory functioning, reli-
ability, and durability. 

(c) Each unpressurized hydraulic 

fluid tank may not fail or leak when 
subjected to a maximum operating 
temperature and an internal pressure 
of 5 p.s.i., and each pressurized hydrau-
lic fluid tank must meet the require-
ments of § 33.64. 

(d) For an engine type certificated 

for use in supersonic aircraft, the sys-
tems, safety devices, and external com-
ponents that may fail because of oper-
ation at maximum and minimum oper-
ating temperatures must be identified 
and tested at maximum and minimum 
operating temperatures and while tem-
perature and other operating condi-
tions are cycled between maximum and 
minimum operating values. 

[Doc. No. 3025, 29 FR 7453, June 10, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–6, 39 FR 35469, Oct. 1, 
1974; Amdt. 33–26, 73 FR 48285, Aug. 19, 2008; 
Amdt. 33–27, 73 FR 55437, Sept. 25, 2008; Amdt. 
33–27, 73 FR 57235, Oct. 2, 2008] 

§ 33.92

Rotor locking tests. 

If continued rotation is prevented by 

a means to lock the rotor(s), the engine 
must be subjected to a test that in-
cludes 25 operations of this means 
under the following conditions: 

(a) The engine must be shut down 

from rated maximum continuous 
thrust or power; and 

(b) The means for stopping and lock-

ing the rotor(s) must be operated as 
specified in the engine operating in-
structions while being subjected to the 
maximum torque that could result 
from continued flight in this condition; 

(c) Following rotor locking, the 

rotor(s) must be held stationary under 
these conditions for five minutes for 
each of the 25 operations. 

[Doc. No. 28107, 61 FR 28433, June 4, 1996] 

§ 33.93

Teardown inspection. 

(a) After completing the endurance 

testing of § 33.87 (b), (c), (d), (e), or (g) 
of this part, each engine must be com-
pletely disassembled, and 

(1) Each component having an adjust-

ment setting and a functioning char-
acteristic that can be established inde-
pendent of installation on the engine 
must retain each setting and func-
tioning characteristic within the limits 
that were established and recorded at 
the beginning of the test; and 

(2) Each engine part must conform to 

the type design and be eligible for in-
corporation into an engine for contin-
ued operation, in accordance with in-
formation submitted in compliance 
with § 33.4. 

(b) After completing the endurance 

testing of § 33.87(f), each engine must be 
completely disassembled, and 

(1) Each component having an adjust-

ment setting and a functioning char-
acteristic that can be established inde-
pendent of installation on the engine 
must retain each setting and func-
tioning characteristic within the limits 
that were established and recorded at 
the beginning of the test; and 

(2) Each engine may exhibit deterio-

ration in excess of that permitted in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section, includ-
ing some engine parts or components 
that may be unsuitable for further use. 
The applicant must show by inspec-
tion, analysis, test, or by any combina-
tion thereof as found necessary by the 
FAA, that structural integrity of the 
engine is maintained; or 

(c) In lieu of compliance with para-

graph (b) of this section, each engine 
for which the 30-second OEI and 2- 
minute OEI ratings are desired, may be 
subjected to the endurance testing of 
§§ 33.87 (b), (c), (d), or (e) of this part, 
and followed by the testing of § 33.87(f) 
without intervening disassembly and 
inspection. However, the engine must 
comply with paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion after completing the endurance 
testing of § 33.87(f). 

[Doc. No. 26019, 61 FR 31329, June 19, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 33–25, 73 FR 48124, Aug. 18, 

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