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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

Pt. 34 

[Amdt. 33–34, 79 FR 65538, Nov. 4, 2014] 



Subpart A—General Provisions 






General requirements. 




Special test procedures. 


Aircraft safety. 





Subpart B—Engine Fuel Venting Emissions 

(New and In-Use Aircraft Gas Turbine 




Standard for fuel venting emissions. 

Subpart C—Exhaust Emissions (New 

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) 




Standards for exhaust emissions. 


Exhaust Emission Standards for En-

gines Manufactured on and after July 18, 

Subpart D—Exhaust Emissions (In-Use 

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) 




Standards for exhaust emissions. 

Subpart E—Certification Provisions 


Derivative engines for emissions cer-

tification purposes. 

Subpart F 



Subpart G—Test Procedures for Engine Ex-

haust Gaseous Emissions (Aircraft and 
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) 







: 42 U.S.C. 4321 

et seq., 7572; 49 

U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701–44702, 44704, 44714. 



: Docket No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 

10, 1990, unless otherwise noted. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.1 


This incorporation by reference was ap-

proved by the Director of the Federal Reg-
ister in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 
CFR part 51. This document can be obtained 
from the ICAO, Document Sales Unit, 999 
University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 
5H7, Canada, phone + 1 514–954–8022, or  or  Copies can be 
reviewed at the FAA New England Regional 
Office, 12 New England Executive Park, Bur-
lington, Massachusetts, 781–238–7101, or at 
the National Archives and Records Adminis-
tration (NARA). For information on the 
availability of this material at NARA, call 
202–741–6030, or go to: 













Subpart A—General Provisions 

§ 34.1


As used in this part, all terms not de-

fined herein shall have the meaning 
given them in the Clean Air Act, as 
amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.): 

Act  means the Clean Air Act, as 

amended (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.). 

Administrator  means the Adminis-

trator of the Federal Aviation Admin-
istration or any person to whom he has 
delegated his authority in the matter 

Administrator of the EPA means the 

Administrator of the Environmental 
Protection Agency and any other offi-
cer or employee of the Environmental 
Protection Agency to whom the au-
thority involved may be delegated. 

Aircraft  as used in this part means 

any airplane as defined in 14 CFR part 
1 for which a U.S. standard airworthi-
ness certificate or equivalent foreign 
airworthiness certificate is issued. 

Aircraft engine means a propulsion en-

gine which is installed in, or which is 
manufactured for installation in, an 

Aircraft gas turbine engine means a 

turboprop, turbofan, or turbojet air-
craft engine. 

Characteristic level has the meaning 

given in Appendix 6 of ICAO Annex 16 
as of July 2008. The characteristic level 
is a calculated emission level for each 
pollutant based on a statistical assess-
ment of measured emissions from mul-
tiple tests.



Class TP means all aircraft turboprop 


Class TF means all turbofan or tur-

bojet aircraft engines or aircraft en-

gines designed for applications that 
otherwise would have been fulfilled by 
turbojet and turbofan engines except 
engines of class T3, T8, and TSS. 

Class T3 means all aircraft gas tur-

bine engines of the JT3D model family. 

Class T8 means all aircraft gas tur-

bine engines of the JT8D model family. 

Class TSS means all aircraft gas tur-

bine engines employed for propulsion 
of aircraft designed to operate at su-
personic flight speeds. 

Commercial aircraft engine means any 

aircraft engine used or intended for use 
by an ‘‘air carrier’’ (including those en-
gaged in ‘‘intrastate air transpor-
tation’’) or a ‘‘commercial operator’’ 
(including those engaged in ‘‘intrastate 
air transportation’’) as these terms are 
defined in Title 49 of the United States 
Code and Title 14 of the Code of Federal 

Commercial aircraft gas turbine engine 

means a turboprop, turbofan, or tur-
bojet commercial aircraft engine. 

Date of manufacture of an engine is 

the date the inspection acceptance 
records reflect that the engine is com-
plete and meets the FAA approved type 

Derivative engine for emissions certifi-

cation purposes means an engine that 
has the same or similar emissions char-
acteristics as an engine covered by a 
U.S. type certificate issued under 14 
CFR part 33. These characteristics are 
specified in § 34.48. 

Emission measurement system means 

all of the equipment necessary to 
transport the emission sample and 
measure the level of emissions. This in-
cludes the sample system and the in-
strumentation system. 

Engine model means all commercial 

aircraft turbine engines which are of 
the same general series, displacement, 
and design characteristics and are ap-
proved under the same type certificate. 

Excepted,  as used in § 34.9, means an 

engine that may be produced and sold 
that does not meet otherwise applica-
ble standards. Excepted engines must 
conform to regulatory conditions speci-
fied for an exception in § 34.9. Excepted 
engines are subject to the standards of 
this part even though they are not re-
quired to comply with the otherwise 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 34.1 

applicable requirements. Engines ex-
cepted with respect to certain stand-
ards must comply with other standards 
from which they are not specifically 

Exempt  means an engine that does 

not meet certain applicable standards 
but may be produced and sold under 
the terms allowed by a grant of exemp-
tion issued pursuant to § 34.7 of this 
part and part 11 of this chapter. Ex-
empted engines must conform to regu-
latory conditions specified in the ex-
emption as well as other applicable 
regulations. Exempted engines are sub-
ject to the standards of this part even 
though they are not required to comply 
with the otherwise applicable require-
ments. Engines exempted with respect 
to certain standards must comply with 
other standards as a condition of the 

Exhaust emissions means substances 

emitted into the atmosphere from the 
exhaust discharge nozzle of an aircraft 
or aircraft engine. 

Fuel venting emissions means raw fuel, 

exclusive of hydrocarbons in the ex-
haust emissions, discharged from air-
craft gas turbine engines during all 
normal ground and flight operations. 

In-use aircraft gas turbine engine 

means an aircraft gas turbine engine 
which is in service. 

Introduction date means the date of 

manufacture of the first individual pro-
duction engine of a given engine model 
or engine type certificate family to be 
certificated. Neither test engines nor 
engines not placed into service affect 
this date. 

New aircraft turbine engine means an 

aircraft gas turbine engine which has 
never been in service. 

Power setting means the power or 

thrust output of an engine in terms of 
kilonewtons thrust for turbojet and 
turbofan engines or shaft power in 
terms of kilowatts for turboprop en-

Rated output (rO) means the max-

imum power/thrust available for take-
off at standard day conditions as ap-
proved for the engine by the Federal 
Aviation Administration, including re-
heat contribution where applicable, but 
excluding any contribution due to 
water injection, expressed in kilowatts 

or kilonewtons (as applicable), rounded 
to at least three significant figures. 

Rated pressure ratio (rPR) means the 

ratio between the combustor inlet pres-
sure and the engine inlet pressure 
achieved by an engine operation at 
rated output, rounded to at least three 
significant figures. 

Reference day conditions means the 

reference ambient conditions to which 
the gaseous emissions (HC and smoke) 
are to be corrected. The reference day 
conditions are as follows: Temperature 
= 15 


C, specific humidity = 0.00629 kg 



O/kg of dry air, and pressure = 101325 


Sample system means the system 

which provides for the transportation 
of the gaseous emission sample from 
the sample probe to the inlet of the in-
strumentation system. 

Shaft power means only the measured 

shaft power output of a turboprop en-

Smoke  means the matter in exhaust 

emissions which obscures the trans-
mission of light. 

Smoke number (SN) means the 

dimensionless term quantifying smoke 

Standard day conditions means the 

following ambient conditions: tempera-
ture = 15 


C, specific humidity = 0.00634 

kg H


O/kg dry air, and pressure = 

101.325 kPa. 

Taxi/idle (in) means those aircraft op-

erations involving taxi and idle be-
tween the time of landing roll-out and 
final shutdown of all propulsion en-

Taxi/idle (out) means those aircraft 

operations involving taxi and idle be-
tween the time of initial starting of 
the propulsion engine(s) used for the 
taxi and the turn onto the duty run-

Tier,  as used in this part, is a des-

ignation related to the NO



standard for the engine as specified in 
§ 34.21 or § 34.23 of this part (e.g., Tier 0). 

[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990; 55 
FR 37287, Sept. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 
34–3, 64 FR 5558, Feb. 3, 1999; Amdt. 34–5, 77 
FR 76849, Dec. 31, 2012; Amdt. 34–5A, 78 FR 
63016, Oct. 23, 2013] 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.2 

§ 34.2


The abbreviations used in this part 

have the following meanings in both 
upper and lower case: 


Carbon dioxide 


Carbon monoxide 


United States Environmental 

Protection Agency 


Federal Aviation Administra-

tion, United States Department of 

g Gram(s) 














kN Kilonewton(s) 
kW Kilowatt(s) 
lb Pound(s) 

Landing and takeoff 





Oxides of nitrogen 




Rated output 


Rated pressure ratio 




Shaft power 


Smoke number 


Temperature, degrees Kelvin 


Time in mode 



Degrees Celsius 



[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as 
amended by Amdt. 34–3, 64 FR 5559, Feb. 3, 
1999; Amdt. 34–5, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 2012] 

§ 34.3

General requirements. 

(a) This part provides for the ap-

proval or acceptance by the Adminis-
trator or the Administrator of the EPA 
of testing and sampling methods, ana-
lytical techniques, and related equip-
ment not identical to those specified in 
this part. Before either approves or ac-
cepts any such alternate, equivalent, 
or otherwise nonidentical procedures 
or equipment, the Administrator or the 
Administrator of the EPA shall consult 
with the other in determining whether 
or not the action requires rulemaking 
under sections 231 and 232 of the Clean 
Air Act, as amended, consistent with 
the responsibilities of the Adminis-
trator of the EPA and the Secretary of 
Transportation under sections 231 and 
232 of the Clean Air Act. 

(b) Under section 232 of the Act, the 

Secretary of Transportation issues reg-
ulations to ensure compliance with 40 
CFR part 87. This authority has been 
delegated to the Administrator of the 
FAA (49 CFR 1.47). 


U.S. airplanes. This part applies to 

civil airplanes that are powered by air-
craft gas turbine engines of the classes 
specified herein and that have U.S. 
standard airworthiness certificates. 


Foreign airplanes. Pursuant to the 

definition of ‘‘aircraft’’ in 40 CFR 87.1, 
this regulation applies to civil air-
planes that are powered by aircraft gas 
turbine engines of the classes specified 
herein and that have foreign airworthi-
ness certificates that are equivalent to 
U.S. standard airworthiness certifi-
cates. This regulation applies only to 
those foreign civil airplanes that, if 
registered in the United States, would 
be required by applicable regulations 
to have a U.S. standard airworthiness 
certificate in order to conduct the op-
erations intended for the airplane. Pur-
suant to 40 CFR 87.3(c), this regulation 
does not apply where it would be incon-
sistent with an obligation assumed by 
the United States to a foreign country 
in a treaty, convention, or agreement. 

(e) Reference in this regulation to 40 

CFR part 87 refers to title 40 of the 
Code of Federal Regulations, chapter 
I—Environmental Protection Agency, 
part 87, Control of Air Pollution from 
Aircraft and Aircraft Engines (40 CFR 
part 87). 

(f) This part contains regulations to 

ensure compliance with certain stand-
ards contained in 40 CFR part 87. If 
EPA takes any action, including the 
issuance of an exemption or issuance of 
a revised or alternate procedure, test 
method, or other regulation, the effect 
of which is to relax or delay the effec-
tive date of any provision of 40 CFR 
part 87 that is made applicable to an 
aircraft under this FAR, the Adminis-
trator of FAA will grant a general ad-
ministrative waiver of its more strin-
gent requirements until this FAR is 
amended to reflect the more relaxed re-
quirements prescribed by EPA. 

(g) Unless otherwise stated, all ter-

minology and abbreviations in this 
FAR that are defined in 40 CFR part 87 
have the meaning specified in that 
part, and all terms in 40 CFR part 87 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 34.6 

that are not defined in that part but 
that are used in this FAR have the 
meaning given them in the Clean Air 
Act, as amended by Public Law 91–604. 

(h) All interpretations of 40 CFR part 

87 that are rendered by the EPA also 
apply to this FAR. 

(i) If the EPA, under 40 CFR 87.3(a), 

approves or accepts any testing and 
sampling procedures or methods, ana-
lytical techniques, or related equip-
ment not identical to those specified in 
that part, this FAR requires an appli-
cant to show that such alternate, 
equivalent, or otherwise nonidentical 
procedures have been complied with, 
and that such alternate equipment was 
used to show compliance, unless the 
applicant elects to comply with those 
procedures, methods, techniques, and 
equipment specified in 40 CFR part 87. 

(j) If the EPA, under 40 CFR 87.5, pre-

scribes special test procedures for any 
aircraft or aircraft engine that is not 
susceptible to satisfactory testing by 
the procedures in 40 CFR part 87, the 
applicant must show the Administrator 
that those special test procedures have 
been complied with. 

(k) Wherever 40 CFR part 87 requires 

agreement, acceptance, or approval by 
the Administrator of the EPA, this 
FAR requires a showing that such 
agreement or approval has been ob-

(l) Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 7573, no 

state or political subdivision thereof 
may adopt or attempt to enforce any 
standard respecting emissions of any 
air pollutant from any aircraft or en-
gine thereof unless that standard is 
identical to a standard made applicable 
to the aircraft by the terms of this 

(m) If EPA, by regulation or exemp-

tion, relaxes a provision of 40 CFR part 
87 that is implemented in this FAR, no 
state or political subdivision thereof 
may adopt or attempt to enforce the 
terms of this FAR that are superseded 
by the relaxed requirement. 

(n) If any provision of this FAR is 

rendered inapplicable to a foreign air-
craft as provided in 40 CFR 87.3(c) 
(international agreements), and 
§ 34.3(d) of this FAR, that provision 
may not be adopted or enforced against 
that foreign aircraft by a state or po-
litical subdivision thereof. 

(o) For exhaust emissions require-

ments of this FAR that apply begin-
ning February 1, 1974, January 1, 1976, 
January 1, 1978, January 1, 1984, and 
August 9, 1985, continued compliance 
with those requirements is shown for 
engines for which the type design has 
been shown to meet those require-
ments, if the engine is maintained in 
accordance with applicable mainte-
nance requirements for 14 CFR chapter 
I. All methods of demonstrating com-
pliance and all model designations pre-
viously found acceptable to the Admin-
istrator shall be deemed to continue to 
be an acceptable demonstration of 
compliance with the specific standards 
for which they were approved. 

(p) Each applicant must allow the 

Administrator to make, or witness, 
any test necessary to determine com-
pliance with the applicable provisions 
of this FAR. 

[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990; 55 
FR 37287, Sept. 10, 1990; Amdt. 34–5, 77 FR 
76850, Dec. 31, 2012] 

§ 34.4


§ 34.5

Special test procedures. 

The Administrator or the Adminis-

trator of the EPA may, upon written 
application by a manufacturer or oper-
ator of aircraft or aircraft engines, ap-
prove test procedures for any aircraft 
or aircraft engine that is not suscep-
tible to satisfactory testing by the pro-
cedures set forth herein. Prior to tak-
ing action on any such application, the 
Administrator or the Administrator of 
the EPA shall consult with the other. 

§ 34.6

Aircraft safety. 

(a) The provisions of this part will be 

revised if at any time the Adminis-
trator determines that an emission 
standard cannot be met within the 
specified time without creating a safe-
ty hazard. 

(b) Consistent with 40 CFR 87.6, if the 

FAA Administrator determines that 
any emission control regulation in this 
part cannot be safely applied to an air-
craft, that provision may not be adopt-
ed or enforced against that aircraft by 
any state or political subdivision 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.7 

§ 34.7


Notwithstanding part 11 of the Fed-

eral Aviation Regulations (14 CFR part 
11), all petitions for rulemaking involv-
ing either the substance of an emission 
standard or test procedure prescribed 
by the EPA that is incorporated in this 
FAR, or the compliance date for such 
standard or procedure, must be sub-
mitted to the EPA. Information copies 
of such petitions are invited by the 
FAA. Petitions for rulemaking or ex-
emption involving provisions of this 
FAR that do not affect the substance 
or the compliance date of an emission 
standard or test procedure that is pre-
scribed by the EPA, and petitions for 
exemptions under the provisions for 
which the EPA has specifically granted 
exemption authority to the Secretary 
of Transportation are subject to part 11 
of the Federal Aviation Regulations (14 
CFR part 11). Petitions for rulemaking 
or exemptions involving these FARs 
must be submitted to the FAA. 


Exemptions based on flights for 

short durations at infrequent intervals. 
The emission standards of this part do 
not apply to engines which power air-
craft operated in the United States for 
short durations at infrequent intervals. 
Such operations are limited to: 

(1) Flights of an aircraft for the pur-

pose of export to a foreign country, in-
cluding any flights essential to dem-
onstrate the integrity of an aircraft 
prior to a flight to a point outside the 
United States. 

(2) Flights to a base where repairs, 

alterations or maintenance are to be 
performed, or to a point of storage, or 
for the purpose of returning an aircraft 
to service. 

(3) Official visits by representatives 

of foreign governments. 

(4) Other flights the Administrator 

determines, after consultation with the 
Administrator of the EPA, to be for 
short durations at infrequent intervals. 
A request for such a determination 
shall be made before the flight takes 


Exemptions for very low production 

engine models. The emissions standards 
of this part do not apply to engines of 
very low production after the date of 
applicability. For the purpose of this 
part, ‘‘very low production’’ is limited 
to a maximum total production for 

United States civil aviation applica-
tions of no more than 200 units covered 
by the same type certificate after Jan-
uary 1, 1984. Engines manufactured 
under this provision must be reported 
to the FAA by serial number on or be-
fore the date of manufacture and ex-
emptions granted under this provision 
are not transferable to any other en-
gine. This exemption is limited to the 
requirements of § 34.21 only. 


Exemptions for new engines in other 

categories.  The emissions standards of 
this part do not apply to engines for 
which the Administrator determines, 
with the concurrence of the Adminis-
trator of the EPA, that application of 
any standard under § 34.21 is not justi-
fied, based upon consideration of— 

(1) Adverse economic impact on the 


(2) Adverse economic impact on the 

aircraft and airline industries at large; 

(3) Equity in administering the 

standards among all economically 
competing parties; 

(4) Public health and welfare effects; 


(5) Other factors which the Adminis-

trator, after consultation with the Ad-
ministrator of the EPA, may deem rel-
evant to the case in question. 


Applicants seeking exemption from 

other emissions standards of this part and 
40 CFR part 87. 
Applicants must request 
exemption from both the FAA and the 
EPA, even where the underlying regu-
latory requirements are the same. The 
FAA and EPA will jointly consider 
such exemption requests, and will as-
sure consistency in the respective 
agency determinations. 

(e) Applications for exemption from 

this part shall be submitted in dupli-
cate to the Administrator in accord-
ance with the procedures established 
by the Administrator in part 11. 

(f) The Administrator shall publish in 

the F




the name of the 

organization to whom exemptions are 
granted and the period of such exemp-

(g) No state or political subdivision 

thereof may attempt to enforce a 
standard respecting emissions from an 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 34.11 

aircraft or engine if such aircraft or en-
gine has been exempted from such 
standard under this part. 

[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as 
amended by Amdt. 34–5, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 

§ 34.9



Spare engines. Certain engines 

that meet the following description are 

(1) This exception allows production 

of an engine for installation on an in- 
service aircraft. A spare engine may 
not be installed on a new aircraft. 

(2) Each spare engine must be iden-

tical to a sub-model previously certifi-
cated to meet all applicable require-

(3) A spare engine may be used only 

when the emissions of the spare do not 
exceed the certification requirements 
of the original engine, for all regulated 

(4) No separate approval is required 

to produce spare engines. 

(5) The record for each engine ex-

cepted under this paragraph (c) must 
indicate that the engine was produced 
as an excepted spare engine. 

(6) Engines produced under this ex-

ception must be labeled ‘‘EXCEPTED 
SPARE’’ in accordance with § 45.13 of 
this chapter. 

(b) On and after July 18, 2012, and be-

fore August 31, 2013, a manufacturer 
may produce up to six Tier 4 compliant 
engines that meet the NO


standards of 

paragraph (d)(1)(vi) of this section 
rather than § 34.23(a)(2). No separate ap-
proval is required to produce these en-
gines. Engines produced under this ex-
ception are to be labeled ‘‘COMPLY’’ in 
accordance with § 45.13 of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2012–1333, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 

Subpart B—Engine Fuel Venting 

Emissions (New and In-Use 
Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) 

§ 34.10


(a) The provisions of this subpart are 

applicable to all new aircraft gas tur-
bine engines of classes T3, T8, TSS, and 
TF equal to or greater than 36 kN (8,090 
lb) rated output, manufactured on or 
after January 1, 1974, and to all in-use 

aircraft gas turbine engines of classes 
T3, T8, TSS, and TF equal to or greater 
than 36 kN (8,090 lb) rated output man-
ufactured after February 1, 1974. 

(b) The provisions of this subpart are 

also applicable to all new aircraft gas 
turbine engines of class TF less than 36 
kN (8,090 lb) rated output and class TP 
manufactured on or after January 1, 
1975, and to all in-use aircraft gas tur-
bine engines of class TF less than 36 kN 
(8,090 lb) rated output and class TP 
manufactured after January 1, 1975. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2012–1333, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 

§ 34.11

Standard for fuel venting emis-


(a) No fuel venting emissions shall be 

discharged into the atmosphere from 
any new or in-use aircraft gas turbine 
engine subject to the subpart. This 
paragraph is directed at the elimi-
nation of intentional discharge to the 
atmosphere of fuel drained from fuel 
nozzle manifolds after engines are shut 
down and does not apply to normal fuel 
seepage from shaft seals, joints, and 

(b) Conformity with the standard set 

forth in paragraph (a) of this section 
shall be determined by inspection of 
the method designed to eliminate these 

(c) As applied to an airframe or an 

engine, any manufacturer or operator 
may show compliance with the fuel 
venting and emissions requirements of 
this section that were effective begin-
ning February 1, 1974 or January 1, 
1975, by any means that prevents the 
intentional discharge of fuel from fuel 
nozzle manifolds after the engines are 
shut down. Acceptable means of com-
pliance include one of the following: 

(1) Incorporation of an FAA-approved 

system that recirculates the fuel back 
into the fuel system. 

(2) Capping or securing the pressur-

ization and drain valve. 

(3) Manually draining the fuel from a 

holding tank into a container. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.20 

Subpart C—Exhaust Emissions 

(New Aircraft Gas Turbine En-

§ 34.20


The provisions of this subpart are ap-

plicable to all aircraft gas turbine en-
gines of the classes specified beginning 
on the dates specified in § 34.21. 

§ 34.21

Standards for exhaust emis-


(a) Exhaust emissions of smoke from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine of 
class T8 manufactured on or after Feb-
ruary 1, 1974, shall not exceed a smoke 
number (SN) of 30. 

(b) Exhaust emissions of smoke from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine of 
class TF and of rated output of 129 kN 
(29,000 lb) thrust or greater, manufac-
tured on or after January 1, 1976, shall 
not exceed 

SN = 83.6 (rO)



(rO is in kN). 

(c) Exhaust emission of smoke from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine of 
class T3 manufactured on or after Jan-
uary 1, 1978, shall not exceed a smoke 
number (SN) of 25. 

(d) Gaseous exhaust emissions from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine 
shall not exceed: 

(1) For Classes TF, T3, T8 engines 

greater than 26.7 kN (6,000 lb) rated 

(i) Engines manufactured on or after 

January 1, 1984: 

Hydrocarbons: 19.6 g/kN rO. 

(ii) Engines manufactured on or after 

July 7, 1997: 

Carbon Monoxide: 118 g/kN rO. 

(iii) Engines of a type or model of 

which the date of manufacture of the 
first individual production model was 
on or before December 31, 1995, and for 
which the date of manufacture of the 
individual engine was on or before De-
cember 31, 1999 (Tier 2): 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (40 + 2(rPR)) g/kN 


(iv) Engines of a type or model of 

which the date of manufacture of the 
first individual production model was 
after December 31, 1995, or for which 
the date of manufacture of the indi-

vidual engine was after December 31, 
1999 (Tier 2): 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (32 + 1.6(rPR)) g/kN 


(v) The emission standards prescribed 

in paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this 
section apply as prescribed beginning 
July 7, 1997. 

(vi) The emission standards of this 

paragraph apply as prescribed after De-
cember 18, 2005. For engines of a type 
or model of which the first individual 
production model was manufactured 
after December 31, 2003 (Tier 4): 

(A) That have a rated pressure ratio 

of 30 or less and a maximum rated out-
put greater than 89 kN: 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (19 + 1.6(rPR)) g/kN 


(B) That have a rated pressure ratio 

of 30 or less and a maximum rated out-
put greater than 26.7 kN but not great-
er than 89 kN: 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (37.572 + 1.6(rPR) 


0.2087(rO)) g/kN rO. 

(C) That have a rated pressure ratio 

greater than 30 but less than 62.5, and 
a maximum rated output greater than 
89 kN: 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (7 + 2(rPR)) g/kN 


(D) That have a rated pressure ratio 

greater than 30 but less than 62.5, and 
a maximum rated output greater than 
26.7 kN but not greater than 89 kN: 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (42.71 + 1.4286(rPR) 


0.4013(rO) + 0.00642(rPR 


rO)) g/ 

kN rO. 

(E) That have a rated pressure ratio 

of 62.5 or more: 

Oxides of Nitrogen: (32 + 1.6(rPR)) g/kN 


(2) For Class TSS Engines manufac-

tured on or after January 1, 1984: 

Hydrocarbons: 140 (0.92)


g/kN rO. 

(e) Smoke exhaust emissions from 

each gas turbine engine of the classes 
specified below shall not exceed: 

(1) For Class TF of rated output less 

than 26.7 kN (6,000 lb) manufactured on 
or after August 9, 1985: 

SN = 83.6(rO)



(rO is in kN) not to 

exceed a maximum of SN = 50. 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 34.23 

(2) For Classes T3, T8, TSS, and TF of 

rated output equal to or greater than 
26.7 kN (6,000 lb) manufactured on or 
after January 1, 1984: 

SN = 83.6(rO)



(rO is in kN) not to 

exceed a maximum of SN = 50. 

(3) For Class TP of rated output 

equal to or greater than 1,000 kW man-
ufactured on or after January 1, 1984: 

SN = 187(rO)



(rO is in kW). 

(f) The standards set forth in para-

graphs (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of this 
section refer to a composite gaseous 
emission sample representing the oper-
ation cycles and exhaust smoke emis-
sion emitted during operation of the 
engine as specified in the applicable 
sections of subpart G of this part, and 
measured and calculated in accordance 
with the procedures set forth in sub-
part G. 

(g) Where a gaseous emission stand-

ard is specified by a formula, calculate 
and round the standard to three signifi-
cant figures or to the nearest 0.1 g/kN 
(for standards at or above 100 g/kN). 
Where a smoke standard is specified by 
a formula, calculate and round the 
standard to the nearest 0.1 SN. Engines 
comply with an applicable standard if 
the testing results show that the en-
gine type certificate family’s char-
acteristic level does not exceed the nu-
merical level of that standard, as de-
scribed in § 34.60. 

[Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990; 55 
FR 37287, Sept. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 
34–3, 64 FR 5559, Feb. 3, 1999; Amdt. 34–4, 74 
FR 19127, Apr. 28, 2009; Amdt. 34–5, 77 FR 
76851, Dec. 31, 2012] 

§ 34.23

Exhaust Emission Standards 

for Engines Manufactured on and 
after July 18, 2012. 

The standards of this section apply 

to aircraft engines manufactured on 
and after July 18, 2012, unless otherwise 
exempted or excepted. Where a gaseous 
emission standard is specified by a for-
mula, calculate and round the standard 
to three significant figures or to the 
nearest 0.1 g/kN (for standards at or 
above 100 g/kN). Where a smoke stand-
ard is specified by a formula, calculate 
and round the standard to the nearest 
0.1 SN. Engines comply with an appli-
cable standard if the testing results 
show that the engine type certificate 
family’s characteristic level does not 
exceed the numerical level of that 
standard, as described in § 34.60. 

(a) Gaseous exhaust emissions from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine 
shall not exceed: 

(1) For Classes TF, T3 and T8 of rated 

output less than 26.7 kN (6,000 lb) man-
ufactured on and after July 18, 2012: 

SN = 83.6(rO)



or 50.0, whichever is 


(2) Except as provided in §§ 34.9(b) and 

34.21(c), for Classes TF, T3 and T8 en-
gines manufactured on and after July 
18, 2012, and for which the first indi-
vidual production model was manufac-
tured on or before December 31, 2013 
(Tier 6): 



6 O














Rated pressure ratio— 


Rated output rO 






TF, T3, T8 .....................



30 .......................

26.7 < rO 


89.0 ...........

38.5486 + 1.6823 (rPR) 


0.2453 (rO) 


(0.00308 (rPR) (rO)). 

rO > 89.0 ......................

16.72 + 1.4080 (rPR). 

30 < rPR < 82.6 ...........

26.7 < rO 


89.0 ...........

46.1600 + 1.4286 (rPR) 


0.5303 (rO) + 

(0.00642 (rPR) (rO)). 

rO > 89.0 ......................


1.04 + 2.0 (rPR). 



82.6 ....................



26.7 ......................

32 + 1.6 (rPR). 

(3) Engines exempted from paragraph 

(a)(2) of this section produced on or be-

fore December 31, 2016 must be labeled 
‘‘EXEMPT NEW’’ in accordance with 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.30 

§ 45.13 of this chapter. No exemptions to 
the requirements of paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section will be granted after De-
cember 31, 2016. 

(4) For Class TSS Engines manufac-

tured on and after July 18, 2012: 













Rated output 










TSS ..........................................

All ............................................

36 + 2.42 (rPR) .....................

4,550 (rPR)





rO is the rated output with afterburning applied. 

(b) Gaseous exhaust emissions from 

each new aircraft gas turbine engine 
shall not exceed: 

(1) For Classes TF, T3 and T8 engines 

of a type or model of which the first in-

dividual production model was manu-
factured after December 31, 2013 (Tier 



8 O














Rated pressure ratio— 


Rated output rO 






TF, T3, T8 .....................



30 .......................

26.7 < rO 


89.0 ...........

40.052 + 1.5681 (rPR) 


0.3615 (rO) 


(0.0018 (rPR) (rO)). 

rO > 89.0 ......................

7.88 + 1.4080 (rPR). 

30 < rPR < 104.7 .........

26.7 < rO 


89.0 ...........

41.9435 + 1.505 (rPR) 


0.5823 (rO) + 

(0.005562 (rPR) (rO)). 

rO > 89.0 ......................


9.88 + 2.0 (rPR). 



104.7 ..................



26.7 ......................

32 + 1.6 (rPR). 

(c) Engines (including engines that 

are determined to be derivative engines 
for the purposes of emission certifi-
cation) type certificated with char-
acteristic levels at or below the NO



standards of § 34.21(d)(1)(vi) of this part 
(as applicable based on rated output 
and rated pressure ratio) and intro-
duced before July 18, 2012, may be pro-
duced through December 31, 2012, with-
out meeting the NO


standard of para-

graph (a)(2) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 34–5, 77 FR 76851, Dec. 31, 2012, as 
amended by Amdt. 34–5A, 78 FR 63017, Oct. 23, 
2013; 78 FR 65554, Nov. 1, 2013] 

Subpart D—Exhaust Emissions (In- 

use Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) 

§ 34.30


The provisions of this subpart are ap-

plicable to all in-use aircraft gas tur-
bine engines certificated for operation 
within the United States of the classes 
specified, beginning on the dates speci-
fied in § 34.31. 

§ 34.31

Standards for exhaust emis-


(a) Exhaust emissions of smoke from 

each in-use aircraft gas turbine engine 
of Class T8, beginning February 1, 1974, 
shall not exceed a smoke number (SN) 
of 30. 

(b) Exhaust emissions of smoke from 

each in-use aircraft gas turbine engine 
of Class TF and of rated output of 129 
kN (29,000 lb) thrust or greater, begin-
ning January l, 1976, shall not exceed 

SN = 83.6(rO)



(rO is in kN). 

(c) The standards set forth in para-

graphs (a) and (b) of this section refer 
to exhaust smoke emission emitted 
during operation of the engine as speci-
fied in the applicable sections of sub-
part G of this part, and measured and 
calculated in accordance with the pro-
cedures set forth in subpart G. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2012–1333, 77 FR 76852, Dec. 31, 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 34.60 

Subpart E—Certification Provisions 

§ 34.48

Derivative engines for emis-

sions certification purposes. 


General.  A derivative engine for 

emissions certification purposes is an 
engine configuration that is deter-
mined to be similar in design to a pre-
viously certificated (original) engine 
for purposes of compliance with ex-
haust emissions standards (gaseous and 
smoke). A type certificate holder may 
request from the FAA a determination 
that an engine configuration is consid-
ered a derivative engine for emissions 
certification purposes. To be consid-
ered a derivative engine for emission 
purposes under this part, the configu-
ration must have been derived from the 
original engine that was certificated to 
the requirements of part 33 of this 
chapter and one of the following: 

(1) The FAA has determined that a 

safety issue exists that requires an en-
gine modification. 

(2) Emissions from the derivative en-

gines are determined to be similar. In 
general, this means the emissions must 
meet the criteria specified in para-
graph (b) of this section. The FAA may 
amend the criteria of paragraph (b) in 
unusual circumstances, for individual 
cases, consistent with good engineering 

(3) All of the regulated emissions 

from the derivative engine are lower 
than the original engine. 


Emissions similarity. (1) The type 

certificate holder must demonstrate 
that the proposed derivative engine 
model’s emissions meet the applicable 
standards and differ from the original 
model’s emission rates only within the 
following ranges: 



3.0 g/kN for NO




1.0 g/kN for HC. 



5.0 g/kN for CO. 



2.0 SN for smoke. 

(2) If the characteristic level of the 

original certificated engine model (or 
any other sub-models within the emis-
sion type certificate family tested for 
certification) before modification is at 
or above 95% of the applicable standard 
for any pollutant, an applicant must 
measure the proposed derivative engine 
model’s emissions for all pollutants to 
demonstrate that the derivative en-
gine’s resulting characteristic levels 

will not exceed the applicable emission 
standards. If the characteristic levels 
of the originally certificated engine 
model (and all other sub-models within 
the emission type certificate family 
tested for certification) are below 95% 
of the applicable standard for each pol-
lutant, the applicant may use engineer-
ing analysis consistent with good engi-
neering judgment to demonstrate that 
the derivative engine will not exceed 
the applicable emission standards. The 
engineering analysis must address all 
modifications from the original engine, 
including those approved for previous 
derivative engines. 


Continued production allowance. 

Derivative engines for emissions cer-
tification purposes may continue to be 
produced after the applicability date 
for new emissions standards when the 
engines conform to the specifications 
of this section. 


Non-derivative engines. If the FAA 

determines that an engine model does 
not meet the requirements for a deriva-
tive engine for emissions certification 
purposes, the type certificate holder is 
required to demonstrate that the en-
gine complies with the emissions 
standards applicable to a new engine 

[Doc. No. 34–5, 77 FR 76852, Dec. 31, 2012] 

Subpart F 



Subpart G—Test Procedures for 

Engine Exhaust Gaseous Emis-
sions (Aircraft and Aircraft 
Gas Turbine Engines) 

§ 34.60


(a) Use the equipment and procedures 

specified in Appendix 3, Appendix 5, 
and Appendix 6 of ICAO Annex 16, as 
applicable, to demonstrate whether en-
gines meet the applicable gaseous 
emission standards specified in subpart 
C of this part. Measure the emissions of 
all regulated gaseous pollutants. Use 
the equipment and procedures specified 
in Appendix 2 and Appendix 6 of ICAO 
Annex 16 to determine whether engines 
meet the applicable smoke standard 
specified in subpart C of this part. The 
compliance demonstration consists of 
establishing a mean value from testing 
the specified number of engines, then 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 34.60 

calculating a ‘‘characteristic level’’ by 
applying a set of statistical factors 
that take into account the number of 
engines tested. Round each char-
acteristic level to the same number of 
decimal places as the corresponding 
emission standard. For turboprop en-
gines, use the procedures specified for 
turbofan engines, consistent with good 
engineering judgment. 

(b) Use a test fuel that meets the 

specifications described in Appendix 4 
of ICAO Annex 16. The test fuel must 
not have additives whose purpose is to 
suppress smoke, such as 
organometallic compounds. 

(c) Prepare test engines by including 

accessories that are available with pro-
duction engines if they can reasonably 
be expected to influence emissions. The 
test engine may not extract shaft 
power or bleed service air to provide 
power to auxiliary gearbox-mounted 
components required to drive aircraft 

(d) Test engines must reach a steady 

operating temperature before the start 
of emission measurements. 

(e) In consultation with the EPA, the 

FAA may approve alternative proce-
dures for measuring emissions, includ-
ing testing and sampling methods, ana-
lytical techniques, and equipment 
specifications that differ from those 
specified in this part. Manufacturers 
and operators may request approval of 
alternative procedures by written re-
quest with supporting justification to 
the FAA and to the Designated EPA 
Program Officer. To be approved, one 
of the following conditions must be 

(1) The engine cannot be tested using 

the specified procedures; or 

(2) The alternative procedure is 

shown to be equivalent to, or more ac-
curate or precise than, the specified 

(f) The following landing and takeoff 

(LTO) cycles apply for emissions test-
ing and for calculating weighted LTO 













TF, T3, T8 


TIM (min) 

% of rO 

TIM (min) 

% of rO 

TIM (min) 

% of rO 

Taxi/idle .................................................

26.0 7 

26.0 7 



Takeoff ..................................................

0.5 100  0.7 100  1.2 100 

Climbout ................................................

2.5 90 2.2 85 2.0 65 

Descent .................................................

NA NA NA NA 1.2  15 

Approach ...............................................

4.5 30 4.0 30 2.3 34 

(g) Engines comply with an applica-

ble standard if the testing results show 
that the engine type certificate fam-
ily’s characteristic level does not ex-
ceed the numerical level of that stand-
ard, as described in the applicable ap-
pendix of Annex 16. 

(h) The system and procedure for 

sampling and measurement of gaseous 
emissions shall be as specified by in 
Appendices 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to the Inter-
national Civil Aviation Organization 
(ICAO) Annex 16, Environmental Pro-
tection, Volume II, Aircraft Engine 
Emissions, Third Edition, July 2008. 
This incorporation by reference was ap-
proved by the Director of the Federal 
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. This docu-

ment can be obtained from the ICAO, 
Document Sales Unit, 999 University 
Street, Montreal, Quebec H3C 5H7, Can-
ada, phone + 1 514–954–8022, or  or  Copies 
can be reviewed at the FAA New Eng-
land Regional Office, 12 New England 
Executive Park, Burlington, Massachu-
setts, 781–238–7101, or at the National 
Archives and Records Administration 
(NARA). For information on the avail-
ability of this material at NARA, call 
202–741–6030, or go to: 














[Doc. No. FAA–2012–1333, 77 FR 76853, Dec. 31, 
2012, as amended by Doc. No. FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 34–6, 83 FR 9170, Mar. 5, 2018] 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 35.3 

§§ 34.61–34.71




Subpart A—General 




Propeller configuration. 


Instructions for propeller installation 

and operation. 


Instructions for Continued Airworthi-



Propeller ratings and operating limita-



Features and characteristics. 

Subpart B—Design and Construction 






Safety analysis. 


Propeller critical parts. 


Materials and manufacturing methods. 




Variable and reversible pitch propel-



Feathering propellers. 


Propeller control system. 



Subpart C—Tests and Inspections 






Inspections, adjustments and repairs. 


Centrifugal load tests. 


Bird impact. 


Fatigue limits and evaluation. 


Lightning strike. 


Endurance test. 


Functional test. 


Overspeed and overtorque. 


Components of the propeller control 



Propeller hydraulic components. 


















: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113, 

44701–44702, 44704. 



: Docket No. 2095, 29 FR 7458, June 

10, 1964, unless otherwise noted. 

Subpart A—General 

§ 35.1


(a) This part prescribes airworthiness 

standards for the issue of type certifi-
cates and changes to those certificates, 
for propellers. 

(b) Each person who applies under 

part 21 for such a certificate or change 

must show compliance with the appli-
cable requirements of this part. 

(c) An applicant is eligible for a pro-

peller type certificate and changes to 
those certificates after demonstrating 
compliance with subparts A, B, and C 
of this part. However, the propeller 
may not be installed on an airplane un-
less the applicant has shown compli-
ance with either § 23.2400(c) or § 25.907 of 
this chapter, as applicable, or compli-
ance is not required for installation on 
that airplane. 

(d) For the purposes of this part, the 

propeller consists of those components 
listed in the propeller type design, and 
the propeller system consists of the 
propeller and all the components nec-
essary for its functioning, but not nec-
essarily included in the propeller type 

[Amdt. 35–3, 41 FR 55475, Dec. 20, 1976, as 
amended by Amdt. 35–8, 73 FR 63346, Oct. 24, 
2008; Doc. FAA–2015–1621, Amdt. 35–10, 81 FR 
96700, Dec. 30, 2016] 

§ 35.2

Propeller configuration. 

The applicant must provide a list of 

all the components, including ref-
erences to the relevant drawings and 
software design data, that define the 
type design of the propeller to be ap-
proved under § 21.31 of this chapter. 

[Amdt. 35–8, 73 FR 63346, Oct. 24, 2008] 

§ 35.3

Instructions for propeller instal-

lation and operation. 

The applicant must provide instruc-

tions that are approved by the Admin-
istrator. Those approved instructions 
must contain: 

(a) Instructions for installing the 

propeller, which: 

(1) Include a description of the oper-

ational modes of the propeller control 
system and functional interface of the 
control system with the airplane and 
engine systems; 

(2) Specify the physical and func-

tional interfaces with the airplane, air-
plane equipment and engine; 

(3) Define the limiting conditions on 

the interfaces from paragraph (a)(2) of 
this section; 

(4) List the limitations established 

under § 35.5; 

(5) Define the hydraulic fluids ap-

proved for use with the propeller, in-
cluding grade and specification, related 

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