Code of Federal Regulations

Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space
Volume: 4Date: 2024-01-01Original Date: 2024-01-01Title: Section 375.50 - Transit flights; scheduled international air service operations.Context: Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space. CHAPTER II - OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS). SUBCHAPTER D - SPECIAL REGULATIONS. PART 375 - NAVIGATION OF FOREIGN CIVIL AIRCRAFT WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. Subpart F - Transit Flights.
§ 375.50 Transit flights; scheduled international air service operations. (a) Requirement of notice. Scheduled international air services proposed to be operated pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement in transit across the United States may not be undertaken by foreign civil aircraft unless the operator of such aircraft, and (if other than the operator) the carrier offering such service to the public, has, not less than 30 days prior to the date of commencement of such service, filed a Notice of Proposed Transit Flights Pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. (b) Filing of the notice. An original and two copies of the Notice shall be filed with the Chief, Foreign Air Carrier Licensing Division, X-45, Office of International Aviation. Copies of the Notice shall be served upon the Department of State and the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. The filing date shall be the date of actual receipt by the Department. (c) Content of notice. A “Notice of Proposed Transit Flights Pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement” shall be clearly labeled as such, and as a minimum shall set forth, with whatever detail may be necessary, the following information: (1) The name, country or organization, and citizenship of the operator, and, if other than the operator, of the carrier offering the services to the public. If any interest (direct or indirect) in the operator or offeror of services is held by nationals of a country other than the country of organization or citizenship, the nature and extent of such interest must be fully disclosed. If any officer or director of the operator or carrier offering the services is a national of a country other than the country of organization or citizenship, the position of duties of such officer or director, and the officer and director's relevant position in relation to other officers and directors must similarly be fully disclosed. If the information required in this subsection has been previously supplied to the Department, the applicant may incorporate it by reference. (2) The State of registration of the aircraft proposed to be operated. (3) A full description of the proposed operations including the type of operations (passenger, property, mail, or combination), date of commencement, duration and frequency of flights, and routing (including each terminal and intermediate point to be served). (4) A statement as to whether or not any advertisement or publication of the proposed operations has been made in the United States. If there has been any advertisement or publication of the operations in the United States, copies of all such advertisements or publications shall be included. (5) Any change with respect to these matters (minor changes in schedules or routing excepted) shall also be filed with the Department.
Code of Federal Regulations / Title 14 - Aeronautics and Space / Vol. 4 / 2024-01-01371
(d) Authorized operations. If the operator and the carrier offering services to the public (if different from the operator) have filed a “Notice of Proposed Transit Flights Pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement,” at least 30 days before the date of commencement of the proposed operations in accordance with paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, the described operations may be commenced and performed without further authorization from the Department, unless and until the Department issues an order notifying the operator and/or the carrier offering the services to the public that, considering the matters submitted in the Notice, the Department is of the view that a question may exist as to whether: (1) The proposed services are authorized pursuant to the terms of the International Air Services Transit Agreement; (2) Substantial ownership and effective control are vested in nationals of a State party to the International Air Services Transit Agreement; (3) The proposed operations will be in compliance with the laws of the United States, the Department's rules, or the provisions of this section; or (4) The operator or its government have performed their obligations under the International Air Services Transit Agreement. (e) Prohibited operations. If the Department issues an order of notification as described in paragraph (d) of this section, neither the operator, nor the carrier offering the services to the public, shall commence the proposed operations, or, except as may be otherwise specified in the order, operate any flights subsequent to receipt of the order, unless and until the Department issues a foreign aircraft permit pursuant to the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 41703 and this part specifically authorizing such operations. (f) Foreign aircraft permit—application and procedures. If the Department issues an Order of Notification as described in paragraph (d) of this section, the carrier's Notice of Proposed Transit Flights Pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement shall be treated as an application for the required foreign aircraft permit, and further procedures on such application shall be as directed by the Department. (g) Short notice filing. Nothing in this section shall be construed as precluding the filing of an application for a foreign aircraft permit to perform transit operations pursuant to the International Air Services Transit Agreement less than 30 days in advance of the proposed operation. No such flights shall be operated, however, unless or until a specific foreign aircraft permit has been issued by the Department. (h) Nature of privilege conferred. Air transportation is not authorized under this section, and the burden rests upon each operator and carrier to show that the proposed operations will not constitute air transportation within the meaning of 49 U.S.C. Subtitle VII. In addition, each operator and carrier has the burden of demonstrating that the proposed operations are authorized by the International Air Services Transit Agreement, and that the appropriate authorization should not be withheld pursuant to section 5 of Article I thereof. Stopovers for the convenience or pleasure of the passengers are not authorized under this section and stops other than for strictly operational reasons shall not be made. The consolidation on the same aircraft of an operation under this section with a service authorized under 49 U.S.C. 41301 or 41709 is not authorized by this section. Any authorization or permit granted under this section is nontransferable, and may be withheld, revoked, suspended, withdrawn, or cancelled by the Department, without notice or hearing, if required by the public interest. Operators of aircraft registered in countries not parties to the International Air Services Transit Agreement shall make special application to the Department under § 375.70. [OST Doc. No. 42547, 51 FR 7254, Mar. 3, 1986, as amended by Doc. No. DOT-OST-2014-0140, 84 FR 15940, Apr. 16, 2019]