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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 43.3 

(1) The repair or alteration form 

specified in §§ 43.5(b) and 43.9(d) is not 
required to be completed for products 
not produced under an FAA approval; 

(2) Major repairs and major alter-

ations for products not produced under 
an FAA approval are not required to be 
recorded in accordance with appendix B 
of this part; and 

(3) The listing of major alterations 

and major repairs specified in para-
graphs (a) and (b) of appendix A of this 
part is not applicable to products not 
produced under an FAA approval. 

[Doc. No. 1993, 29 FR 5451, Apr. 23, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 43–23, 47 FR 41084, Sept. 
16, 1982; Amdt. 43–37, 66 FR 21066, Apr. 27, 
2001; Amdt. 43–38, 67 FR 2109, Jan. 15, 2002; 
Amdt. 43–39, 69 FR 44863, July 27, 2004; Amdt. 
43–44, 75 FR 5219, Feb. 1, 2010; Docket FAA– 
2015–0150, Amdt. 43–48, 81 FR 42208, June 28, 
2016; Docket FAA–2018–1087, Amdt. 43–51, 86 
FR 4381, Jan. 15, 2021] 

§ 43.2

Records of overhaul and rebuild-


(a) No person may describe in any re-

quired maintenance entry or form an 
aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, pro-
peller, appliance, or component part as 
being overhauled unless— 

(1) Using methods, techniques, and 

practices acceptable to the Adminis-
trator, it has been disassembled, 
cleaned, inspected, repaired as nec-
essary, and reassembled; and 

(2) It has been tested in accordance 

with approved standards and technical 
data, or in accordance with current 
standards and technical data accept-
able to the Administrator, which have 
been developed and documented by the 
holder of the type certificate, supple-
mental type certificate, or a material, 
part, process, or appliance approval 
under part 21 of this chapter. 

(b) No person may describe in any re-

quired maintenance entry or form an 
aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, pro-
peller, appliance, or component part as 
being rebuilt unless it has been dis-
assembled, cleaned, inspected, repaired 
as necessary, reassembled, and tested 
to the same tolerances and limits as a 
new item, using either new parts or 
used parts that either conform to new 
part tolerances and limits or to ap-

proved oversized or undersized dimen-

[Amdt. 43–23, 47 FR 41084, Sept. 16, 1982, as 
amended by Amdt. 43–43, 74 FR 53394, Oct. 16, 

§ 43.3

Persons authorized to perform 

maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance, rebuilding, and alterations. 

(a) Except as provided in this section 

and § 43.17, no person may maintain, re-
build, alter, or perform preventive 
maintenance on an aircraft, airframe, 
aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or 
component part to which this part ap-
plies. Those items, the performance of 
which is a major alteration, a major re-
pair, or preventive maintenance, are 
listed in appendix A. 

(b) The holder of a mechanic certifi-

cate may perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, and alterations 
as provided in Part 65 of this chapter. 

(c) The holder of a repairman certifi-

cate may perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, and alterations 
as provided in part 65 of this chapter. 

(d) A person working under the su-

pervision of a holder of a mechanic or 
repairman certificate may perform the 
maintenance, preventive maintenance, 
and alterations that his supervisor is 
authorized to perform, if the supervisor 
personally observes the work being 
done to the extent necessary to ensure 
that it is being done properly and if the 
supervisor is readily available, in per-
son, for consultation. However, this 
paragraph does not authorize the per-
formance of any inspection required by 
Part 91 or Part 125 of this chapter or 
any inspection performed after a major 
repair or alteration. 

(e) The holder of a repair station cer-

tificate may perform maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, and alterations 
as provided in Part 145 of this chapter. 

(f) The holder of an air carrier oper-

ating certificate or an operating cer-
tificate issued under Part 121 or 135, 
may perform maintenance, preventive 
maintenance, and alterations as pro-
vided in Part 121 or 135. 

(g) Except for holders of a sport pilot 

certificate, the holder of a pilot certifi-
cate issued under part 61 may perform 
preventive maintenance on any air-
craft owned or operated by that pilot 
which is not used under part 121, 129, or 

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