14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
Pt. 45
that include the optional high RF peak out-
put power, verify that the minimum RF peak
output power is at least 21.0 dbw (125 watts).
(iv) For Classes 1B, 2B, and 3B Mode S
transponders, verify that the minimum RF
peak output power is at least 18.5 dbw (70
(v) For any class of ATCRBS or any class
of Mode S transponders, verify that the max-
imum RF peak output power does not exceed
27.0 dbw (500 watts).
: The tests in (e) through (j) apply
only to Mode S transponders.
(e) Mode S Diversity Transmission Channel
Isolation: For any class of Mode S trans-
ponder that incorporates diversity operation,
verify that the RF peak output power trans-
mitted from the selected antenna exceeds
the power transmitted from the nonselected
antenna by at least 20 db.
(f) Mode S Address: Interrogate the Mode S
transponder and verify that it replies only to
its assigned address. Use the correct address
and at least two incorrect addresses. The in-
terrogations should be made at a nominal
rate of 50 interrogations per second.
(g) Mode S Formats: Interrogate the Mode
S transponder with uplink formats (UF) for
which it is equipped and verify that the re-
plies are made in the correct format. Use the
surveillance formats UF = 4 and 5. Verify
that the altitude reported in the replies to
UF = 4 are the same as that reported in a
valid ATCRBS Mode C reply. Verify that the
identity reported in the replies to UF = 5 are
the same as that reported in a valid ATCRBS
Mode 3/A reply. If the transponder is so
equipped, use the communication formats
UF = 20, 21, and 24.
(h) Mode S All-Call Interrogations: Inter-
rogate the Mode S transponder with the
Mode S-only all-call format UF = 11 and
verify that the correct address and capa-
bility are reported in the replies (downlink
format DF = 11).
(i) ATCRBS-Only All-Call Interrogation:
Interrogate the Mode S transponder with the
ATCRBS-only all-call interrogation (0.8
microsecond P
pulse) and verify that no
reply is generated.
(j) Squitter: Verify that the Mode S trans-
ponder generates a correct acquisition
squitter approximately once per second.
(k) Records: Comply with the provisions of
§ 43.9 of this chapter as to content, form, and
disposition of the records.
[Amdt. 43–26, 52 FR 3390, Feb. 3, 1987; 52 FR
6651, Mar. 4, 1987, as amended by Amdt. 43–31,
54 FR 34330, Aug. 18, 1989; Amdt. 43–53, 88 FR
71476, Oct. 17, 2023]
Subpart A—General
Subpart B—Marking of Products and
Marking of products.
Identification data.
Marking requirements for PMA arti-
cles, TSO articles, and Critical parts.
Marking of life-limited parts.
Subpart C—Nationality and Registration
Exhibition, antique, and other air-
craft: Special rules.
Display of marks; general.
Location of marks on fixed-wing air-
Location of marks; nonfixed-wing air-
Size of marks.
Marking of export aircraft.
Sale of aircraft; removal of marks.
: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40103,
40113–40114, 44101–44105, 44107–44111, 44504,
44701, 44708–44709, 44711–44713, 44725, 45302–
45303, 46104, 46304, 46306, 47122.
: Docket No. 2047, 29 FR 3223, Mar.
11, 1964, unless otherwise noted.
: Nomenclature changes to
part 45 appear at 74 FR 53394, Oct. 16, 2009.
Subpart A—General
§ 45.1
This part prescribes the requirements
(a) Marking products and articles
manufactured under—
(1) A type certificate;
(2) A production approval as defined
under part 21 of this chapter; and
(3) The provisions of an agreement
between the United States and another
country or jurisdiction for the accept-
ance of products and articles; and
(b) Nationality and registration
marking of aircraft registered in the
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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 45.11
United States in accordance with part
[Doc. No. 2047, 29 FR 3223, Mar. 11, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 45–3, 32 FR 188, Jan. 10,
1967; Amdt. 45–26, 74 FR 53394, Oct. 16, 2009;
Doc. No. FAA–2015–7396, Amdt. 45–30, 80 FR
78645, Dec. 16, 2015]
Subpart B—Marking of Products
and Articles
§ 45.10
No person may mark a product or ar-
ticle in accordance with this subpart
(a) That person produced the product
or article —
(1) Under part 21, subpart F, G, K, or
O of this chapter; or
(2) For export to the United States
under the provisions of an agreement
between the United States and another
country or jurisdiction for the accept-
ance of products and articles; and
(b) That product or article conforms
to its approved design, and is in a con-
dition for safe operation; and, for a
TSO article; that TSO article meets
the applicable performance standards.
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–25877, Amdt. 45–26, 74 FR
53394, Oct. 16, 2009]
§ 45.11
Marking of products.
Aircraft. A manufacturer of air-
craft covered under § 21.182 of this chap-
ter must mark each aircraft by attach-
ing a fireproof identification plate
(1) Includes the information specified
in § 45.13 using an approved method of
fireproof marking;
(2) Must be secured in such a manner
that it will not likely be defaced or re-
moved during normal service, or lost or
destroyed in an accident; and
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs
(d) through (h) of this section, must be
secured to the aircraft fuselage exte-
rior so that it is legible to a person on
the ground, and must be either adja-
cent to and aft of the rear-most en-
trance door or on the fuselage surface
near the tail surfaces.
Aircraft engines. A manufacturer
of an aircraft engine produced under a
type certificate or production certifi-
cate must mark each engine by attach-
ing a fireproof identification plate.
Such plate—
(1) Must include the information
specified in § 45.13 using an approved
method of fireproof marking;
(2) Must be affixed to the engine at
an accessible location; and
(3) Must be secured in such a manner
that it will not likely be defaced or re-
moved during normal service, or lost or
destroyed in an accident.
Propellers and propeller blades and
hubs. Each person who produces a pro-
peller, propeller blade, or propeller hub
under a type certificate or production
certificate must mark each product or
part. Except for a fixed-pitch wooden
propeller, the marking must be accom-
plished using an approved fireproof
method. The marking must—
(1) Be placed on a non-critical sur-
(2) Contain the information specified
in § 45.13;
(3) Not likely be defaced or removed
during normal service; and
(4) Not likely be lost or destroyed in
an accident.
Manned free balloons. A manufac-
turer of manned free balloons must
mark each balloon by attaching the
identification plate described in para-
graph (a) of this section. The plate
must be secured to the balloon enve-
lope and must be located, if prac-
ticable, where it is legible to the oper-
ator when the balloon is inflated. In
addition, the basket and heater assem-
bly must be permanently and legibly
marked with the manufacturer’s name,
part number (or equivalent), and serial
number (or equivalent).
Aircraft manufactured before March
7, 1988. The owner or operator of an air-
craft manufactured before March 7,
1988 must mark the aircraft by attach-
ing the identification plate required by
paragraph (a) of this section. The plate
must be secured at an accessible exte-
rior or interior location near an en-
trance, if the model designation and
builder’s serial number are also dis-
played on the exterior of the aircraft
fuselage. The model designation and
builder’s serial number must be—
(1) Legible to a person on the ground,
(2) Located either adjacent to and aft
of the rear-most entrance door or on
the fuselage near the tail surfaces, and
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