Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 45.29
§ 45.23
Display of marks; general.
(a) Each operator of an aircraft must
display on that aircraft marks con-
sisting of the Roman capital letter ‘‘N’’
(denoting United States registration)
followed by the registration number of
the aircraft. Each suffix letter used in
the marks displayed must also be a
Roman capital letter.
(b) When marks include only the
Roman capital letter ‘‘N’’ and the reg-
istration number is displayed on lim-
ited, restricted or light-sport category
aircraft or experimental or provision-
ally certificated aircraft, the operator
must also display on that aircraft near
each entrance to the cabin, cockpit, or
pilot station, in letters not less than 2
inches nor more than 6 inches high, the
words ‘‘limited,’’ ‘‘restricted,’’ ‘‘light-
sport,’’ ‘‘experimental,’’ or ‘‘provi-
sional,’’ as applicable.
[Doc. No. 8093, Amdt. 45–5, 33 FR 450, Jan. 12,
1968, as amended by Amdt. 45–9, 42 FR 41102,
Aug. 15, 1977; Amdt. 45–24, 69 FR 44863, July
27, 2004]
§ 45.25
Location of marks on fixed-
wing aircraft.
(a) The operator of a fixed-wing air-
craft must display the required marks
on either the vertical tail surfaces or
the sides of the fuselage, except as pro-
vided in § 45.29(f).
(b) The marks required by paragraph
(a) of this section must be displayed as
(1) If displayed on the vertical tail
surfaces, horizontally on both surfaces,
horizontally on both surfaces of a sin-
gle vertical tail or on the outer sur-
faces of a multivertical tail. However,
on aircraft on which marks at least 3
inches high may be displayed in ac-
cordance with § 45.29(b)(1), the marks
may be displayed vertically on the
vertical tail surfaces.
(2) If displayed on the fuselage sur-
faces, horizontally on both sides of the
fuselage between the trailing edge of
the wing and the leading edge of the
horizontal stabilizer. However, if en-
gine pods or other appurtenances are
located in this area and are an integral
part of the fuselage side surfaces, the
operator may place the marks on those
pods or appurtenances.
[Amdt. 45–9, 42 FR 41102, Aug. 15, 1977]
§ 45.27
Location of marks; nonfixed-
wing aircraft.
Rotorcraft. Each operator of a
rotorcraft must display on that rotor-
craft horizontally on both surfaces of
the cabin, fuselage, boom, or tail the
marks required by § 45.23.
Airships. Each operator of an air-
ship must display on that airship the
marks required by § 45.23, horizontally
(1) The upper surface of the right hor-
izontal stabilizer and on the under sur-
face of the left horizontal stabilizer
with the top of the marks toward the
leading edge of each stabilizer; and
(2) Each side of the bottom half of
the vertical stabilizer.
Spherical balloons. Each operator
of a spherical balloon must display the
marks required by § 45.23 in two places
diametrically opposite and near the
maximum horizontal circumference of
that balloon.
Nonspherical balloons. Each oper-
ator of a nonspherical balloon must
display the marks required by § 45.23 on
each side of the balloon near its max-
imum cross section and immediately
above either the rigging band or the
points of attachment of the basket or
cabin suspension cables.
Powered parachutes and weight-
shift-control aircraft. Each operator of a
powered parachute or a weight-shift-
control aircraft must display the
marks required by §§ 45.23 and
45.29(b)(2) of this part. The marks must
be displayed in two diametrically oppo-
site positions on the fuselage, a struc-
tural member, or a component of the
aircraft and must be visible from the
side of the aircraft.
[Doc. No. 2047, 29 FR 3223, Mar. 11, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 45–15, 48 FR 11392, Mar. 17,
1983; Amdt. 45–24, 69 FR 44863, July 27, 2004;
Amdt. 45–25, 72 FR 52469, Sept. 14, 2007]
§ 45.29
Size of marks.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(f) of this section, each operator of an
aircraft must display marks on the air-
craft meeting the size requirements of
this section.
Height. Except as provided in
paragraph (h) of this part, the nation-
ality and registration marks must be
of equal height and on—
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jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with CFR