Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 47.33
(1) Certificate of Aircraft Registration
(each aircraft) ..................................
(2) Dealer’s Aircraft Registration Cer-
tificate ..............................................
(3) Additional Dealer’s Aircraft Reg-
istration Certificate (issued to same
dealer) .............................................
(4) Special registration number (each
number) ...........................................
(5) To change, reassign, or reserve a
registration number .........................
(6) Replacement Certificate of Aircraft
Registration .....................................
(7) Renewal Certificate of Aircraft
Registration .....................................
(b) Each application must be accom-
panied by the proper fee, that may be
paid by check or money order to the
Federal Aviation Administration.
[Doc. No. 7190, 31 FR 4495, Mar. 17, 1966; 31 FR
5483, Apr. 7, 1966, as amended by Doc. No.
8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11, 1967; Amdt. 47–29, 75
FR 41981, July 20, 2010; Amdt. No. 47–33, 87 FR
71217, Nov. 22, 2022]
§ 47.19
Each application, request, notifica-
tion, or other communication sent to
the FAA under this part must be deliv-
ered to the Registry by a means ac-
ceptable to the Administrator.
[Amdt. 47–27, 70 FR 245, Jan. 3, 2005, as
amended by Amdt. No. 47–34, 87 FR 75711,
Dec. 9, 2022; 88 FR 2813, Jan. 18, 2023]
Subpart B—Certificates of Aircraft
§ 47.31
(a) Each applicant for a Certificate of
Aircraft Registration, AC Form 8050–3
must submit the following to the Reg-
(1) An Aircraft Registration Applica-
tion, AC Form 8050–1, signed by the ap-
plicant in the manner prescribed by
§ 47.13;
(2) The original Aircraft Bill of Sale,
AC Form 8050–2, or other evidence of
ownership authorized by § 47.33, § 47.35,
or § 47.37 (unless already recorded at
the Registry); and
(3) The fee required by § 47.17.
(b) The FAA rejects an application
(1) Any form is not completed;
(2) The name and signature of the ap-
plicant are not the same throughout;
(3) The applicant does not provide a
legibly printed or typed name with the
signature in the signature block.
(c) After compliance with paragraph
(a) of this section, the applicant for
registration of an aircraft last pre-
viously registered in the United States
must carry the second copy of the Air-
craft Registration Application in the
aircraft as temporary authority to op-
erate without registration.
(1) This temporary authority is valid
for operation within the United States
until the date the applicant receives
the Certificate of Aircraft Registration
or until the date the FAA denies the
application, or as provided by para-
graph (c)(2) of this section.
(2) This temporary authority is not
available in connection with any Air-
craft Registration Application received
when 12 months have passed since the
receipt of the first application fol-
lowing transfer of ownership by the
last registered owner.
(3) If there is no registration number
assigned at the time application for
registration is made, the second copy
of the Aircraft Registration Applica-
tion may not be used as temporary au-
thority to operate the aircraft.
[Doc. No. 7190, 31 FR 4495, Mar. 17, 1966; 31 FR
5483, Apr. 7, 1966, as amended by Amdt. 47–6,
33 FR 11, Jan. 3, 1968; Amdt. 47–15, 37 FR
21528, Oct. 12, 1972; Amdt. 47–16, 37 FR 25487,
Dec. 1, 1972; Amdt. 47–28, 73 FR 10667, Feb. 28,
2008; Amdt. 47–29, 75 FR 41981, July 20, 2010;
Amdt. No. 47–33, 87 FR 71217, Nov. 22, 2022;
Amdt. No. 47–33A, 88 FR 2814, Jan. 18, 2023]
§ 47.33
Aircraft not previously reg-
istered anywhere.
(a) A person who is the owner of an
aircraft that has not been registered
under 49 U.S.C. 44101–44104, under other
law of the United States, or under for-
eign law, may register it under this
part if he—
(1) Complies with §§ 47.3, 47.7, 47.8,
47.9, 47.11, 47.13, 47.15, and 47.17, as ap-
plicable; and
(2) Submits with his Aircraft Reg-
istration Application, AC Form 8050–1,
an Aircraft Bill of Sale, AC Form 8050–
2, signed by the seller, an equivalent
bill of sale, or other evidence of owner-
ship authorized by § 47.11.
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